
Alex Minns

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How has your August been so far? šŸ™‚ And if its not been too great, what's something nice you could do for yourself, to help end the month a little nicer? X

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August has been a mixed bag, I've enjoyed having a little extra time with Kiddo but things at work have been a bit hectic and unsettled, I passed my driving test, we got some good news and some bad, and I might finally be able to start sorting out my teeth! I'm hoping to end August with plans set to fix a number of things need fixing and excited for the plans in September šŸ˜Š how has your August been? X
Not much happened except it was my birthday last Tuesday which was good before that was BBQ which was also good to see most of the extended family and the children which I did play with. It was fun. Apart from that it was a average day as always

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