

Ask @syahidirazak

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Have an enough rest, don't be too tired. Enough sleep too.

Ok ok. Thank you for your concern but tau la kan kehidupan seorang pljr form 5 macam mane. Kerja sekolah bertimbun. Susah nak cari ruang utk berehat xD
Liked by: Najwa ANAF

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Describe isaac , hahahahaha describe aku weh , hahahahahahaha hashtag tobehonest moment.

Hemm, macam mane nk ckp ea?
Maybe, gile2 siket. Suke 'conteng' meja. Eh ? Hahaha.
Yg paling obvious fanatic dekat lady gaga tuh xD

Do you have secret admire? Describe her

Yeahh, about this question.
Do you know what 'secret admirer' means?
It means someone who is "SECRETLY" admiring someone else.
So, how am I suppose to know whether there is someone who is secretly admiring me?
It's called 'secret admirer' for a reason you know xD
Liked by: Najwa ANAF

What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?

If you want your prayers to be answered during hard times, then you must pray hard during easy times.
Liked by: Alien99

adakah anda ada menyimpan perasaan kpd mana-mana perempuan selain keluarga anda ? ini fitrah. tidak mungkin tiada apa-apa.

Because you won't take "No" as an answer so, I'll say "Yes" xD


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