

Ask @syahidirazak

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Ko suke perempuan yang macam mane?

Truth be told, like many guys out there I am not that much different
I also like beautiful girls
Beautiful in terms of her akhlak (morals)
Like when she talks, she talks politely
When she interacts, she does it gracefully
I mean, a person who really values and take good care of her dignity
But then again, while we are busy looking for the right person, why not we try and be the right person.
Liked by: Noel Chris

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sbab aq akn sntiase mnghantuiiiii k0 hihihihihi

Well I guess it's for me to know and for u to find out then

tadi ko kate ur bday dah lepas so bila bday sbb aq nk celebrate thun dpn klo de umo u____u

Ok, nanti aku jemput b'day party

the best the gojes precious greatest owsem bdayy present ko pe

I want happiness
Happiness forever after


Language: English