

Ask @syahidirazak

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tinggi dah dia, 16* haha msti makin macho ^^

Elehh, tinggi la sangat.
Hakikatnye kau lagi tinggi daripada aku kan? xP

kau akn tegur tk bila terserempak dgn kwn perempuan sekolah lama(rendah) kau?

To be honest, most probably not.
'Cause when it comes to interacting with girls in real life, I suck.
Especially yg same umo xD

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But there are also times when I smile to them just so that they'd feel awkward~
Hahaha xD

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Why are you asking me this question?
What, you think I'm a mafia expert or somethin' ?

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Fisrt day of school? I've been to 4 schools so far.. So, which one?

Assalamualaikum .

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته ومغفرته ورضوانه الى يوم الآخر !! ^_^


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