
25 people

50 posts


Pava, vc que manja dos paranauê. Tem algum truque ou ela realmente tocou todos instrumentos sozinha e ao vivo? https://youtu.be/0iAlaUUCfGk

Alan8491’s Profile PhotoAlan ♐
Tocar, ela tocou cada instrumento separadamente para depois, juntá-los para a produção final, e simplesmente usou o Ableton (que possui versões gratuitas) para fazer um looping, isso é fácil de perceber pois a música é uma repetição das partes. Mas, o vídeo, é inteiramente gravado em playback.

Mai dau scroll pe câte o pagină, mai aud câte ceva și observ că apare un lucru/subiect care-mi stârnește interesul foarte tare și vreau să știu tot ce se poate despre acel lucru/subiect. Ție ce ți-a stârnit interesul astfel ultima dată?

KamikazeDude’s Profile Photo4b616d69
Şi-a luat fratele meu un Launchpad şi i l-am actualizat cu greu pentru că trebuia să-i configurez nu ştiu ce, să-i înregistrez nu ştiu ce, şi era super complicat totul şi în timp ce căutam să-i actualizez şi Ableton Lite, am dat de un articol despre Marta Bibescu salvat în telefon. În mod evident, am amânat actualizarea pe mai târziu.

Gondolkodtal mar rajta, hogy inditasz youtubeon egy ilyen "zenecsinalo tutorial" videot vagy hasonlo? Eleg regota kovetlek itt askon, masszoval "regota kovetem a munkassagod" es szerintem eleg egyedi trackeket csinalsz. Fl studiorol mi a velemenyed?

Korábban voltak stream-ek, ahol lehetett nézni, hogy mit hogyan csinálok, de meguntam és utána álltam át a While You Sleep cuccosra, ahol az egész workflow-t egy percbe sűrítettem. Ezt valahogy többen szeretik.
Sokáig használtam, de nem szerettem és váltani akartam. Egyre jobban idegesített. Úgyhogy azóta felváltva Studio One és Ableton user vagyok.

Ableton is too lengthy so i started doing mixing on fl studio its kinda easy you can pick the things easily my workflow is good on it

Good scene hai. Ableton is good too yaar . i like it Khair. where are you from techno boy
Liked by: Ikram Khan

Fl Studio? Nutze es auch, bin momentan aber eher in Ableton am Gange. Ich hab Komplete gesehen, ist ziemlich intressant aber momentan bin ich mit Kontakt5 zufrieden. sonst halt NI Massive und xFer Serum. jenachdem was ich machen soll. trotzdem danke für die auskunft!

Jaa klar :) Bei Komplete ist halt alles dabei - nur verdammt teuer ? Try mal Nexus, bei so elektronischen Sachen ist das ganz gut.

im trying to get into making things digitally, like i have a house piano, but i wanna be able to like add drums and things, what kinda midi/keyboard do you recommend? and software thnxx

ableton and any keyboard works. i have a keyrig 49. started out w a mpk mini, check that one out too
Liked by: GN. ian maverick Vernon

Umm 5odi course sound engineering w hadi midi drum w abtdi sgli 7agat 3la al computer ana bt3lm 3zf m3 nfsi lsa bc w b3lm nfsi al music production brdo 3l fl studio w l apple logic w al ableton live 9 bs mish 3arf asbt 3la ehh w gbt vst ktyr bc fl drum battery 4 rock anything fyh library kbyra

Elmawdo3 m7tag sabr bs w eni mzha2sh . inshaallah h7awl a3ml ay 7aga mofeda f elagaza di 😂
Liked by: MoHamed Dahi

Questa è per la milla: Ciao potresti raccontarmi come sei diventata una dj? Da quando hai iniziato a suonare? Sei andata a dei corsi? Ecc... Grazie mille ❤️

Ti lascio un frammento di una mia vecchia bio x un articolo.
1976 Giancarlo ed Annabruna, DJ / Speaker radiofonici, si incontrano in una delle prime emittenti libere del Veneto: Radio Adria 101.
1986 Le cuffie che Giancarlo appoggia sul pancione di Annabruna, riproducono i gruppi synthpop, new romantic, new wave, punk rock e glam rock degli anni 80: David Bowie, Roxy Music, Rolling Stones, The Police, The Clash, The Cure, Iggy Pop, Cyndi Lauper, The Human League, Eurythmics, Tears for Fears, Jean Michel Jarre, Talking Heads, Frankie Goes to Holliwood, Pet Shop Boys, The Wham, Culture Club, Madonna. Mi chiamano Serena, dalla canzone di Amedeo Minghi, "1950".
1989 Imito Elvis che canta Be boop a loola.
1991 Natale, mi regalano Dangerous di Michael Jackson.
Il riff di Slash in Black or White suona come il gusto di una Big Babol, nel momento in cui l'addenti.
1995 Prime lezioni di chitarra classica, ma sogno di diventare Alda Merini o David Attenborough.
1997 Mi iscrivo al Conservatorio, ogni concerto è un disastro, odio il repertorio classico. Il maestro Michelangelo Severi me lo fa digerire. E adoro i Clash.
1998 Red Ronnie al Roxy Bar presenta Ani DiFranco.
2000 Il Liceo, i gruppi rock, grunge e punk rock sono la mia vita.
Le mie chitarre, i miei bassi, tutti gli amici con i capelli lunghi che fanno headbanging: un'ossessione. Passo le estati tra spartiti, tablature e concerti.
2005 DAMS. Un amico mi regala Traktor e mi insegna ad usare Cubase, Reason ed Ableton Live.
2006 CDJ 200 e un piccolo mixer.
Busso alle porte dei locali di Veneto ed Emilia come DJ, proponendo il mio inconscio 80's.
2007 Le Strulle. La mia vita cambia radicalmente: divento Milla De La Soul.
I primi parties al Renfe di Ferrara. Dalla new wave all'electro fidget.
2008 Il Cassero di Bologna, la prima ed importante consolle LGBT.
2009 Motor Show Bologna, DJ per Fiat Abarth.
Con Le Strulle divento DJ per Classic Club Rimini, Alterego Verona (The Sisters), Roxy Bar - Studi televisivi di Red Ronnie (MP3 staff).
2010 DJ per tutte le piú importanti consolle LGBT d'Italia.

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Se vuoi iniziare a produrre musica tua, da zero, trova innanzitutto un buon programma per farlo (FL Studio o Ableton Live), poi pensa anche a prendere una console e se vuoi qualche apparecchio MIDI (Launchpad per esempio) Poi magari per imparare fai anche qualche corso

Quali sono i software e gli strumenti fisici necessari di cui si ha bisogno? Cuffie, mixer, etc

Sulla maschine collegata in midi puoi riprodurre svariati suoni di ableton o di qualsiasi programma. Fa da batteria elettrica diciamo. Oppure ci puoi fare i sampler. Per suonare bisognerebbe usare un mixer minimo due canali e due cdj, oppure una consolle compatta.

I confortazzi come stanno sul pezzo..dove posso apprendere le basi teoriche? Prima di fare un acquisto voglio conoscere quel tipo di macchina e a cosa mi servirà..ci sono guide o porchiddidi??

Ableton tampoco esta nada mal creo yo. Y las cosas me funcionan, que en el studio one no daba ni creado un pattern...

Sí sí, es muy buen programa pero le falta algo para mi gusto
Liked by: LUU❣ Britt

ciao, ho visto il tuo video con il launchpad su facebook, sei bravissimo, come fai? come funziona? quanto ci hai messo a imparare? ti prego dimmi tutto e continua a caricare video che sei troppo bravo

Rispondo tardi. Funziona con un'applicazione sul computer. Ableton. Per mettere la canzone che vuoi devi scaricare il project file e aprirlo in Ableton e poi imparare la sequenza di tasti. Adesso comunque carico a breve un'altro video. coming soon ;)

Melyik a jobb, az Ableton vagy az Fl Studio? Én Évek óta az Fl-t használom, illetve tanulgatom. Ha az Ableton a jobb, akkor az mivel jobb?

zeuszka’s Profile PhotoMagányosFarkas
Mindegyik ugyanazt tudja.
Mindkettőnek van pozitív, de negatív tulajdonsága is bőven.
Ableton +:
Jobb cpu/memória kezelés
Elképesztő built in pluginok meg effektek (pl operator, vagy compressor)
Videó kezelés
Warp pontok kezelése
Ableton -:
Csúnya, mint a bűn
Automation görbe kezelhetősége nem olyan jó
Csak .wav formátumban exportál
Mixer faderek nem a legpontosabbak
FL +:
Kultúráltan néz ki
Elképesztő az automation görbe kezelhetősége
Mixer tab sokkal precízebb
Multiformátumban exportál
FL -:
Szar memória és cpu kezelés
Rosszul bridgeli a third party plugineket
Gyengébb built in pluginok
Hajlamos az instabilitásra a rossz memória kezelés miatt.

Hey James, thank you for the inspiration to start my own SynthWave band and breaking my bank with all the vinyl reissues! Are you using a Lite version of ableton live that came together with the Akai Apc40 for your live shows? Or did you get the full version? Was wondering if Lite is sufficient.

Hey, thanks to you for your kind words and great support ! :D
Nah i'm actually using the full version of Ableton Live, i'm not sure if the Lite version holds up (never tried it !)
Liked by: Anisah MCT

pengen pindah ke logic 10, stelah pake fruityloops tapi ragu, soalnya awal mulai belajar otodidak pake fl 10 fl bny kurangnya ?

coba ableton deh. gw lg lebih memilih ableton drpd logic karena kemudahan dan lebih enteng softwarenya
Liked by: Carin Rianaditya

Millä ohjelmalla mixaat omat kappalees? Ite oon aatellu, et vois kokeilla kans :D Tiiätkö yhtään hyvää mixausohjelmaa ilmakseksi?

"Mixaat omat kappalees"
Mixaus ohjelmilla yleensä kyllä mixataan kappaleita yhteen (niinkuin DJ:t tekevät).
...Eli siis millä ohjelmalla LUON omat kappaleet? Jos mixaat kappaleita niin ethän sä sillo tee niitä.
Mä teen musiikkia Ableton Suite 9:llä sekä Fruity Loopsilla :D testaileppa niitä!
p.s. Jos hankit Fruity Loopsin älä käytä Soundgoodizeria, just a tip
Millä ohjelmalla mixaat omat kappalees Ite oon aatellu et vois kokeilla kans D

Kak gue dita .. Gue bljr nge remix gtu tp pake aplikasi di gadged Tp ya masih ala kadar nya sihh... Biar bsa cerdas nge remix sampe keren gtu gmn ya kak

hoah coba belajar basic teori musik dan belajar software daw kaya ableton logic fl dll
Liked by: citra sridewisavitri

amúgy azt vettem észre, hogy egyre nagyobb divat lett ez az flezés is, már szinte a srácok felénél kint lesz lassan egy fl studios screenshot instán.... mondjuk szerintem ezáltal egyre nehezebb is lesz bekerülni s "bizniszbe" mert már több százezren próbálkoznak

Ha gondolod rakhatok ki Ableton live 9-osat is, mivel azt is tudom használni. Sőt Maschine 2-t is. De ha gondolod 1 hónap alatt a Studio One-t is meg tudnám tanulni.
Tök mindegy a DAW. A user számít. A balfasz Abletonnal is balfasz lesz.

Kaan ben Deniz. Barış Acar'ın Kardeşi de denebilir. Eğer Launchpad aldıysan ve ne biliyim arada Ableton Live 9'la uğraşmakta güçlük çekiyosan beraber yardımcı olmaya çalışırız... Bir kaç YouTube kanalı var çok iyi tutoriallar veriyo Mesela: SoNevable M4Sonic, Kaskobi ULT1M0D Bodinman666 LaunchMania

Deniz Özdemir
oncellikle 5.siniftaki magmayi hatirladin mi:)) bende launchpad henuz yok fakat almayi dusunuyorum daha onceden bi arkadasimda kullanmistim cok zevkliydi ayrica sarkilarida cok guzel.masonic en sevdigim dj launchpad konusunda virus ve weopen sarkilarina hastayim:)alinca haberdar ederim seni
Liked by: ege01 Deniz Özdemir

hi vincet bin ein sehtr großer musik fan und bekomme morgen mein MPC endlich und will jetzt erstrecht anfangen musik hgerzumachen. Aber welkches Musikprogramm muss ich nehmen ich habe gerade fl Studio 12 aber möchte gerne wissen was du mir emphlen könntest und welches hast du. BIn 13 Jahre alt

Ich spreche ungern Empfehlungen aus, denn jeder sollte für sich entscheiden mit was er/sie am besten/liebsten arbeitet. Ich bin bei Ableton Live hängen geblieben :-)

Hola, buenas noches! Últimamente he debatido con varios amigos acerca de quién es mejor, Ableton Live o FlStudio. La discusión llega a ser trivial, haha, sin embargo, me puse a pensar los pros y contras de cada uno, entonces: ¿Cuáñ es mejor? Saludos y abrazos desde México. ??

Branlima’s Profile PhotoBrandon Lima ▲
Hola Brandon!
El mejor DAW es el que sepas usar mejor.
No puedo opinar mucho de FL porque no lo uso. He leído que la última versión ya se siente mas pro, al principio los bancos de sonidos dejaban mucho que desear.
Ableton sigue creciendo en popularidad, su fácil manejo y la cantidad gente aportando instrumentos y sonidos es impresionante.
Pero en fin, acuérdate de algo importante:
NO ES EL ARCO O LA FLECHA, es el indio!!!

Ich würde auch auch gerne anfangen als dj nur wie lernt man das und welche programme benutzt du um deine lieder zu machen?

auflegen und produzieren sind zwei verschiedene dinge .. also um musik zu produzieren (musik machen wie du es nennst haha) gibt's mehrere möglichkeiten wie fl studio, logic, ableton etc. - was auflegen betrifft .. die meisten legen mit dem standart pioneer cdj equipment auf aber da gibt's auch genug andere möglichkeiten .. hab mir beides eigentlich selber beigebracht :) viel erfolg bruh
Liked by: Emily-Anna feli Venom

I know you won't like this, but the camera shaking fl studio trend is really annoying. One guy did it and then suddenly every kid that makes shitty music starts doing it all the fucking time, its like some harlem shake meme for god sake

Hate it all you want but I like to do that because it's an easy way of showing the project and the song at the same time and it's way more interesting than just screen recording.
I appreciate your opinion but it won't change anything for me. Also I've only done 1 video like that so I don't see anything wrong with it. =)
Being fully honest though, I don't really care about your opinion because you put it out so rudely. "every kid that makes shitty music starts doing it all the fucking time"
Also what does FL Studio have to do with it? I've seen plenty of Ableton and Logic videos with the same shaking camera style.
Just get over it dude.
It's just a video.

Salut. Am vazut ca ai Launchpad. Daca nu te superi ca intreb. De unde lai luat si cat a costat? Si eu am incercat sa fac si mi-a reușit. Imi place chiar foarte mult si tu faci destul de bine 👌☺️😉

Cred ca soundcreation e singurul magazin care distribuie launchpad-uri in romania , mai este thomann dar daca nu ai cunoscuti care merg sa aduca marfa nu iti recomand . Dar iti dau un sfat , daca nu iti plac provocarile si nu muncesti si nu ai nici rabdare cu el , nu o sa iti mearga . Crede-ma ca-i al dracu' de greu sa lucrezi pe ableton , mie mi-au luat cam 6 luni sa invat ce ar ar trebui sa stiu ca sa pot lucra pe launchpad .
Bafta! 😁

Love your mixes, keep up the good work! Can't wait to hear more? don't mind me asking but what programs do you use? x

Thank you so much, it actually does mean a lot. I mainly use FL studio:) but a friend of mine is trying to get me to change to ableton so that's what I may be using in the future

Dude if you made that on a professional software. Get a different one. Any maybe try and make descent trap music next time ?

Ableton Live 9 is the best music software there is to buy. There is also no set style to making trap. I personally and many other people enjoyed the song I made. I've gotten lots of compliments on it. So really I couldn't give any less fucks on and anons opinion because you're to much of a pussy to actually say who you are... Stfu and hop off.

Anh ơi , có em hỏi phần mềm compose với produce nhạc edm anh dùng là phần mềm gì v anh ? Anh chất mà còn có tài nữa , em là con trai , lên nghe mấy bài anh compose rồi cũng nghiện EDM luôn . Chúc anh thành công nhé

Cảm ơn em , mix thì anh dùng Virtual DJ 2 (bản full) , còn làm nhạc thì dùng Ableton Live

Ah tu poi vabbè...tu sei il top...uno sfigato epico che si vanta su ask delle FANTASIE che si fa in cameretta, magari su youtube e giocando con il trial di ableton e il ddj-sx o simili, che non ha mai suonato da nessuna parte e se ti metto davanti due 100s magari non sai nemmeno accenderli, fi rid

La cosa non mi tocca minimamente dear, sono felice di ciò che faccio e di certo non ho bisogno di dimostrazioni da darti :)

jajaja pobre guaso jaja vdj usa . usa tracktor ableton y hay hablame que sos dj y deci que no te digo que uses fl cubase o reason a la hora de producir porque hay te da un derrame cebrebral jajaja

A quien decis que le va a dar derrame cerebral, es quien puso musica en todos los boliches de Chilecito y pueblos vecinos y te apuesto a que vos todavia no salis de tu casa JAJA

Ми з друзями ще пів року тому створили свою групу. вже є тексти власних пісень. Але дальше ніж просто "побринькати" пісеньки нічого не доходило, та ще й напряг з деякими інструментами. Не могли б ви поділитись якимись порадами? щось підказати? з чого ви самі починали? як записували пісні?

Саша: "Учиться надо обязательно без этого никуда. Но видимо в данный момент, ребята интересуются, что им надо делать ещё. Конечно же приобрести те инструменты которых не хватает. Или хотя бы взять в аренду. Если с деньгами сложно, то надо полазить по музыкальным форумам и просмотреть предложения людей. Встречаются очень хорошие варианты об аренде, продаже ли обмене. Также можно рассмотреть на первое время, вариант с музыкальным подкладом, замены некоторых инструментов. То есть, заранее прописать партии клавишные, бас, либо барабаны. Но это только, выход на первое время !!!! А музыкальные демки вполне хорошего качества можно сделать и в домашних условиях. Для чего необходимы - компьютер с любой программой в которой можно делать запись ( Cubase, Logic Pro, Sound Forge, Samplitude, Adobe Audition, FL Studio, Ableton т. д. ). И внешняя звуковая карта в которую можно будет подключать микрофон и гитары. Ну а дальше дело только за вашим желанием и упорством )) Удачи !!!"

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