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Hey ! On avait eu une discussion pour les soutien gorges et je t'avais parlé de Leel lingerie et je viens de voir qu'ils ont élargi leur tailles sur certains modèles, ils vont du bonnet C au F ! Du coup je me suis dit que ça pourrait t'intéresser ! Et le code WELCOME t'offre la livraison

Coucou ! Merci beaucoup pour l'info mais récemment je peux à nouveau mettre mes anciens soutien gorges avant grossesse 😄
Liked by: emperor kan

Aimez-vous la livraison de nourriture ou cuisinez-vous à la maison? 🥺

Ghislaain’s Profile PhotoGhighi
What changed for me is the active realization that not only was I paying $20 for a meal, I was also going to pay for that meal later with my health, because it’s being prepared by someone who only wants it to taste good, no matter the cost. They don’t care about what’s going in my body. So that meal is $20, plus whatever the cost of a heart attack and a wheel chair later? That’s so expensive. I made a list of the foods I felt addicted to, and tried to prepare alternatives at home. Even if they have to be a little unhealthy to be worth it to me, it’s still MILES ahead of whatever food you’re eating out. Taco Bell is pretty expensive fast food, and I ended up going vegetarian. I mix black beans, diced peppers, brown rice, and quinoa with cumin, paprika, chili powder, salt and pepper. I keep that in the fridge all week ready to go. I also mix avocado with salt, pepper, and lemon juice, and put that in a Rubbermaid with plastic wrap on top to keep the air out.
I struggle with this too, especially since the delivery service in my country requires a minimum amount, otherwise they slap a "small order fee" on top of the delivery fee, so they make you buy more so the small order fee is removed. Crazy, right? I think the best way to try to avoid deliveries is to prepare meals in advance. But I think it's absolutely okay to treat yourself every once in a while, especially if you don't have the spoons to just make anything right now.
I completely stopped when I realised how huge of a commission these delivery services take from the restaurant and from the courier. They sometimes take 40%!! And I really want to encourage the restaurant businesses rather than these huge corporations like Ubereats, Doordash, etc. This helps me get the courage to go out and get the food directly from there.
I ALWAYS look to the restaurant and do online order and then compare it to getting it delivered. We do take out once a week for our date night since we can't go out. Last night I saved 16 bucks in fees by just going to get it myself. it helps my thinking and helps me visualize how much it actually costs me to do delivery. Also, side note, I do food delivery as a side gig so I always tip well because I know the struggle of that gig, which also makes it better to just go get it.
I keep stuff for easy meals on hand, which helps. PB&J and fruit, microwave polenta & fried eggs and frozen veg, veggies and hummus, cheese & crackers & fruit/veg etc. Also like to keep a few easy meals in the freezer. Is this the absolute healthiest or cheapest? nope. But it's way cheaper than ordering out, and not as unhealthy as what I would order.
I ask my partner to hold me accountable and tell me not to order takeout when I get the urge (this doesn't work because he's a takeout fiend too - but if you live with someone who is anti-takeout, you may be more successful in this way).

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Liked by: Faraz Miشaal khaن

Pourquoi les éditeurs de livres font-ils face à une pénurie de papier ?

Il y'a une pénurie de toutes les matières premières en ce moment. Ce qui s'explique plutôt facilement :
- l'effet de "rattrapage" : la pandémie a paralysé l'économie mondiale. Les stocks n'ont pas été renouvelés, en parallèle vu que l'économie repart, la demande mondiale explose.
- les hubs portuaires ou aéroportuaires encombrés qui n'arrivent pas à gérer l'afflux soudain des marchandises. Ce qui allonge sensiblement les durées de livraison.
- la volonté de certains fournisseurs de faire grimper les prix en se cachant derrière le prétexte divinement trouvé de la pandémie. Donc on traîne de pied, on fait mine de ne plus avoir de stock du tout, en se disant que les clients payeront au prix fort.

As salam aleikoum Est-il permis de se faire livrer de la nourriture ou autre par un homme chez soi ? Juste en prenant la marchandise uniquement et en étant voilé intégralement ? Qu'Allah vous récompense.

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
Il n’est pas permis à la femme d’ouvrier la porte à un homme
Elle doit lui parler derrière la porte et lui dire de déposer la livraison à la porte et de s’en aller
Liked by: Ask amandineac59 jiji50

Language: English