
23 people

15 posts


Wie gehst du mit Frauen um, die deine Aufmerksamkeit gewinnen wollen und dann ghosten weil sie denken sie haben dich im Griff?

Es gibt wenig, was ich noch nervtötender und abstoßender an Frauen finde als das.
Das Problem ist:
Ich weiß ja, dass die das dann machen, weil sie mich im Grunde mögen. Also gebe ich vermutlich nicht so schnell den Tritt, den ich gerne geben würde, weil das eine komplette Red Flag für mich ist.
Scheint aber ein großer Fehler zu sein, denn offenkundig merken sie ja in ihrem Ego Tripp nicht, dass man dieses "teasing" nicht nur nicht gut und nicht interessant findet, sondern richtig richtig scheiße 😂
Lasst eure Grundschul Mind-Games. Die Nerven nur die lebende Scheiße aus mir raus. Wenn ihr Kontakt wollt...initiiert und haltet ihn...wenn nicht, geht mir nich auf'n Sack.
Viel leichter kann man es eigentlich nicht haben 😂
Liked by: Larissa

what are your thoughts on someone doing tests or pranks to check a person's loyalty, love, and etc?

Not a good idea for me. If u wanna test someone's loyalty, think of something na doesn’t involve mindgames or any manipulation tactics. ‘Yung lowkey lang at tiyak na hindi mag-cacause ng conflict sainyo. Pero if u really trust ur partner naman, hindi na kailangang itest ang loyalty pa e.

Was stört dich an Frauen am meisten? Also außer den offensichtlichen Sachen, wenn sie einfach scheisse sind oder sich dreckig benehmen.

Ich bin mir sicher, Frauen das auch stört wenn Typen so sind, aber mir persönlich geht folgendes EXTREM auf den Geist:
Spielchen spielen und einen auf "tease" machen.
Geh mir nicht mit deinem affigen Katz und Maus auf die Eier.
Wenn du was willst, dann steh dazu und handle entsprechend. Ganz einfach.
Mach keine blöden Andeutungen, die kein Schwanz versteht und fuck dich dann darüber ab, dass es nicht verstanden wurde oder nicht drauf eingegangen.
Warte nicht darauf, dass man immer alles für DICH macht und auf DICH zu kommt, obwohl DU etwas willst. Du bist keine fucking Disney Prinzessin. Hör auf dich wie eine zu benehmen.
Ich bin kein Kind und deine Spiele langweilen mich und nerven die Scheisse aus mir raus. Also lass dieses verkackte hin und her bleiben. Sag was du willst und fertig.
Genau so in Beziehungen. Hinterher schnüffeln oder dieses "Ich muss testen ob er/sie mir treu ist." Nein musst du nicht. Du musst erwachsen werden, aufhören deine dreckigen Kinderkomplexe auf andere abzuwälzen oder deine Unfähigkeit eine erwachsene Beziehung zu führen akzeptieren und da entweder was dran tun oder dich verpissen.
Wenn du so viel Energie darin investieren würdest, eine funktionierende Beziehung zwischen zwei erwachsenen Menschen aufzubauen, wie du darin investierst irgendwelche Mindgames zu spielen, dann würdest du dich nicht mit Anfang Mitte 20 fragen, warum du schon mehr als zehn gescheiterte "Beziehungen" hinter dir hast.
Du willst einen Mann? Toll...dann benehm dich auch so und nicht als wärst du auf der Suche nach nem Hund oder einem Spielzeug. Du verschwendest meine Zeit und wenn du denkst ich geb mir deinen Müll, dann überschätzt du deinen Wert.
Klare Ansage
Und das gilt ganz individuell für alle die so sind, nicht nur Frauen.

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thnx....reallly really thnx ily bro....that helped p.s. i dedicate "whatever it takes" and "lovely" to oblivion......

Things can be changed as we like them to. Our mind makes us fear, then our mind can also make that fear into a positive energy, for our own gain. Start playing mindgames with yourself. Life's a lot more interesting than we think it is.
+2 answers in: “john green in TFIOS said " i fear oblivion like the blind proverbial man fears darkness" and i love that description, its prolly the only sane description”

طيب أنا أفهم من تحليل حضرتك للأنثي إني لما أتقدم لواحدة وتتجاهل طلبي من غير رفض واضح إنها عايزة تختبرني مثلا ولا غاوية mind games ؟

ال mindgames مش أى بنت بتعملها .. معظم البنات غاوييين بس تحليل وتعقيد للامور .. دراما يعني .. لكن ملهمش ف التخطيط .. متقلقش .. البنت العادية لما بتحب بيبان عليها .. ولما بتنبسط وشها بيحمر 😁
غالبا التجاهل معناه انها بتفكر ومش عايزة تديك رد بآه او لأ لغاية اما تحسبها كويس :)

muahahahaha I knew u were gonna do that See dat psychological mindgames I wanted u to say that an i made u i have control of u now kiss moi

You have no control over me mate 😂😂😭 & Ewe boi germs get away from me
Liked by: Vishwesh Paida

david sengaja bikin lo cemburu di socmed with this girl 'helen'. dia yg nuduh lo gak bener skrng kelakuan dia gt. dasar banci itu cowo

Hahaah ok, now im already in the point where i dont give a shit abt him anymore. Dia udh mau nyakitin gw separah ap jg dia blm puas. Let em be happy with her. Tp se-rela"nya gw bahagia buat david sama orng lain, knp dia msh mention namanya gw lewat socmed & hate on me for being with someone else? He doesnt wanna be with me and doesn't want me to be with someone else either? Let him take all his lies and mindgames he played around with me. Dia yg bikin keputusan buat ninggalin gw & whatever he's doing with his life rn isnt my business anymore. Wether im with someone else or not isn't his business either. Biarin dia mau gaya hidupnya gmn, urusan dia sendiri. Gw udh bahagia sm hidup gw sendiri and im so over him after seeing how he's reacting towards the life im living today.Ok done with all these questions abt david. Tell em to stay happy -ok adios

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these 2 ppl from our school rlly have alot of time to play mindgames zzz i mean look at their profiles LOL revealerofdarksecrets & deektan what the actual fuck

ifkr come kajiao people for what wlao sec sch not stress ah wtf LOL

Is it bad that I'm 20 & have never been on a date or kissed anyone? I don't often meet people I'm interested in & when I do they happen to never be interested in me. It's been nice to learn to like myself by myself but I don't know how any of this stuff is supposed to work? I feel weirdly left out.

Nope. Not bad at all. You keep on doing what you're doing since you sound content with yourself outside of outside societal expectations. "Should" is one of the worst words, seriously. There's no one size fits all path with anything when it comes to life, especially in something as complex as romantic relationships. It's doubly frustrating because the dominant cultural narratives we have about dating and sex and love tend to be extremely unhealthy and explicitly focused on archaic heterosexual monogamous gender roles and weird mindgames where the goal is to act the least invested in someone you're trying to form a bond with. Like... what? How does that make any sense? Spoiler alert: it fucking doesn't.
I can understand feeling left out though. The world around us definitely doesn't make it easy to do your own thing when that own thing falls outside the roadmap that gets pushed into our faces from a young age. If I can't offer exact advice on how to deal with that (lord knows I'm still working on figuring that out for myself and you're a totally different person), I can at least offer this: you're fine. You're beautiful. Being 20 and not having dated or kissed anyone is perfectly valid and anyone who tells you otherwise is projecting.

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have you ever thought about what would happen when light runs out of pages of the death note would he just like stop being kira or do some mindgames op bullshit to a shinigami and get his death note

u know I haven't complete the whole thing lolz
and no I haven't thought of that
I thought abt ryuk and the other shinigami being tgt 💞

Are you fucking serious. Who are you to tell people that it's not "who they are" lol. This is so fucking ridiculous. Can I also say that being Chloe is not who you are, your name is supposed to be Eve you know lol. It is so satanic to have that name. It's Adam and Eve not Adam and Chloe.

who are you oh myYYYYYY i better be ULTRA CAUTIOUS. Im not TELLING them who they are, they actually have the freedom to do whatever they want. As God has given us free will. As their fellow bro/sis, i am supposed to help them and not leave them in the lurch. They are so BLINDED by how the world is now. I believe that this is not who they are because God DEFINTELY DID NOT create them like that. I am obliged to tell them it is wrong in God's eyes but HE loves them nonetheless, people like us NEED GRACE do you understand. We are such sinful, filthy dirty scumbags and only God's grace can redeem is, its undeserved favor. WE dont EVEN deserve His favor, we were all condemened to hell already. What saved us is Jesus Christ His only son. Because HE has taken all sin and beared it in that cross when He died. Name it, jealousy, lust, murder, sexual immorality, curse, death. HE TOOK IT ALL so that we may have SALVATION. Jesus went to hell for us you know that? The best part yet is HE RISED FROM Hell and defeated satan. satan has no power over anyone, he is able to play mindgames with you but never take you away from Jesus. It's all up to your own will, which path do you choose to take. Its never too late to turn back to the light my fRIENDDD!! Jesus loves you👆👆👆

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Liked by: buena zhi xuan grace

I honestly don't get why the anon is saying that Love Dealer is 'inspired' by Rivaux. Sure, its a mafia!au and Kai happen to be the bad guy as well but its not the same? I mean Sehun is a police that has amnesia and is a spy but the Sehun in Rivaux isnt? Where's the similarity in the plot?

orz idk either. kai's motivations in LD is different, too. he's not trying to make Exo bigger or anything. he just wants to /have fun/ and plays (fucked up) mindgames with people lol. but it's that anon's opinions, so /shrugs/. i honestly don't care to try and convince them lol.

Sam , thanks for saying i was amazing , but stop playing mindgames , tell Kendal who you're talking about straight up , what you're doing doesnt help or whatever so yeah.

The persons name isn't really Sam. Its a fake account to play mind games with me & pretty much hate me and it's stupid
Liked by: L I L Y Xuaan

Language: English