
Tamara Avellar

After wasting my time on study psychology. I just realized that i like biology. But idk what to do with my life anymore. should i study veterinarian since i like animal? Or should i be a doctor like my dad told me to be? Welpp

After photography I did hair school after I did childcare I did social work and home remodeling and furniture , then decided to go to real estate school the decided to do notary school and contract law , leadership and speaking , writing , …. Anything you obtained threw acquiring knowledge is beneficial do 20 different things always have different ways to earn or be a asset
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After wasting my time on study psychology. I just realized that i like biology. But idk what to do with my life anymore. should i study veterinarian since i like animal? Or should i be a doctor like my dad told me to be? Welpp

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I understand the struggle of having to choose one job you’d want to do for the rest of your life while still considering other jobs you also might be good at and are interested in doing. I’m currently a college student who is trying to figure out what would be good for me career wise and I’m considering switching my major in the future due to being indecisive. I’d love to be studying in a medical field but I don’t have good studying habits and have struggled academically for most of my life so I’m thinking that’s not a good option for me. I’m currently majoring in English after failing the beginning stages of drawing class because I wanted to do studio arts. I’d suggest doing something that’s convenient for you and something that wouldn’t take you too long to finish studying if you’re impatient and want to graduate sooner. If you have good studying habits, then you can prolong the time it’ll take for you to graduate and have more school years to go after finishing 4 years of school/getting a bachelors degree.

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