

Ask @tharissyaazzahra

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Tips cara mgedeketin org yg lg kita taksir gmna sii?soalnya kmren aku uda follow dia trs aku mnta fllbck tp gadibls bls smpe skrng dahal aku uda ngumpulin keberanian akuu?buat dm dia


If there was a new alien species conquered by humans that had this face: https://unsee.cc/c646088f/ and it became common to keep them under the floor so you could use its face for the most stress relieving, relaxing foot massage, what would you do? xD

Liked by: Mutia

Pendapat u ttg mantan pacar yg masi ngehubungin kita tp dia cuma niatan buat ngejodohin kita dg yg lain drpd balikan sm dia pdhl kan pengennya diajak balikan. Itu gmn? Apa hrs kontak nya kita blokir aja supaya biar ganginget dia lg atau gausa dibiarkan saja tp bakal susah move on? Plis Bantu ans.

Block aja g ptg x dia
Liked by: Mutia


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