
Anna Khayalan

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Saya duduk asrama. And bila time sekolah selalu sangat tidur dalam kelas. Memang sehari tu wajib tidur dalam kelas. Saya akan jadi penat and tak ada semangat nak study. Macam mana nak hilang kan rasa mengantuk tu even saya tidur awal pun :)

Oh, benda tu sangat normal. Masa saya duduk asrama dulu pun saya selalu tidur dalam kelas haha.
Normally kita rasa mengantuk sebab dehydration, so kena make sure awak ada a bottle of water with you all the time. Air masak tau! Bila rasa mengantuk, minum air. Insha Allah it helps.

macam mna nk naik kan semangat diri kalau cikgu2 asyik ketepikan kita?please..I need answer from you

Ketepikan as in what ya? Dia ignore dalam kelas ke macam mana?
Biasanya kan the teacher isn't the problem, it's us. Kalau cikgu tak approach awak, you're the one who needs to approach your teacher. Tunjuk that you really want to excel in that subject. Kena make effort lah, tak boleh expect cikgu nak bagi 100% perhatian dekat kita sebab you're not the only student s/he has.

akak macam mana akak deal insecurity. wait i think akak tak yah susah susah nak deal pun sbb akak sooo almost perfect i love u akak

Oh wow you're so wrong sweetheart haha. Thank you so much but I'm not perfect at all, not even close to it.
Insecurity is something I deal with most of the time. I have self problems too you know. Normally I act like those problems don't affect me at all. It's very hard but it works because I don't have to think too much about it.

"Belajar memaafkan orang" Sampai bila? Sampai orang tu menipu kita and permainkan kita lagi but kite still stay and memaafkan?

Tak rugi pun memaafkan orang. If you keep thinking stuffs yang macam tu, it simply means you haven't forgive them yet.
Kalau tak maafkan, nanti hidup dalam kemarahan dan dendam. Aman tak agak agak?
My parents selalu cakap, "biar orang buat dekat kita tapi jangan kita buat dekat orang."
The choice is yours :)

Im 17 and I still tak pakai tudung. I do have the intention to wear it but its just so hard. Sekejap pakai sekejap buang. Sometimes rasa malas nak pakai sebab nak kena pinlah apa lah and sometimes i feel insecure with people around me. Advice please?

Well, actually hijab isn't something burdening.
The most important thing before you do something is your niat but I don't think it matters in this case sebab we all are aware that covering our aurah is a MUST. It's not an option. Whether you like it or not, you must cover your aurah.
If you just take it slow, you'll get used to it eventually. Lama lama nanti it'll become your routine. Awal awal je you must force yourself to do it, lama lama akan ikhlas sendiri.
Kalau rasa pakai pin leceh, you can wear tudung sarung or tudung bawal. But really, for me tak leceh pun. Setitik peluh kita dikira pahala tau, worth every single effort as long as you cover up properly.
Remember, it's not just about tudung tau. It's about your aurah. Kalau pakai tudung, make sure you cover your whole body as well. No tight clothes, see through clothes and all.

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