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Why we shouldn't pursue happiness as our ultimate goal?
It is pretty bizarre right? You might argue well why wouldn’t we, what’s wrong about wanting to be always happy? The problem isn’t the desire for happiness. The problem is that this goal leads people down a difficult and ironically, unhappy, path. There is a cultural obsession with pursuing happiness in fact, there is a mainstream emphasis on chasing happiness and considering that as our ultimate pursuit which can be pretty destructive at some point. With that being said here is why I think happiness is the wrong pursuit:
1- Because you will constantly get disappointed, life isn’t an easy ride, you won’t be able to be always happy, but this doesn’t mean that you will always be depressed, but a healthy life requires you to experience the two.
2- It won’t last for a long time, because it’s a temporary state, to be happy, anything can make you feel happy.
3- Happiness is not a realistic goal that is set to be achieved.
4- Chasing happiness will only distract us from our fundamental goal and that is to better ourselves through these challenges, that comes ahead of us.
5- We are confusing this search for contentment rather than happiness because the latter can be such an illusion, contentment on the other hand is peacefulness that takes on whatever circumstances or situations you are placed in.
What I mean to say is that, enjoy every bit of your happiness but avoid making it a goal because that won’t get you through the inevitable ups and downs of this life.

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Language: English