
Yvonne Chua

Ask @vonnechua

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how do we get our bfs to go down on us lol!

ask me this question then pretend to show him my response, like 'wa see see'. to hint him lor #inception

I have a friend who like to ask people academic results and compare hers and people. If people do better than her, she will be disappointed. She mocks at me when she does better than me. I always want to get distinctions and do better than her. Plus, I am afraid of losing to people.

ok but whats your question. I think you can view it as healthy competition and you both motivate each other, as long as it doesn't get too much for either its alright

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Thanks for liking / noticing my profile! :)

Oh to be upfront, and I generally am honest whenever people ask me f2f how I grow my acc, if you're referring to my ig, my acc is managed these couple of months' trial to help me stay active and relevant by 3rd party agencies, for now. I try to check out people's posts if possible, but it's hard juggling many commitments. Will see results, the process and how it goes to decide again, but for now sometimes May not be exactly me okay :)

What is your best memories with your brother since childhood ?

R u my brother 😒 Hahaha I guess playing Pokémon on Nintendo and digimon devices and whole extended family playing blind mice and hide and seek!

Why torture

He shouldn't need to indulge me on my use of social medias' demands or be imposed on this way

Post a photo that your boyfriend carry you

I will not have him tortured for my social media rendezvous hahaha

are you single or attached now?

Attached for almost 3 years. Hi he surfaces time to time on my profiles hahaha

Why you answer and delete the question i said about noelle being a xiao san/third party shamelessly to post herself and my friend's (then) bf being intimate tgt photos online for my friend to see? Looks decent but actually always a third party.

erm cause not my business but ok then.

Do you hate Noelle Lin / lim for being the 小三 to your rs?

HAHAHA wtf usually I had all or most questions about my previous r/s deleted when that happened. :)
But um since I woke up too early and it's been so long, wth. Truthfully when it happened, of course yes :) Especially when at some point I communicated with her, and she still just f girl code and go only, and it was about a 4 years r/s for me, of course I had feelings la hahaha
But by now.. No. After some time to be fair Noelle did apologize to me through Facebook anyway, so that's not easy. And I'm in a wholesome r/s w a great guy now, so in a way am thankful for my current life ☺️

Should I go for my master degree, after graduate from bachelor degree or should I go work

Shannon Micheal
Really it's your choice eh!
But if you have the means to do it comfortably and are eligible then why not. Especially w the job market right now to continue with studies may not be such a bad idea unless an awesome opportunity comes along!

Pic of your fav outfit

Is askfm dead yet. I'm taking a break now so came to check in for awhile haha! I don't have fav truthfully. All my outfits are dispensable!

What's the most intriguing thing u get to know when you started to explore sexually with your first bf?

sorry dont rmb who's my first bf

What do u think of guys who watch porn

very normal, just have the basic decency to not do it in public, or in workplace.

babe how long in a relationship will you go until base 3? is 2 months short ? or should i wait longer more

wait wait whats base 3, this is interesting!


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