

Ask @welovetowiexox

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do a paragraph on charlie king

most people won't understand this and will probably give me hate but hey ho nothing I haven't heard before
Charlie King is my inspiration my idol my role model and more of a bestfriend to me than anything. I've supported him since his very first episode on towie and in august I got my twitter and dedicated it to him. He dmed me but I couldn't reply bc he didn't follow me. He then tweeted me on like the 8th September or something. On the 23RD of October I decided to make him a fan video which he seen and loved. He followed me at 20:59. he's such a perfect man not just on the outside but the inside to. He hasn't got one bad bone in his body. he's keeked me back 3 times and rang me once. The phone call was perfect.He might not understand how much he means to me but he does know ill give him endless support. here from the beginning here till the end. I love Charlie so much and I don't know what I'd do without him. I tell him so much and we always have inside jokes. We talk about 3-4 times a week and I never get bored of him. I'm so glad he's now verified bc people understand it is the real him who follows me. He's changed my life forever and I can't thank him enough. His quotes always make me think and realise life's to short. Charlie if you've read this thankyou & I love you to the stars and back 91847592757482 billion times. ❤

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Last news u found out?

well news that I proper care about is my granddads improving
but news that's not very important Kate Middleton is in labour
Liked by: Millie Bunn

If you was stranded on an island with 3 celebs who would they be and why

I'm gonna change it to 5 celebs :-):-):-).
Cher Lloyd - because she's had the biggest impact on my life and she's so perfect. We would have a right laugh
Olly Murs - bc we'd just talk about his tour memories and the times he's made a fool out of himself and we'd laugh for hours
Caroline Flack - bc we would just talk fashion and stuff and get her to give me the lasted fashion news stuff yeah. And we'd take piss out of olls when he fell down the stairs
Charlie King - bc I'd be able to thank him for everything and I'd just make him give me a big hug and tell me one of his quotes & he'd be wise if he was stranded like he'd know what to do
Jasmin Walia - bc I'd thank her for letting me tell her everything for letting me tell her everything. if thank her for the phone calls. And we'd just talk towie & Geordie shore. We'd bitch about everyone and just laugh about all our memories
ugh I wish this could happen I love my idols ❤

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Post your favourite picture of Charlie

probably this one because I screen shotted it and he looks so adorable

Opinion on emily quinn?

One of by best friends SO funny so pretty. Dno what is do without her. Proper love her xxx
Liked by: Emily

Just cried at that ahah so emotional today wow:( and aw lu you won't lose love you lots gorgeous and just ignore the shit you get on here seriously have nothing better to do stupid people and 'scars last forever' not with boi oil they don't :) xxxxxxxx

Millie Bunn
aha I love you xxxxxxx
Liked by: Millie Bunn

Para on Millie bunn or smat

oh my god I don't even know where to start. This girl has been here with me through thick and thin and at times she's more like a sister to me. I can honestly say she's one of my favourite and most important people in my life. she's so perfect and deserves so much good things in her life. She's helped me through everything and kept me pulling through. I miss her so much we was the bestest friends and we did everything together we had inside jokes. We used to laugh till we cried together. we used to sit and watch films. I did and still do tell her everything that happens in my life. I love her so so so so so much and I never want to lose her again. My little Mill❤
Liked by: Millie Bunn

But you just had a fight with them...

ye but one fight doesnt mean theyve never been nice to me before

Para on crystal;) this isn't her at all

crystal is always gonna be my bestfriend,shesperfect inside and out,i can tell her anything nd know she wont tell a soul,shes such a nice person and anybody whos friends with her is lucky,especially Chels,she should treasure her forever. she defo deserved her ricky and sam follow and deserves a jess and joey one too. shes one of the nicest people in the fan base. shes so funny and iknow at the end of the day we'll always be bestfriends. she knows everything about me,every last detail and i wouldnt change her for the world xxxxxxxxxx

Pinion on jadeamrooni

shes my bestfriend and i trust her with my life,shes so perfect and we share the same similarity shes so cuteee
my demented fish
my Jad-eh
my bestfriend
Liked by: Jade

honest opinion on cameron green -HH-

probs you anyway
so lovely so good looking, him and stass are so cute
can be a dick when hes in a mood but when hes not hes the funniest and nicest boy ever


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