

Ask @welovetowiexox

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But 5 idols is greedy

i have 5 idols who mean very much to me they all play a big part in my life and have an equal amount of space in my heart,i wouldnt be able to live without them,they mean the world to me.
never judge a person bc of their idols,they might be the reason theyre still alive , they may be the reason there smiling each day, they may be the reason they know how to deal with things. - This,this occurs to me.my idols help me through everything theyre the reason im alive today
Cher Lloyd - one amazing woman i go through pretty much everything she goes through,ive been bullied like she has and thats the reason iknow how to cope with everything her quotes help me through every single day. I love her ❤
Olly Murs - this special man has helped me through everything his songs always cheer me up i sit and listen to them whenever im upset
Caroline Flack - i dnt know what got me so obsessed with her but im glad shes the most flawless person in the world her tweets pictures everything put a big smile on myface no matter what shes so special to me idk what id do without her now
Charlie King - ive always supported this special man,in september he dmed me and i couldnt reply bc he didnt follow me,a few week later he tweeted me and thats when i realised i needed to show my love for him,so thats when my fan page began. he noticed me. Now each day i get atleast one dm from him. He supports me through everything.
Jasmin Walia - she is the funniest person alive, mine and jasmins bond is more like bestfriends not a towie star and fan. I tell her everything. Things i dont tell my bestfriends. Im so horrible to her but a nice funny. Aha she always makes me smile she'll dm me random lyrics to songs&then thatll be OUR song. Couldnt live without her tbh
so yea dont ever judge me for having 5 idols without them all i wouldnt be here

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Your just greedy you should have one idol

5 idols isnt being greedy they all mean the world to me and without Cher Lloyd & Olly murs & Caroline Flack & Charlie King & Jasmin Walia i wouldnt still be breathing

prettiest girls in year 7&8&9&10&11

7 - mollie tattersal or how ever u spell it
8 - liv morley & darcie stott
9 - lucy duffy & jade amrooni & emily quinn & millie bunn
10 - lauren pealin & natasha sotaraki or however u spell it
11 - idk any year 11's

you luk fat in ur uniform eeeeeewwwww

Listen, whoever this is I suggest you you fuck off.
You don't have a perfect life, otherwise you'd come off anon.
Seriously stop being such a prick all your life & come & give me hate instead yeah?
I'll come & rip your toenails off & make you eat them if you carry on you dirty rats.
- @H4T3R5G0RNH4T3

Who ever is sat at home actually wishing for someones life to end,your sick&lucy is not fat,ok she's not ugly right,keep your opinion to your self,its people like you who end up ending people lifes who have such a good future imagine saying to your. Kids when your older 'I use to tell people to kill

iloveyou jade thankyou for everything your the best xxxx

Bitch I feel sorry for the parents of the people on anon giving you shit, I'd love for you to post a picture of yourself and not get judged she isn't fat or ugly go sort your head our or more importantly your eyes cause you clearly need glasses if you think Lucy is ugly, Have you seen her she's gorg

omfg whoever this is please inbox / dm meaha your so cute awe x


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