

Ask @welovetowiexox

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Opinions on nastasia and cameron

and theyre proper cute but they think im out to split them up when im not. Me and nastassja will never see eye to eye and we used to argue bc of cameron but theyre so cute like yea

Write a paragraph about tom please

ffs why you so intreseted?
but yeah
basically hes like such a perfect bestfriend and i trust him with my entire life like literally he knows the ins and outs of me. I tell him everything like when im on my period and stuff lol. hes so good looking like seriously , idno i just love him. He is so trustworthy and stuff. Hes so funny and he does this really cute thing but i cant explain it,ill get a video one time. he just tells you straight ok everything, if your annoying him he tells you. I prefer it that way. hes in like all my lessons apart from science and maths so i spend most my time with him so i like know everything that he does and stuff. He has such a nice body to omfg yea

Well if your so close post a picture of you two

such an old photo. Over a year ago but its so funny. We dont take pictures together bc we dont see eafh other out of school. But seriously hes perfect. Just fuck off and leave us alone

How much stuff do u tell tom then

Why you piping up about tom again? Hahahaha & everything. Just leave mine and toms friendship alone


I dont give a shit if im a 'pussy' bc i wont fight
Fighting gets you no where
Least i dont act hard

Biggest bitch at notth chadd

And id say but then id have them coming upto me and theyd probs fight me
Im scared of fighting

Opinion on cameron green

er hes a really lovely boy. Trust him with alot. Good looking. Lucky to have nastassja and shes lucky to have him. Can be a nob but yea

Opinion on self harm

just a cut
just a scratch
'Whats that mark?'
'It was the cat'
Just an excuse
Just a lie
'Whats with all the bracelets'
'Just a fashion,why?'
Just a tear
Just a scream
'Why are you crying'
'Just a bad dream'
But its not just a cut or a tear, or even a lie. Its always 'just one more' until you die.


Language: English