

Ask @xAmberr1Dx

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Because they're not trying to impress anymore and it gets casual

Yeah, that's true. I like it when it gets casual and I also like it when its all like, just staying in and watching a film together aw lol
Liked by: Tabbatha

Well maybe a mutual feeling will let the relationship last longer

Yeah maybe! Hopefully haha i kinda want to bc i wanna see what a long relationship is like sigh
Liked by: Tabbatha

:O but have you ever dated any of your crushes?

Once I guess but idk if I could call it a crush bc it only lasted two months and yeah lol I'm not even sure what it was tho idk man lol
Liked by: Tabbatha

I hope everything works out for you guys! He sounds cool lol. And you obviously like him. Don't let those friendships destroy it haha

Aw thank you!! He is haha he's pretty cute even though he acts like he isn't lol I do sigh but I wonder how long it'll last bc my crushes never last longer than like, three or four months?? and thanks aw Ill try not to!
Liked by: Tabbatha

Oh that's ironic! Because you didn't like each other and then ended up liking each other lol.

Hahaha it is actually, when I first realised I used for laugh to myself about it lol ima tell you about one day I was at his house haha
My best friend was with her boyfriend so I decided to go to A house bc i didn't wanna be a third wheel and so we decided to watch a film, insidious 2 and he went upstairs to get his speakers so I hid behind the living room door and grabbed his arm when he turned the corner and he shat himself hahaha so funny omfg I'm laughing rn I can't hahaha then we sat on the sofa and watched it and he said something and i mocked anger and moved to the other edge of the sofa and he looked at me and patted the part closer to him nd said, come back I'm getting cold hahaha so I did and then I was falling asleep and leaning my head on his shoulder and he rested his on mine and aw aw then he held my hand again aw then when it was time for me to go, he whacked my bum lol I whacked his and then he came outside after me and started tickling me then he hugged me from behind which was cute hahaha okay that was one day, I'll tell you about the rest another time sorry I'm annoying lol
btw he's short, like my height, a bit taller than me, used to have long hair now he has it short and it's dark and he has greeny-grey eyes omfg omfg haha and yea I'll shut up

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Liked by: Tabbatha


So basically we hated each other when we first met lol and we couldn't stand each other and we never talked until at a bday party we started talking and you know like, flirting and stuff kinda and then in November, at a comic con type thing we hung out all day and like, got along so well hahaha and that night bc it was in a city an hour away from where I live, my best friend and I had planned on staying the weekend there at a friend's flat but that Saturday night after the convention and after all of us and our friends going out around the city, he and my other friend, who was staying with him in is uni residence place asked me if I wanted to stay with them the night and I hesitated bc I'd leave my best friend with my other friends in the flat and she got mad but meh, we're okay now obvs and so I stayed and we finished a bottle of vodka and red bull between us and played on call of duty till three am when all three of us went up to his room (the residence is basically a huge building with loads of flats with rooms in) and I went to the window and looked out and the guy I like (his name starts with A so yea) laid on the bed with his feet on the floor and i tripped over on my way back and landed on him oops hahaha it was funny and then basically, we kissed after a while and stuff and my other friend got mad at me bc i didn't want or do anything with him while I was making out with A but yeah whatever idek why he was jealous if he likes another girl but yeah.
And since then we've been talking like almost every day and it's cool and cute and ive been to his house quite a few times (I'll fill you in on that in the next q hahah) and yeah we get along great tbh

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Liked by: Tabbatha

(Yesterday, my internet died while I was sending questions so I'M SORRY IF YOU DIDN'T GET ANYTHING. D:) Opinions on underage drinking and smoking/What do you think about rules against this?

Underage drinking is okay I think if it's like, with family or something and it's moderate but if it's like, with all your friends and you're thirteen and getting drunk then that's a definite no no and smoking idk I just don't like smoking in general tbh so


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