

Ask @xAmberr1Dx

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Do you believe in your Horoscopes?

depends, sometimes i do, sometimes i don't. depends what they say and what happens.

If some random girl just broke down screaming "GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTS", what would be your first thought or action?

i would wait and see what she did after lmao

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Do you have a favorite holiday? If so, why?

christmas bc snow and presents and happiness with family and summer bc it's long and warm and yup

What is one interesting fact that hardly anyone knows about you?

hmmmmm that i can be a right b*tch when i wanna be but no one ever sees that bc i can be way too nice sometimes too

What's the best movie you saw this year? (doesn't have to be new, it could be an old movie you saw for the first time this year.)

i'm not sure bc i haven't watched a movie in a while lol

If you had the choice, would you rather go on a vacation with family and/or friends OR receive the money that you would have used for the vacation? Why would you choose this?

Daily Questions✨
depends on where we would go and if i needed money for other things haha
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Have anything interesting planned for October / Halloween?

nope i don't haha well, meet up with a guy friend but yep that's it lol

Does it seem fair to you that people put prices on their songs for others to buy and listen to?

no, it doesn't seem fair. i mean, music should be free. concerts and stuff, yeah, pay to get into them but not for songs ugh

What is something you miss doing from when you were younger?

everything, being happy with simple things, going from sad to happy in a second but not caring about anything and staying happy for ages and ugh, not having to worry about anything, not worrying about my future or anything lol

Happy Halloween! What are you dressing up as? PAP!

thank you likwise i am not dressing up bc i'm going out of town oops

In America, it's Columbus Day and the only day I have off this week. So, do you think Columbus deserves his own holiday or not, why?

i'm not from america but hell yeah, bc he's awesome and he found it, supposedly, so yeah haha

If you were to get a tattoo today, what would you get and where would you have it placed?

i'd probably get a quote and i'd get it on the outside of the bicep i think. i already have a tattoo on my other arm so yeah

Confess something :)

hmm... something good: i can speak three languages
something bad: uhhhhh... i have no idea haha i have bad habits but it's not like they're confessions lol


Language: English