

Ask @xAmberr1Dx

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I don't understand how I would destroy your house. Okay yes, Zayn is hotter. But I still like Bruno okay.

Katie Jane
nor do i, that's the problem.

You'd destroy the Earth okay. And the psychological one.

Katie Jane
You'd destroy my house, so its better if we live on the moon. and HAHAHA ikr i'm funny

Oh so that's what the red thingy is. It means you answered my question. Huh. YES THOSE RAINBOOTS. It'd scare me if you had the world.

Katie Jane
YES. duh.
it'd scare me if you had yellow rainboots. ¬¬
or wellies, as we brits call them.

I just want yellow rainboots, Butternut. That's all I want. And a yellow rainjacket. But that's irrelevant.

Katie Jane
aw yeah like you see on a TV show.
i want the world.

What is your favourite vegetable?

HA. tomato. lol i'm joking, i know its a fruit, i've been through this already.

Guys, if you agree to do the games it would be best to follow me for my announcements and such. Thank you.


As I have said, you can always say no and I will respectfully exclude you from my list. I hope y'all can participate and I will be waiting for your approvals before starting my first game. Thank you.

Haha yes I'll participate (:

Hey everyone. Call me Gamemaker and I am here to make up games that you, the Wattpad group here on Ask, can play. My plan is two games at least per week. It should be fun and my purpose is fun itself no hate or harm or creep. So I hope y'all are up to it. Otherwise I can always take you out my list.

Yeah sure. (:

I hope y'all are having a lovely day today. :) I hope y'all know how amazing and flawless you are! <3

I love you, you're flawless and amazing. <3


Language: English