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At what point should someone just simply give up on their dreams in order to just lead a normal life?

AhmadBakheitMndo’s Profile Photo∆HMED
Abnormal life, dream life, or whatever they call it, isn't just a wish that can come true if you decide to make it that way. You'll need a lot of money, less responsibilities, and a lot less fucks to give about others because all they will be doing is telling you how unsuccessful you'll become, and how this is not a way of living and blah blah, people get disturbed when their normal life routine is disturbed, they abhor change, they loath anything that would cause a little difference, and that somehow gives them the right to "advice" you not to be different, because being different is being a failure.
So if you don't have those, along with other requirements of course, the moment you realize it is the moment when you give up on having that sort of life, then yeah you better work, reproduce, and die in peace.

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Liked by: Blake Rankin ∆HMED

When in your life did someone's criticism go too far?

AhmadBakheitMndo’s Profile Photo∆HMED
My aunts (dad's side) always criticized me because of my body/ shape.
When I first hit puberty, I lost control on my hormones and started eating a lot, I got to a point where I was 67 kilograms (I'm only 154 cm, so I was clearly overweight) and because we don't live in Egypt, we don't really get to see our relatives all year long, it's only every summer that we see them 2-3 times.
The first visit to my Grandma's place that year, one of my aunts was there, and when she first saw us she commented on my weight, "you look like a mom lol" was what she said exactly but in Arabic.
I was hurt and annoyed at that, but it didn't show, I literally stopped eating that summer, even if I'm starving. Whenever I saw food i'd remember her words and lose my appetite.

Since then I'm 50 kilos, I would gain or lose a kilo every now and then, but I don't exceed that limit no matter how much I eat.
And guess what, now every year they see me they comment on how "thin" I am, I'm not thin, but they want me to be extra chubby; they hate my facial bone structure.
However, I'm not getting bothered by their words no more, because I like how I look like, and that's what matters.

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Liked by: ∆HMED فاطما jr
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xnhgx_1’s Profile PhotoNaira
اوسخ حاجة هنا ان لما تعمل لحد بلوك بردو هتكون قادر تشوف اللي بينزله

Yeah I have. It's better than the American remake of the same movie. Just don't treat it as an accurate representation of the Stanford Prison Experiment. It's a based on sort of thing, not the story of.

UnderProtest’s Profile PhotoUnder Protest
I haven't watched the American remake, and yeah I know.
One thing I liked about the movie is that it puts the audience under a sort of psychological stress, which contradicts the purpose of movies: entertainment.
I'm watching The Platform tonight, have you watched it?
+2 answers in: “_”

What will you give me if I stayed at home?

You stay home ------> you stay safe.
If you don't stay home -------> you get the virus and risk damage of your lungs even if you recovered.
If this is not a reason enough for you to stay home then you are no different from a child who needs a lollipop to stay quiet while his mother buys groceries.


Language: English