@zaidwali915#1 🇵🇰

Zaid Wali

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Latest answers from Zaid Wali

How do you think your career has shaped the way you think?

Saira019’s Profile PhotoSaira.
Working in the medical field has made me very stoic. It has taught me to be brave in the face of life-and-death situations and to maintain my composure no matter what happens. On the flip side, it has taught me to be compassionate and to love deeply, traits that are essential in providing care and support to others.

Do you hate everything that reminds you of your ex, even in the slightest, or is it just me?

Vixen98o’s Profile PhotoVixen98o
I don't hate people for not being destined to be with me, nor do I hate their memories. I miss them because they remind me of a different version of myself; a version that they took with them as a parting gift.

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Did it go well?

shahzadmeelu’s Profile PhotoShahzad Ahmad
It doesn't matter how it went; what matters is that I am still breathing, still standing on my feet. Until I am drawing breaths, I can make things right. I can burn my soul to vanquish the darkness and force my way through the puddles of despair.

"What's one thing you're passionate about that might surprise people?"

Dancing (This one clearly surprises a lot of people as they don't an expect an introvert like me to be a decent dancer) and worldbuilding.

If you could live in any time period, past or future, which would you choose?

I'd choose to live in the past around the Victorian era. The further we move forward in time, the worse it gets.

Do you feel like there’s anyone worth for a friendship here? If yes then why?

Yes, I am friends with a lot of people here. Not going to share their names as I don't like sharing my friends.

Any girl who needs a girl -friend. There alot we cant explore and enjoy with men, so i need a friend so we can dine out explore new places, eat watch movies. Go shopping. Idkw it seems like a proposal xD i just need a female fraaaand .. its so awkwarddddddd.

You, my friend, are cringe as fuck.

What's the biggest risk you've ever taken?

When I didn't attend a single class in Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad, and hid the fact from my parents. They actually cancelled my seat as I didn't even submit my documents. I waited out there until the next MCAT date, and prepared for it without joining any academy. If I hadn't passed the test, that would have been game over for me in the medical field. It was a huuuuge risk. I was anxious all the damn time, and it was probably the worst time of my life.

Language: English