@zaidwali915#1 🇵🇰

Zaid Wali

How to deal judgmental people? Everyone think I'm a bad guy. I tried but no one likes me. Everybody judge me due to my little mistakes my little acts which they don't like. ???

The only judge you should be worried about is your God. Rest of the people do not matter at all. Be a good man, be kind to others and have strong faith. You will attract genuine people who are meant to be in your life. No need to go out of your way to please people.
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Latest answers from Zaid Wali

So what's something your day starts with?? 🤔

anaaali46’s Profile Photo@nu
My day starts with a blood sugar reading and that is exactly how it ends too.

What do you have to say about those people who have the option to stay dry but they will choose to stand in the rain with you?

I may not say it much but those people mean everything to me. It takes guts to be stupid enough to stand in the rain with me.

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nsjsjakwoqoqoqoqoqlqlqkqkqwjjw’s Profile Photoshhhhh
I feel myself slipping into the clutches of insanity day by day. Nothing seems to make sense anymore. There's this urge to let go, like I'm constantly on the edge. I feel numb to everything. I despise this world from the bottom of my heart, and I want it to feel my suppressed wrath in all its wanton madness.

Where would you like to end up stranded: a forest, an island, or an abandoned village?

gawnferal’s Profile Photohudیٰ
Definitely, an island. What if the village is haunted by the souls of the tormented? What if it was the site of a pagan ritual? No, Sir, I'd stay away from villages. Now, the forest is just as spooky. All sorts of reptilian horrors and critters rule it. The night is when it's the most dangerous. It can also be a hunting ground for a Yautja. I can't possibly survive against it. An island will at least give me a nice view :,)

What is our purpose of life on earth? Anybody knows please tell me

To pray to Allah and to seek His approval.

Language: English