

Ask @B0bduh

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As someone for whom Utena is one of my favorite shows largely due to how it handles gender/sexuality, I couldn't get into it for the first 13 episodes or so. It felt like a typical '90s shojo. So I'd recommend they hang on to at least the Black Rose Arc? That's when I saw how special it was.

Here's a second opinion on Utena, for the person who was asking yesterday!
Liked by: Derp Jeep

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Do you actually remember all the names of those in charge of anime production or you have to check it each season? Outside of the most well-known ones, of course. If it's the latter – which services do you prefer?

I look them up. I'm terrible with names, anyway - I can see a name associated with something a good dozen times and still not remember it.
Generally I use MAL, ANN's database, and wikipedia to get info, along with just talking with more knowledgeable people on twitter.

"The chapters in this first volume follow classic templates of shonen story-building - we open with a double-length premier" I know which show you're poking at. Subtle.

I was actually referring to the usual shonen battle manga template, as I was in my references to various formula elements throughout that review. Fate doesn't follow that formula at all.
People seem to think I have some kind of "grudge" against Fate, but pretty much the only time I think about the show is when I see bizarre asks about it here.

Why is Anita targeting sex positive characters like Samus? Every feminist I know has no issues with that character :/

Anita's one person with one set of opinions. Personally, I disagree with a lot of the things she says. There's no One True Feminism that contains all the correct opinions - social issues are an eternal dialogue.

What is your personality type on the Myers-briggs test?

I haven't taken a test on it in a while, but in high school I tested as an INTJ, and recently I'm pretty sure I'd test as an INFJ.

Are you planning to catch up on Steven Universe S2 anytime soon?

Not at the moment. I have a whole lot of other stuff to get to right now. It's gonna be a pretty busy few weeks.

What do you make of Ougi Oshino's gender? Female, male, or something in between? Does this even matter?

I don't think Ougi Oshino is the kind of creature where gender is particularly relevant.

So, you have taken to the monster girls, huh.

The last few episodes have been kind of disappointing, unfortunately. Hopefully it kicks back into gear.

Would you recommend watching Utena in this day and age? I heard its themes are mainly about gender roles and sexuality. I've seen the first 5 eps and I felt they had nothing to say that I haven't seen in western works before (women can assume men's roles, aren't prizes, can marry one another..etc)

It seems odd to gauge whether a show is worth watching or not based on whether you've seen some of its themes before. I mean, at its most basic level, Ping Pong's theme is "winning isn't everything," but knowing that doesn't make the show not worth watching. Plus, the way stories add nuance to simple messages is through contrasting layers of ideas, or putting them in specific human contexts to illustrate them in an emotional sense - both things Utena does very well.
Yes, Utena is worth watching.

People are talking about Mari Okada doing the new Gundam, but what notable stuff has she done before?

Highlights include composition on Toradora, Wandering Son, and The Woman Called Fujiko Mine, but she is an absurdly prolific writer whose work spans many genres and basically all levels of quality. Check out the full list:

dude dude dude. Just got to the third season of symphogear its nghhhhhh nghhhh so good nghhhhh. Every season is better than the last. Hope you'll be able to get there soon!

Liked by: Hitokiri

I'd love to commission you to read over a 60,000-word draft of my novel. Looking for large-scale general structural/thematic advice, not necessarily small-scale grammar/word choice corrections. If this sounds like something you'd want to do, let me know!

Also very up for this! I'd go hourly on this, similar to the previous answer. Again, contact me at nicreamer42 at gmail dot com and we'll figure it out!

I dunno what a reasonable wage for you is (not sure what your cost of living is etc etc) but assuming you get through 3 episodes in 2 hours and assuming a wage of $30/hr that would be $250-300 per cour? Same projection if you take a little longer per episode at $25/hr.

Yep, that works. In fact, that sounds perfect - I'd been debating the exact rates for viewing that'd be reasonable to pay but also keep me from going under as a freelancer, and that seems about right. At that rate, I can watch and take my usual episodic notes (of course, the density of notes always depends on the material, so that would be somewhat variable).
If that's something you're interested in pursuing, you can email me at nicreamer42 at gmail dot com and we'll hash out the details!

oh damn. they're one of my favorite bands, currently. have you listened to strangers to ourselves?

Yep! Can't say I'm really a fan - it has some decent songs, but also a bunch I'd skip, and nothing that compares to their early stuff imo. Personally I love their first three albums (plus Building Nothing, though it's not nearly as strong) and think they kinda fell off a cliff afterwards.

have you listened to any modest mouse?

I have listened to so much Modest Mouse. Building Nothing Out of Something was the first good album I bought.

can i pay you to watch shows? 13ep*, just to watch them in like a month max, you dont need to write about it if you dont want, and you can drop it if you feel its as shitty as Oreimo or Clannad

Yes, you can. Are you willing to pay me a reasonable wage to do this? If so it is done.
Liked by: Eelz Wei-Ning Chen

You gonna play Metal Gear Solid 5?

Yes. I've been playing it, and having a lot of fun. I'll be linking to some video of me and some friends playing it shortly, once our video compiling system stops being a jerk.


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