

Ask @B0bduh

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You're liking Symphogear? I skipped it this season since I just can't develop a liking to it from watching the past seasons. What is it that you enjoyed about Symphogear?

Basically the same stuff I enjoy in JoJo. It's fast-paced and funny and full of ridiculous dialogue and over-the-top fight scenes. It's not a "traditionally good" show, but it's a very endearing and enjoyable one.
Liked by: ShadowZael

What do you think of fans who interact with fandom in an adversarial way ("your favorite anime is shit" and things like that)?

That they're being childish and mean-spirited, and I hope they grow out of it.

I noticed a guy on Twitter who said your UBW review was "atrocious" but didn't explain why he felt that way. Can't these people disagree with a review politely? (I have to imagine that these people don't tolerate anyone who doesn't think that Nasu is the most genius writer alive)

I don't think this is specific to Fate reviews. Some people on the internet just can't handle the existence of opinions that make them unhappy, particularly if they feel those opinions are coming from a place of "authority." "How dare you mislead people with your incorrect opinions about -show-", etc. And when you combine that with the dehumanizing factor of the internet in general, you get a lot of people expressing themselves like unconscionable jerks more or less continuously.
Liked by: Bristle

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What about Human from the future setting the creation of the universe in motion so that we can exist?

That's some pretty shaky causality, but if you want to write a story with that premise, have fun.

Do you have any personal beliefs or theories about why the universe exists or the nature of reality?

The odds are bewilderingly high that the universe just exists, and there's no reason for it. Likewise with reality just being reality, no motive whatsoever.

What is it about Nasu's writing that get everyone so angry?

Do people get angry about it? The strongest negative emotion I've seen is amused, or disappointed.
Unless you mean in /defense/ of it, in which case, it's basically the same as any other media: people will get super defensive about media they associate with their identity.

t/f: stanley parable belongs in the same class of games as bastion, thomas was alone, and portal where the narrating voice is charismatic enough to be a draw of the game

Well yeah.

Hey Bobduh have you played the Stanley Parable?

Yep! It was pretty funny, but also kinda frustrating, because eventually the diversity of choices morphed into "what the fuck path do I choose to actually finish this friggin' story." Interactive narrative is tough!

Do you plan on watching Carnival Phantasm at some point?

Probably not. What I've seen is very funny, but apparently the show also includes Tsukihime references, and I have no experience with that story.

Hey bob, I see that you're enjoying symphogear, but I want to ask what you think about the music

The actual battle-songs aren't very good (aside from Chris's awesome song), but the show has a pretty diverse soundtrack overall. J-pop, some random rock and power ballads, electronic stuff... it stays pretty interesting, and very appropriate for the show's tone.

"sometimes ya just gotta watch some bad shows." oh boy you took the bait

I mean, is it even bait at this point? Are there really that many people that enjoyed UBW's second half?

Ever read Cormac Mccarthy, or see any of the adaptations of his work? What do you think of them?

I've read Blood Meridian. It had very stark, beautiful sentences, was very gritty, and I don't feel compelled to read any of his other stuff. He's clearly a supremely gifted and practiced writer, but Manly, Troubled Men Doing Manly, Troubled Things is pretty low on my list of preferred narratives.

Is JoJo's Bizarre Adventure supposed to be funny? I just watched the first episode and the poses, the art style, the way the conflicts are framed all make me it seem like the show isn't trying to be serious, but I also didn't really see anything that seemed like it was intended to be a joke.

JoJo is probably at its best when it's being unintentionally funny, and JoJo's first arc is VERY unintentionally funny. Jokes in general work better when they aren't overplayed, meaning unintentional humor tends to have a much higher floor than the intentional kind.

Are you going to be writing the review for the second F/SN blu-ray, you think? I ask because I think anyone who's been following you for a while very well already knows your opinion about UBW cour 2, and I'd feel bad if you forced yourself through something you weren't engaged with yet again.

Yep, probably! Don't worry, it won't be that bad. Sometimes ya just gotta watch some bad shows.

Since your review of the BD itself came out today, have you gotten (or think your going to get) more flak from the Fate fans again? Or has that peaked and/or become constant at this point?

Just a couple "this is the worst review ever" and a few "your complaints aren't Nasu's fault, Fate is still flawless," which is actually pretty mild. I think Fate fervor has kind of subsided now that the show is over, thankfully.

I'm sure you've already been asked this but do you mind sharing what your upcoming backlog schedule is?

Sure! I just finished Giant Robo, so next I'm gonna try to get through Crest of the Stars as well (super smart of me to pick a show with three seasons, huh). After that, I'm pretty sure my next watch will be Kaiba. I'll also be picking up the second half of Turn A Gundam, which I'll likely marathon, because I can kinda sorta marathon now. Hoping to watch seven episodes of Symphogear today!

You mentioned that Paranoia Agent #6 was one of the best episodes of anime you've seen all year. Any other great episodes from this year come to mind?

Episode eight of Sound! Euphonium. The "returning to the old studio" episode of Shirobako. The "something real" episode of Oregairu S2. The figure skating episode of Death Parade. The battleship defense episode of Crest of the Stars (five, I believe?). Half of the episodes of Giant Robo.


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