

Ask @B0bduh

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This might sound like a stupid question but when and how should I use italics?

They're used for emphasis, and you should use them sparingly. It's generally best to try and convey tone through your word choices and sentence structure.

How's Turn A treating you? Your Twitter screencaps seem to suggest you're a decent way through.

I'm still enjoying it, but it durdles around a whole lot. There's not much momentum, and also not much sense there's actually a war with any stakes going on. It's sort of just become odd episodic adventures with a broad cast of characters.

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Is the season turning out as poorly as you thought it might?

Pretty much! There's some okay shows, but very few I feel compelled to keep up with. It seems fairly likely I'll only end up watching my ANN shows. This is looking to be a pretty bad season.
That's fine, though. Winter and spring were unusually good, so we gotta have /some/ downtime. And we're getting a new Monogatari in the fall, so I can't really complain.

You've been vociferous in your dislike of OreImo, and Umaru-chan seemed to have a suspiciously similar premise. Did it raise any of the same warning flags?

The specific, critical difference there is that OreImo loves and validates Kirino, while Umaru-chan understands Umaru is awful. If Umaru-chan shifted into sappy segments of "you know, maybe her choices are pretty great after all," it would lose me immediately.

My friend told me the wisest person he knows doesn't watch anime so I shouldn't watch anime. Thoughts?

Mindlessly copying the actions of someone you've decided is smarter than yourself doesn't sound particularly wise.
On the other hand, I also wouldn't look to anime specifically to become a well-read and well-rounded person.

Hi Bob, loved your essay on Oregairu! Since you didn't include lyrics this time: did you have any songs in mind while writing it?

Glad to hear it! That essay was basically a letter to my younger self, so in line with that, I think I'd have to go with "You Were Cool."
"It's good to be young, but let's not kid ourselves /
It's better to pass through those years /
And come out the other side /
With our hearts still beating /
Having faced down demons /
And come back breathing"
"I hope you love your life now like I love mine /
I hope the painful memories only flex their power over you /
A little of the time"
"We held on to hope of better days coming /
And when we did we were right"
"People were mean to you /
But I always thought you were cool"
https://youtu.be/JYeeQn65qPwB0bduh’s Video 128996675114 JYeeQn65qPwB0bduh’s Video 128996675114 JYeeQn65qPw
It's no surprise I love the Mountain Goats, though, so here's an alternate choice that's probably a bit more obscure. "It's Over," by Kupek.
"I'm on the outs with everyone I've ever met /
But my social life is on the mend /
You're my only friend"

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B0bduh’s Video 128996675114 JYeeQn65qPwB0bduh’s Video 128996675114 JYeeQn65qPw

Are you going to keep up with Umaru-chan?

Probably not. I enjoyed the first episode, but I'm guessing it'll run out of material fast. Comedies like this tend to do that.

Does the preview season ever overwhelm you with the responsibility of telling a huge amount of people how to feel about shows they haven't watched yet?

Not really, but it helps that that's not actually what my job is.

What do you mean when you call a rating system 'arbitrary'? Thanks :)

I mean that assigning art a specific "score" is such a reductive way of engaging with it that it's very nearly meaningless. Art is way too complicated and multifaceted for that to be particularly meaningful - good art conversations require expanding on the various qualities and ideas contained in a show, not reducing them to a single number and comparing that another show's single number.

There's no way Sanders would win. :/ There'd be so many people scared of his socialism that the right could get lots of people to vote against him, no matter who they were voting for.

Unfortunately probably true. I'm guessing we're still a couple generations off mainstream America accepting anything but the most lukewarm gestures towards a truly progressive society.

idk, I've seen favorable poll numbers for Bernie Sanders, so I'm hoping fervently he at least gets the Democratic nomination.

Jeez, that's a pipe dream, but it sure is a beautiful one. If he somehow beats Hillary, and with a Republican field this pathetic...
No, no. I can't dare to hope.
Liked by: Arjuna Chatrathi

so what about this bernie sanders dude? he seem pretty chill to you?

Yep, he's a cool dude! Probably too cool of a dude to be electable, unfortunately. Our culture's a bit too conservative for "maybe we should adopt a slightly more humane system, like, you know, the rest of the first world" to fly.

When will you realize that Monster Girls are superior and Shinbo's loli-peddling is decidedly inferior?!

I'm not really a fan of Shinbo's loli-peddling in the first place, so you can have this one.
Honestly, whatever porn you're into is fine with me. I just don't want it creating tonal/character issues in shows I'm invested in for other reasons.

Are you gonna watch any more of Monster Girls? I know in your first-episode review you said it wasn't for you but it looks like a bunch of other anitweeters might stick it out.

Probably not. But if it makes you feel better, I've still got that friggin' "mon-mon-mon-mon-monster" stuck in my head.

Do you know if theres more source material for second season Euphonium and the chances for a second season? And personally do you see potential in a second season? What would a second season of Euphonium be developing do you think?

I believe the first season adopted the first of three books.
I'd be perfectly happy to see the show continue, although that would certainly make it harder for the show to reasonably keep up its playing-it-safe relationship charade. But there's plenty of room for the characters to grow, and plenty of narrative distance to cover.
Liked by: Gordon Heath

You're misinformed. Ask any VN reader and they'll tell you how Ufotable ruined Shirou and Caster's characters. The director is also an amateur who ruined both UBW and KnK6 (abysmal compared to their source materials) http://myanimelist.net/people/12167/Miura_Takahiro

I've seen literally dozens of commenters praising how the adaptation preserved the characterization from the VN, and how people who didn't enjoy the anime were simply too stupid to understand all its subtleties.
This isn't to say you're "wrong" here, but simply to say there's no consensus opinion on what the anime did or didn't ruin. You do not represent all VN readers, just as I do not represent all primarily anime viewers. Thinking you have a monopoly on the "correct opinion" all right-thinking people will adopt is pretty much the main issue leading to all this fruitless argument.

Do you realize that's not a fault of the source material but bad adapting on Ufotable's part?

I've actually heard more of the opposite - that extreme faithfulness to the source material was kind of what sunk the series. And that makes sense to me, given what I've heard VN fans saying regarding it, and how the original stuff like the Ilya/Caster backstories felt like the strongest parts of this second half.
Unless you mean Ufotable's overall structural decision to closely follow the timeline was the "bad adaptation choice," in which case I definitely agree. At this point, it feels like it wouldn't have been possible to really convey what the VN does across three routes in a faithful story, and that they probably should have restructured the overall VN story to better suite a medium with very different strengths.

Could you explain why you rated UBW lower than SAO II?

Normally I dislike these sorts of direct score comparisons, because I don't find them that meaningful, but in this case, the answer is actually as simple as it sounds: I thought UBW's second half was significantly worse than SAO II.


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