

Ask @B0bduh

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"Yukino from Oregairu always looks like she just walked in from a Shaft anime" Would you agree with this?

I'm not even sure what it's supposed to mean.

Best tip for dealing with a broken heart? I'm not doing well.

I think everyone deals with these things differently, but for me, I generally just try to force myself to stay active when I'm feeling really down. Going for a jog works well for me, since it's not an activity where I have to force myself to try to enjoy anything - it's just pure exertion, a struggle I can feel good about, forward progress. Dwelling on my sadness is basically the worst thing, so I try to break up all the things I have to do into small tasks and check them off one at a time, like I'm knocking off quest requirements for Life. Generally this helps to either lift my mood a bit or at least distract me, helping me move forward. Everything changes over time, you just gotta keep moving.
Liked by: Jonathan T

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Have you ever played any fighting games? What are your favorites?

Yeah, I'm a big fan of fighting games, though I'm not actually any good at most of them. I think I lack either the patience or type of memory required to actually become proficient in most fighting games, and since I've certainly thrown plenty of hours at them, I'm guessing it's the memory thing.
Anyway, my favorites are BlazBlue and Melee. Melee I'm actually decent at, since it's more about space control and I've poured hundreds of hours into it. I'm pretty alright with Falco and Jigglypuff.

So, seeing as you've seen both Sound! and Gatchaman, and I have a bunch of time on my hands, which show do you think I should watch?

They're both great. I'd say I prefer Sound!, but since Gatchaman S2 is about to come out, you might want to check that out first if you think you'd like to watch the second season as it's airing.

What else is left in Urobuchi's continuing down hill slope in effort? From writing all of Madoka, to half of Psycho Pass, to series comp for Gargantia, to the first episode of Aldnoah to god knows how much of Gunslinger, is there anything left for him to try even less at?

He was busy writing an entire Kamen Rider series during Aldnoah, I believe, and he was never actually involved in Gunslinger Stratos. During that same time, two movies came out that were both written by him: Expelled From Paradise and Psycho-Pass. The tales of Urobuchi's demise have been greatly exaggerated.

Was there a certain point that Evangelion went from a "good show" to a "holy shit great" one for you?

More like "great show" to "holy shit great," but I guess? I feel like people often say Eva went through this violent shift in its last third, and it's true that it does become more and more internally focused as it progresses, but I feel like it was always very distinctive and deeply invested in the interior lives of its characters. But it really does ramp up in the last third, and End of Evangelion elevates all that came before to an even higher level. And it's those opening notes of Komm Susser Tod that make me say "this is the most powerful piece of media I've witnessed."

If you could have someone who claims to "not like anime" watch one show, what would it be?

Why would I want to? If they don't like anime, they don't like anime.
I suppose if I were forced at gunpoint to choose a show that might please someone who's already said they don't like anime, it would still depend on what they like in other genres, but I'd try to stick to a show that has very few anime-isms. So like, Monster or Mushishi or something.
The issue with this situation is, if you're a big anime fan who likes anime in general, and you're trying to win someone over with artsy outliers like Mushishi, you're not going to suddenly make them co-conspirators in your hobby. Even within people who "like anime," people will have extremely different tastes, often with little or no overlap.

I'm guessing you think this'll break the PA Works Good-Bad-Good Cycle then?

Actually, they had both NagiAsu and Glasslip between Eccentric Family and Shirobako, so if the pattern holds, one of either Charlotte or this will be mediocre, one will be bad, and then the show afterwards will be a goddamn miracle.

Have you played Ni No Kuno, the game animated by studio ghibli? If not I highly recommend!

I have, actually! I was enjoying it, but kind of lost momentum in the middle when a particular item for a quest just refused to drop after a ton of grinding. I should maybe pick it up again at some point.

What do you think is an optimal size for your essays? When does one become too long and have to be cut up?

I generally let them be as long or short as they naturally end up, while mainly trying to maintain a good sense of pacing and momentum throughout. I'll only cut an essay if I think I'm actually covering two topics.
The specific issue here is that my initial format for this particular essay was wonky - I began not with a strict sequential outline, but with a number of subsections I wanted to cover, each of which I wrote semi-independently. This resulted in some unfortunate overlap in the points covered between sections, as well as a weaker sense of momentum throughout the piece, which are both big issues that'll probably require some cutting, rearranging, and refocusing. I might even have to totally tear apart one larger part and slot its points in more organically throughout the rest of the piece, which I am reaaally not looking forward to. This is pretty much the problem you run into if you don't start with a really well-constructed outline.

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Which anime series had the biggest successes in writing for you to appreciate?

Generally the successes are more structural than based in specific lines, since anime's always in translation (though I obviously do like the line-by-line writing of some shows, like Oregairu or Monogatari or whatnot). On a structural front, it'd be stuff like Madoka or Ping Pong, that are just beautifully composed stories.

Do you think that you have tendency to over value writing and under value visuals and direction because of your background?

Almost certainly! Though I wouldn't say "overvalue" or "undervalue," because that seems to imply there's some correct level of weight critics should apply to the various elements that make up a show. I'd just say I value writing a lot, and am probably going to be less forgiving of big failures and more appreciative of big successes there versus other areas.

Shipping wars aside, Euphonium seems to have divided anitwitter much more than Hyouka ever did, despite the two shows having (to my mind) similar feels. Do you agree, and if so, why do you think that is?

Has it? When you put aside the shipping stuff, I feel like Euphonium enjoys almost the same level of praise Hyouka did (though I wasn't in the community when Hyouka was airing, so I can only go by Hyouka's current reputation). It's been dominating in the APR, and my feed is full of good things to say about it every week.

Are you glad you stuck it out with Stardust Crusaders? You seem to have enjoyed these last few episodes quite a bit, which as a Jojo´s fan is great to hear.

Yep! The second half of Stardust Crusaders has been great all around. JoJo has been back in peak form for a while now.

Do you think that latest Hibike episode was a bit melodramatic? I've never seen someone get in a screaming match in a classroom and then scream out loud when they're in the hallway.

I've seen that! Hell, I've even been involved in similar things - one time in college, an acquaintance knocked me over a couch and slammed me up against a wall, over a pretty serious "disagreement." Sometimes life can be dramatic.

Is the Reina x Kumiko dream dead or do you think there's still hope?

Considering how things played out that episode, and that we've only got a couple more to go, it seems that way. Romance was never really the focus of this show, and though clearly Reina's crush on Taki-sensei is going to go nowhere, Kumiko being relatively unfazed by it means the show probably isn't interested in pursuing that dramatic track either.
Which, yeah, means the show was baiting stuff it never intended to follow through on. A bunch of scenes earlier on were very, very overtly charged, and turning that dial down here is a bit dramatically disingenuous - it doesn't hurt the show that badly, but it's certainly not the best trick. I guess I shouldn't expect any one show to solve anime's serious issues with overt romance and gay characters overnight, but it's always frustrating to see a good show disappoint in that way.
And on the other side, I'm also not a fan of the whole "LOL YURISHIPPERS SEE WHAT'D I SAY" stuff coming from other quarters. I generally prefer acting under the assumption stories will make good choices until they make bad ones - I feel that if you approach shows with an inherently cynical attitude, you will always find reasons to validate it, and that you miss a whole lot if you're starting from negativity. I'm also seeing triumphant reactions that just seem flat-out mean-spirited, which isn't a great look.
I don't really have a horse in the race, personally. I really love well-constructed romance in general, and the Kumiko-Reina stuff was great up until now (seriously, their scenes were so, so much better than most actual romance/romantic comedy), but I'll be content as long as the show stays good.

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Do you think SHIROBAKO could benefit from a dub?

I think it could benefit just as much as any other show, in that if it has a dub, people who prefer dubs will be happy and more likely to purchase it.

What do you think about the Eupho episode being titled "Straight Trumpet"?

Apparently a more accurate translation would be something like "straightforward," since it's supposed to refer to Kousaka's very direct personality.
Liked by: Damian Hyle

Were there any parts of YKA that verged to close to fanservice for your liking?

I generally define "fanservice" as "stuff added for a specific audience that doesn't serve the general goals of the story," though obviously it's also colloquially used to describe sexual content for the audience's benefit even in shows where that is the /only/ goal. As far as YKA goes, I don't think it really had any "fanservice" in the way I generally describe it - all of its sexuality stuff seemed very purposeful and in line with the show's style of storytelling and goals. I had some issues with YKA, both they weren't really related to that.

There are a bunch of fan edits, of movies like Star Wars and AI and even some shows (one I saw existed was of the Battlestar Galactica ending). What would you think of fan edits for anime? We all know there are 12+ eps shows that would've worked better as a film...

It's an interesting idea, but seems like it'd be really messy in practice. I do wish there was an "abridged Clannad" or something.


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