

Ask @B0bduh

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Film critics at Cannes have been calling Inside Out "Pixar's Spirited Away," which seems sort of... backwards? I mean, it seems Pixar worked its way to being accepted by film buffs (and winning loads of Oscars) a long time ago, while it took Ghibli ages to get even close to similar respect?

I think Ghibli's been accepted by most "film buffs" for a long time. The Oscars have a very specific and narrow bias, but they're not reflective of film criticism in general.

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What are your opinions on one piece? I feel you would like some of the character stories, because some are actually great. Only secondary to HxH in terms of shonen to me, just because HxH doesn't have filler or even any bad canon arcs.

I'm sure I would, but I'm not that tempted to get into something that's a million chapters and not really in my preferred genres. I also gave it a good 15-20 episodes a while back and wasn't really engaged.

You mentioned something about the translation of that last Oregairu scene, what is it that got lost according to what you've heard?

Someone linked me this in another ask:
The right side is Crunchyroll, the left is Commie. Apparently the meaning lies somewhere in the middle - the lines don't directly echo what Hachiman said to Hayato back in episode two, as in the Commie subs, but they're much more clear about her "if that's the extent of our relationship, so be it" implication than the Crunchy ones. Here's a translation from twitter:
That whole tweet thread has the full context:
Liked by: William Kaufmann

Do you ever feel sometimes that you're too snarky for your own good?

Not sure! Sometimes it's tough choosing between a snarkier/funnier but less charitable answer and a more straightforward one. I try to be somewhat careful with where I aim the bite, but I also consider this ask.fm a specific "me place," and so am more willing to be snarky here than I would be if I were having a conversation someone didn't specifically choose to bring to me in this format. The ask.fm comes with an unspoken "warning: your question may be answered in the form of a silly gif"

Oops. Do you think that is an unhealthy way to go about enjoying things, or is it only how I react to other peoples' experiences that is important?

I don't think that's "unhealthy" at all! If that's how you enjoy the show, then by all means, have a great time with it. I can definitely think of shows where I personally would enjoy another season of just spending time with characters I care about. As long as you don't go from "that's why I really enjoyed this episode" to "AND ALSO WHY YOUR EXPERIENCE OF IT WAS UNACCEPTABLE," we're all a-okay.

After seeing some peoples' reactions to the newest episode of Fate, I think I realize why I (and maybe some other fans) enjoy it so much: after spending so much time with these characters, it becomes fun just to spend time with them. In this sense, I loved the newest episode. Do you think that is an

Word limit got ya.

I think the previous asker is specifically thinking about the controversy of the creative choices in the latest Game of Thrones episode. It made some fans of the book completely renounces the show. Do you have any opinions on that?

Not really - I haven't seen the episode.

As of Episode 19, are you gonna drop FSN after not having fun for a while culminating in that, or will you make like Kuzuki and carry on with something you started regardless?

Eh, it's only a few episodes left at this point, and at least some of those have to be fights. Over three quarters of the way in, I definitely want to finish it.

To what extent do you approve and endorse creative freedom?

Creative freedom is pretty cool. This seems like a loaded question with a specific situation in mind, though.

Incidentally, would zombie fiction fatigue prevent you or anyone else from enjoying further zombie fiction? Because there's an upcoming anime that's basically a deconstruction and subversion of cute girls doing cute things via zombies, like a moe Walking Dead, and I fear people will reject off-hand.

I feel like I'm suffering fatigue from every part of that description. "Deconstruction of cute girls doing cute things with zombies" makes me want to go back to bed.

Solely to counterpoint most TM fans on your Ask FM, I can see on an objective level how pretentious and redundant Nasu's prose is for most people. It is the preference of only a few people, and has nothing to do with understanding. So keep on being yourself and don't listen to haters. :)

Thanks! Don't worry, most of the questions I get are pretty reasonable.


I feel kinda obligated to, but I'm not sure when I'll ever get around to it.

So how does Hanamonogatari stack up against the rest of the arcs? One of the best or somewhat middling?

One of the best. Up there with the other top tier arcs of second season.

Really? You liked Fury Road? Now, I haven't seen it, but it really doesn't look like something you would like. What was good about it?

It's an incredibly fun and well-constructed action movie. Great setpieces, great design, great direction, engaging characters, and even a great fist-pumping message. Just good times all around.

This last FSN episode is funny because it basically consists in only tellings us what it already showed in hints in the previous one more briefly.

Yep. A conversation that should have taken four minutes got stretched across an entire episode, while indulging in basically all the worst elements of Fate's dialogue and storytelling. That episode was a disaster.

What do you think of the criticism of Indie films that "think they’re saying something new when in reality they’re saying the same thing all over again except artsy"?

That I'm not sure why the critic is assuming they think they're saying something new? Most stories don't say completely new things - it's about how they articulate their priorities, and spin ideas together.
Liked by: DIGITAL@MUGI Omneya

I marathoned C3-Bu yesterday and I kind of loved it. It wasn't perfect but its laser focus on Yura's mental state made it something special. It must have been agonizing to watch week after week, though - its mid/late-mid episodes pretty much do nothing but assemble a sense of impending doom. Was it?

It was actually pretty fun to watch weekly, since people didn't really know what kind of show it actually was until the halfway point or so. It started as a kind of derpy club show, threads about it went wild when Yura's fantasies seemed to become a physical part of the world, and then it became this heavy drama about self-worth and obsession. It was a fun watch and fun thing to experience when you didn't know what was coming next.

Are there any movies now in the cinema you would consider watching?

I just saw Fury Road, which was excellent. I was also thinking about checking out Ex Machina.

How many times have you had to restrain yourself from responding to some commenter in your top shows section with "Listen buddy, I have written more words about SAO than possibly anyone should ever"?

The compulsion is strong!
Liked by: Arjuna Chatrathi

Would or do you call yourself Webmaster, Editor in Chief, Founder, or what as a "title" if you were putting your personal anime website experience on a resume or CV?

Probably "founder" or something similar? I guess I'll find out soon - I need to get started tidying my resume again...


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