

Ask @B0bduh

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Might be a bit early to say, but Ore Monogatari may be the romcom you're looking for! (aside from oregairu, that is.) The pilot episode was entertaining.

It was! I was a big fan, and I hope it stays this good.

Zero is a short show that relies on themes established by a pretty long visual novel, without introducing ANY original concepts by itself. What Urobuchi got was the already pre-existing materials of F/SN, which he used masterfully to create a pretty good and intriguing story.

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What do you do to fend off the Hestia retweets? She has singlehandedly made it impossible to browse Twitter in public.

Fortunately my feed seems to have shifted from the lewd-lovers retweeting Hestia to the shit-tweeters /talking/ about Hestia.
Liked by: Abbott Veldhuizen

can you tell me which shows will you be watching this season so i can follow them as well?. Thanks senpai <3

I'll be doing a big post in a couple days that covers all the first episodes I've seen, including what I'll be sticking with.

Will your upcoming essay mention anything concerning the act of 'gate-keeping' within the anine fandom community?

Not really.

Do you think that as a non-native speaker of English you can still become a good writer of English stories? What about other occupations that have to do with writing, such as your job, proof-reading.

Certainly - you just have to get fluency-level good at it. No avoiding that.

Do you think anime will stick around for the long-term and eventually gain mass appeal like movies/tv or will it forever be a niche like comic books?

Forever niche, or at least for the loooong foreseeable future. Anime is cartoons from Japan, it's never going to be as widely consumed as a general-purpose medium.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

Will you get a girlfriend (or SO) and if so is it something you're "waiting to happen" or something you're keeping an eye out for?

It's not really something I'm worrying about at the moment. It'd be nice, but I'm too busy and satisfied with the work I'm doing right now to really devote much energy to dating.

(this might sound SERIOUSLY loaded, but please try to bare with me) Do you ever hold off on watching stuff because you're not confident you'll "get" enough to really have something meaningful to say? Asking because that's something I've been doing recently and I'm trying to knock myself out of it.

That's definitely an instinct I understand, and sometimes I'll watch shows just so I can feel qualified talking about other shows (or how I read Anime: A History before writing my Rebellion piece, and a bunch of Kant before writing my Urobuchi piece). I also know I'm missing all sorts of resonances in Giant Robo because I'm not well-versed in classic anime. But most of the time I feel okay just diving into stuff and having the experience I have - if a show's just dense, it generally works out.

What do you think of the artistic side of OreGairu? Although I really liked the writing of the show I didn't really found anything valuable :P

Yeah, it was pretty bare-bones artistically. Some nice body language, but that's about it. The second season's already easily eclipsed it on that front.

It didn't massively shift my perspective on the show but I liked your review of Oregairu. It was really interesting reading you gush so unapologetically over an anime and give it 10/10. What other shows elicit that reaction from you to the extent you become so enthusiastic it's hard to contain?

Most shows in the top half of my top list! I've just gotten better about framing my praise over time:

I'm having a real issue with Oregairu. I tried to watch it and found the main character's attitude so entitled and self centred I couldn't bare it. It was like reading a 'Why don't women like NICE GUYS' post. I understand the show critiques MC for his attitude but how does it do so? Halp bob.

I wrote an essay on it at the end:
And also have episodic posts about it available on my blog. Lots of analysis of Oregairu!

Why aren't you very hot on Arslan bob? I'm surprised since it seems like a fairly serious Fantasy show with good production (other then that CG urgh). You mentioned a few times it was like something you'd watched before, but isn't that the case with most anime given how derivative the medium is?

The premise was fine, but it didn't do anything to distinguish itself - it was a classic fantasy opening, with nothing particularly noteworthy in either the positive or negative directions. Acceptable writing, acceptable aesthetics, well-worn setup, etc. Everything is derivative, which is why execution matters, and Arslan's execution so far has not elevated it.

What'd you think of Monster's ending? Personally I loved it, but I remember there was talk about it being a 'cop out.'

Really, really liked it. Though it was perfectly reflective of Johan's status not as a specific all-powerful villain, but as a reflection of the darkness in all of us. Johan validates our worst instincts, giving people a marker to point to that justifies their own personal bigotry or madness or hatred or fear, and the last arc honored that by refusing to let him become some independent evil outside of the inescapable human evils he facilitates. Johan isn't a monster to defeat, because Johan is all of us.
That series actually has one of my favorite, or at least most thematically precise endings. The series wandered at times, but the overall story and message was perfectly composed.

Gundam, yay or nay?

I have almost no experience with it, so who knows. I remember liking 08th MS Team in high school, and I dropped G Reco because its storytelling was incoherent.

any idea what Urobuchi's currently working on? he seems to be getting projects with little actual involvement

Not sure! His time on Kamen Rider has ended, so it does seem like he's been kinda under the radar for a while, at least compared to his 2011-2013 output. Hopefully we'll find out soon.

I played MTG only casually, and no matter what color I played, I always favored fast aggro (WW) or RDW strategies. It sounds like I'm the kind of player you either find boring or annoying. Am I? :P

Strategies like basically kept the durdling decks honest - could you defend yourself, did you sideboard correctly, etc. That's way less frustrating than something like Jund, which was "tap out and turn sideways" PLUS way more card advantage than you could counter.

Are you interested in doing weekly reviews for Plastic Memories or Sound! Euphonium?

I can almost guarantee both of them will be among the shows I request.

Are you still going to watch Kekkai Sensen (the Director of Kyousougiga's new show)?

Of course! It's already been picked up by Funimation, now I'm just waiting for when they release it.

Did Bloodbraid deserve its modern ban?

I'm not really that familiar with the format metagames now, but sometimes they ban cards not because they're strictly too powerful, but because they slant formats in ways that make them less enjoyable, and I could easily see Bloodbraid being such a case.

but bloodbraid kept Jace the mind sculptor in check for a year

If Bloodbraid didn't exist, they'd likely just have banned Jace and had a healthier format for it. It still cracks me up that Jace somehow got through testing - that card is so far off any reasonable Standard power curve that I have to imagine they just wanted him to exist for older formats.

what is your least favorite competitive magic card?

Tough question. Hmm...
Maybe Bloodbraid Elf? Cascade was just a garbage mechanic to make competitive, and the deck it most rewarded was a garbage deck. Fighting against Jund was not fun or interesting - the deck had the least interesting kinds of unavoidable, embedded card advantage, and Bloodbraid Elf was the worst offender.
There are probably cards I've liked even less, but Bloodbraid Elf's the first that comes to mind.

The flavor of someone untangling themselves from a wire is pretty clear too.

Yep. And it also feels extremely "spell-like" - you cast a burst of disruption, it echoes for a while but fades, you must make best use of it while you can. It has strong mechanics while not feeling overly mechanical.


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