

Ask @B0bduh

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You think tangle wire is a good design? Your going to need to explain that one.

It's just really elegant, with its advantage making graceful use of the Fading mechanic in a way that feels tricky while being very simple. It provides a very core effect in a way that feels both flavorful and gratifying in action, and it prompts the player to think of ways to manipulate its variables in order to cheat value while being both incredibly broad in its general application and actually competitive. It's one of the cards that most easily evokes the feeling of hand-at-the-wheel mastery that I find really satisfying in Magic.
Liked by: Aesdaishar

Oh snap! What colors where your favorite to play?

In high school, I played Vintage (back when it was Type 1), generally favoring Workshop decks. In college, I mainly did drafting, and though I'd likely favor more controllish archetypes in a vacuum, I'd go wherever the cards took me. My favorite card is Tangle Wire, because I'm a jerk and also because I think it's a beautifully designed card.

Have you ever played Magic: The Gathering?

I've likely played/watched over a thousand hours of MtG. It was one of my first games, and I still watch LSV videos while I'm eating dinner.

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why not put the option to pay for articles up anyway? does that actually take anything away?

No, it doesn't. Maybe I will - if people were actually interested in that, that is one way I could move full-time on the writing.

Considering Evangelion's your favorite anime of all time, I was surprised to see that you didn't have any essays about the TV anime. Do you think you'll ever end up writing one, or has the EVA conversation gone on too long for anything new to be added?

I'm planning to rewatch it when the blurays come out, at which point I'll likely write something.

Did school suck for you?

Nah, it was pretty fine. I was a nerdy kid, but had a good group of stable friends that I'm still good friends with. College had a couple really rough years, but also a couple really good ones, so it worked out.

Are you happy?

Pretty happy! I like myself, my friends, and the work I do. All I need is financial security and I'll be aaaall set.

Are you finding that you like/love/respect Shirobako even more now that its gone? Because I am and its kinda depressing. We need a second season!

I was sniffling all through gathering images for my post. We really, really do.
Liked by: Arjuna Chatrathi

Have people asked you about commissioning articles using Patreon?

They have, but the commission rate would have to be somewhere around $70-100 for me to be able to justify the time for it, and I kinda doubt anyone's gonna pay that.

It's pretty well known that the Fate fanbase is nasty. I'm a HUGE fan, but I'm quite reluctant to get involved in any of the chats, forums, etc... because of it. And I honestly don't understand it. Like, shouldn't they be appreciative that so many people like Fate stuff? More fans = more material!

Yeah, it doesn't really make any sense. This kind of "fan evangelism" certainly doesn't make people more likely to appreciate the franchise in the "correct" way, but this is an emotional thing, so...

Do you think Monogatari is a series best watched slowly?

Maybe the arcs can be separated, but each individual arc probably works best watched pretty quickly. Though "pretty quickly" for me generally means "over a few days." I dunno.

My bad. I /want/ to watch Shirobako. But I want to watch when I feel like I'm in the right mood to do so and have enough time without distracting worries. For some shows I look forward to its like that, also because then I know there's still something great to watch.Do you do this as well sometimes?

Yeah, definitely. I've been slowly watching Mushishi episodes over a few months now, which I think makes the series more enjoyable.
Liked by: Arjuna Chatrathi

Favourite Replacements album?

Tim, easy. "Bastards of Young," "Left of the Dial," and "Here Comes A Regular" are all some of my favorite songs. I actually got to see them play "Bastards of Young" at Boston Calling last year, which was pretty great.

Can we expect a gunslinger girls review or write-up in the foreseeable future?

It could happen, but don't hold your breath. It's not something I have planned at the moment.

Why is it so hard for you to accept people like Nasu works for non-gross reasons?

It isn't. I enjoy UBW, and I regularly get comments from people who say "I really love Fate, but those people you get questions from are crazy." I'm not really talking about the idea of liking Fate, I'm talking about the instinct that drives people to defend it from criticism like I'm setting their house on fire.
I actually don't think I've seen this scale of defensive fan reaction from anything else I've criticized - not Clannad, not SAO, not Kill la Kill or Titan or Mahouka or Rebellion. And the criticisms I applied to most of those works were actually more significant than what I've said about Fate! Something about this story just inspires the most pure version of everything I talk about in my media/identity posts.

https://twitter.com/ShirobakoS2When If I continue to see so much love for this show I might not be able to hold it off for when I have time and want to watch it...

I'm hesitant to say anything that'll create unfair expectations for the show, but Shirobako is pretty great. I'm only more confident now that I was right to put it as my #1 2014 show for ANN.

Do you think Oregairu's "strong writing" comes from mostly from the LN or do you think the anime's direction really does a lot to help it?

From what I've seen, it looks like Oregairu was always a smart piece, but that the adaptation has really helped by being a necessarily harsh editor.

can i email you my patreon question now?

Did you not receive a message on Patreon itself? Check there and message me on Patreon if you haven't, we'll figure this out.

What do you think about the fan phenomenon where people have to go to bat for the honor of something like SAO or Nasuverse stuff, instead of just admitting to liking schlocky trash? Is it just that important to feel like you're a member of an elite?

It's not necessarily about feeling like you're an elite (though sometimes it is). If you deeply emotionally identify with a work, you can end up basically internalizing it as a marker of yourself, and thus any criticism of that work becomes an attack on your identity. I wrote an essay on basically this exact topic:

What do you think Nasu's strengths are?

Writing stuff that very strongly appeals to his demographic, I guess?

So what were so bad about the episodes in season 4 of community that they make it hard to watch now?

They weren't funny, creative, ambitious, or poignant, all of the things that made the show great, and so I pretty much lost my investment in the show.


Language: English