

Ask @B0bduh

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That L4D2 stream a while back was fun; will it become a regular thing?

Streaming will hopefully/likely become regular, though that was a friend's stream. I think I might have to mess with my internet to make online streaming work for my computer - I tend to get crazy lag when I play anything online.
Liked by: くそむし だ

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(Cont) So in light of that (and thishttp://itspronouncedmetrosexual.com/2014/05/dear-white-straight-cisgender-men-privilege/) what should I be doing? And I don't mean vague phrases, I mean like an actual checklist.

There's no real checklist to being a socially aware person, unfortunately. The main things are just listening to people whose experiences/circumstances differ from yours, trying to not get defensive about the places where our privilege and default assumptions make us ignorant (and we all have plenty of those), and trying to honestly engage with others and just be a generally open-minded person. Pursue your own social/cultural education if you want, but the main thing is just listening and understanding over defensiveness and talking over people. Don't take general statements about ignorance or social inequality as a personal attack. Don't assume people always want you to respond and engage them - the weight of internet discourse can be exhausting for anyone in any kind of public or disadvantaged position, and we all have more to learn from each other than we do to teach.

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Liked by: Rose Bridges

senpai what is your favorite class when playing rpgs?

Generally some kind of mage. Unless it's something like Dark Souls, where using magic kinda breaks the game.

So what's with the negative connotation with "flawless" characters? People keep saying that they're uninteresting simply because they're good at everything (read: Kirito) and I have to agree, but what about, say, Utena or Hajime (GatchaCrowds)? They're very capable but interesting characters.

Utena's far from a "flawless" character, however you define one. And Hajime's more of a, er, force for Cosmic Good than a usual character. Flawless characters are generally a problem for all sorts of reasons, including the fact that our flaws are what make us relatable/human, character failings are what tend to inspire character arcs and larger conflict, and that watching someone who'll always win is just boring. Gatchaman kind of circumvents this by being a story more about a clash of ideas than Hajime as a person, but in most cases you really, really don't want your protagonist to be all-powerful. Seeing a character overcome their own failings to arrive at an uncertain victory is far more rewarding than seeing Kirito beat up everybody because he's Kirito.

What's up with the hate against anime avatars?

For some reason there are a lot of gross people with anime avatars. Get some progressive statement retweeted on twitter and there's a fair change you'll get a "fuck you SJW" response from someone with a Ryuko avatar.

I don't know, the change in tone in Maria kind of bothered me a bit. Wasn't it kind of anticlimatic? If you are selfish and stick to your ideals everything will go bad, but if you keep insisting it'll all be good again? The whole show was building up to the fact that she had to compromise.

Her and Joseph are both still naive as hell - the first two-thirds of this episode was dedicated to enforcing that. And the fact that Joseph proposing changes everything for her itself demonstrates how simplistic her perspective is. The whole last act of the episode is both a triumphant moment for Maria and a direct articulation of everything Galfa was saying about both of them - they are naive and privileged and that's what informs their priorities and beliefs.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

What If Fifty Shades of Grey is made as a Japanese anime?

Then I'll probably pan the first episode of it for the preview guide and not really think about it again.

Have you seen Maria 11? What are your thoughts? (I don't want to wait for your week in review)

Reaaally good. I particularly liked how this episode illustrated Galfa's character. I've got a big paragraph on him for the week in review.

Do you always take notes?

I generally take notes on weekly stuff, review shows, and Serious Backlist Shows - basically the things I know I'm going to write about.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

What do you think of the attack to Korea in Mahouka?

Not really sure what you're referring to - I only watched the first two episodes. I've heard the story gets really racist, but I never watched far enough to see that myself.

When do you take notes? Your first time watching? Watch the episode again? Do you pause to write them?

First time watching. I pause to take them, though I'll generally wait if there's some important scene happening

What do you mean when you say irreversible damage, when you're talking about climate change?

Rising sea levels swallowing land, species going extinct due to shifting environmental conditions, etc.

KimiUso's story wasn't that great but wow A-1 put in a great effort animating it, the finale was stunning.

Yeah, that was a gorgeous episode. The show's highlights are really something.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

So... what the heck happened to Parasyte? My friend said that it went downhill but it's still just as fun and more thought-provoking than Sword Art Online, though I think that's a pretty low standard lol

Honestly, I think SAO is more thought-provoking than a lot of shows in its genre - I got more out of SAO intellectually than I got out of, say, Titan or Chaika. Still not a high bar, but SAO is certainly about things.
As for Parasyte, the second half's been worse, but I don't think it's actually fallen apart or anything. If you cut the Kana arc and reigned in the excesses of the police stakeout arc, the show would be in a very solid place.

I am six episodes into Psycho-Pass and have noticed Sibyl does not do much to stop crime. Is that the point?

Sybil's existence is more about minimizing the existence of crime than preventing the crime that still exists - its proficiency in the first task is tied to what makes it bad at the second one.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

I still find it strange that people have the notion that climate change isn't real. Living in the UK, whenever it's mentioned it's treated as fact. Are the Americans who don't believe in it radicals or is it common?

One of the two major American political parties treats climate change as a liberal conspiracy. America is a strange place.
Liked by: dav


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