

Ask @B0bduh

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Maybe you should make a "frequently asked questions" post in your blog for ask.fm questions that has been asked a few times. I feel like you already answered "favorite popcorn anime" question a few times now. Then again, not that it means those won't be asked again anyway.

Probably a good idea. Even if people ask the questions again, then I can just link the post.
Of course, that's part of why I write essays in the first place, so I'll have definitive pieces to point to on various topics. Hrm.

There was all this Fate thing going on here and i decided to take a look, i found Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya, Well Fuck. i mean srsly, fuck.

Prism Ilya is actually the first Fate work Nasu created, and is in his words "the foundation text that provides purpose and clarity to all that follows."

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Does Jojo's weirdness ever feel really peculiar to you? Like its weirdness is in its own league and feels like its written by a space alien who's trying to understand humans?

I actually felt that way more in Phantom Blood, and I'm kind of sad the show's lost it. Moments like Jonathan saying "my arm's healed - look, I can even lift this heavy rock!" or "take this... LUCK. And also... PLUCK" were far funnier to me in a kind of The Room-esque way than any of Stardust Crusaders' intentional jokes have been.

What's your opinion on Audiobooks/do you use them?

They seem convenient in many situations, but no. I prefer reading manually, and would rather listen to music at times when I can't.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

On the Parasyte questions, how about the opposite, any shows you can think of that had an at best average beginning but got better as they went on?

The World God Only Knows is a kind of cheating answer, because that was two seasons of a romcom parody followed by one season of a brutal, very personal skewering of romcom conventions. C3-bu's also kind of a weird case...
Oh! Fate/Zero. Fate/Zero got way better as it went along.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

Dear Senpai, tips on dealing with being down in the dumps or hard times?

When I'm feeling down or dealing with a lot of stuff, my head is generally not where I want to be - I'm just going to stew in bad feelings if I sit around trying to think myself positive. So what I try to do is to give myself a whole bunch of micro-goals - I make up a big list of things I really should do divided into small but meaningful parts, and then I try to check off as many boxes and right as many "- DONE"'s as I can. This both keeps me occupied and also gives me many small jolts of accomplishment, and even if the individual things I'm doing aren't much, it acts as therapy while slowly chipping at my problems. I can intersperse this with "rewards" as well - so I'll write "get an outline of that new piece written, put away laundry, then get a slice of pizza." If you just treat yourself to try and fight bad feelings, you won't feel better, but if you mentally frame it as a reasonable reward for you attacking your problems, you can earn a mental back-pat.

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can you think of any other show that started out as strong and dived as far as parasyte?

Oh, it happens all the time. Many shows have great first episodes, or a great first few, but just can't keep it together. Though I guess it depends on what you think of the show? Some people say Samurai Flamenco did that, but I think Samumenco stayed fantastic throughout - other people really like Kill la Kill, and I think Kill la Kill ran out of ideas entirely at its halfway point. Even Aldnoah.Zero didn't start out as a trainwreck.
Liked by: Arjuna Chatrathi

is it just me, or do you feel that Parasyte has had a major drop in animation quality over the last episodes? or is it directing? or maybe im just seeing things and it was always like this from the begining? i dunno, im starting to find alot of flaws where i didnt see them on the first episodes

No, it definitely got worse. It's been that way for a while, too - both the energy of the direction and the quantity of high-quality cuts have dwindled in the second half.

Do you think you'll ever change your Speedwagon avatar? Or is this now an integral part of your image?

Sometimes I feel like switching my avatar, but I may be pot committed to Speedwagon at this point. Hmmm...
Liked by: Eelz Rose Bridges

Thoughts on Shakugan no Shana?

Pretty bad. Really boilerplate fantasy light novel adaptation, with little to recommend it - it's shallow, thinly written, overlong, and doesn't really have good characters or particularly noteworthy execution.

On a related note to the whole engaging with your media thing - what about porn? You've said that not all of it is sexist, but what about when it is? If you enjoy the fact that it objectifies women and you still decide to watch it, are you sexist/more likely to act sexist now?

As I said in my "your taste is bad" piece, our art preferences aren't and don't have to be reflective of our highest ideals, and I think that's also true for porn. Porn can reflect all kinds of hangups and impolitic fantasies of our personal selves. It's just something you need to keep in perspective, and try to examine, and hopefully not get super defensive about. People are into what they're into, but other people aren't obligated to find that awesome.

As someone who doesn't know of him, who is Richard Dawkins and what's up with him?

He's a biologist who's generally known as one of the leading voices of a super outspoken and self-righteous form of atheism, famous for writing several books including The God Delusion. A singular idol of teenagers who've just realized religion isn't logical, and thus they're clearly smarter than all religious people and should probably form their identity out of this fact. Also renowned for some really singular tweets which help release some of the gas from his petulant ego-balloon:
I actually used to be a big fan of Dawkins (I too was once a self-absorbed teenager), and clearly his larger goals like "combat religious extremism and the many social injustices religion perpetuates" are noble, but the guy's unfortunately an asshole.

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Just wondering if you have a graph of which articles on your blog get the most views.

Yeah. It's dominated by the top shows list, followed by the annual show lists and a couple random posts that I think show up on google, and then stuff like my Samumenco post, Eva post, etc.

I was reading your top 30 list and I saw Gargantia on it. I think you may be the only person I know of who genuinely liked the show. Just an observation. I don't mean much by it.


Hardest game of "Who said it?" in history: DAWKINS VS NASU EDITION 1. "Time shall compress...All existence denied" 2. "Your dislike of me makes this easier" 3. "You cannot avoid death. To live is to die. They are one in the same" 4. "When you say that, your excessive stupidity hurts my head! Idiot!"

I know that last one's Nasu, but it's such a Dawkins quote that I'm second-guessing myself.

Is KimiUso still worth watching, despite dragging in the second half?

I'd say it is if you like the genre. It's no longer something I'd universally recommend, but if you're a fan of teen dramas or shows about music or whatnot, it's probably worth it.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

Thoughts on Nagi no Asukara?

Let's see what my MAL notes have to say!
"A fair enough drama that could have used maybe eight fewer episodes. Though it starts off possibly promising generational or racial conflict, it ends up dissolving into a big ball of romance drama, but the characters are solid and there are great moments scattered throughout. Worse than it could have been, but better than most of its kind."

I spent hundreds of dollars of my bonus/taxes at Rightstuf! I'd have gladly given you 5% if your button was better advertised. :((((

Well fuck. Guess I gotta work on my site layout.

Is there a way to do those Amazon/Rightstuf links on the mobile site?

Maybe. The mobile formatting is weird, and I've had serious trouble in the past trying to wrestle with it. Obviously you could always just click through one of the Amazon/Rightstuf links from the top 30 list (http://wrongeverytime.com/2014/03/31/top-30-anime-series-of-all-time/) on the mobile, but the front page sidebar doesn't appear on the home page. Not sure how I would go about adjusting that.

So, to be clear, if I, as I plan to, spend several hundred dollars of my tax returns through your Amazon link, you will receive like fiveish percent of that.

YEP. No cost to you, big help for me. That would be EXTREMELY NICE OF YOU.


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