

Ask @B0bduh

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What do you think of this notion:"everyone is a critic nowadays"? (Sorry for bad punctuation?)

I don't think it really means much, I guess? Media's a more communally structured object these days, but I wouldn't call that "everyone's a critic." Kind of the opposite, in fact - new forms of media engagement are generally very unlike critical analysis.

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Gonna keep bugging you about Expelled from Paradise.

Okay. I'm not watching it until professional quality subs are out.

niisan will u ever watch maison ikkoku? or any other rumiko?

I'll be watching the first episode of her new show in the spring, at least. I'll probably get to some of her old stuff eventually.

Just chiming in to say that if not for your Yuri Kuma Arashi write-ups, I'd miss pretty much everything of note. I don't know how you do it, it's always so hard for me to 'pay attention' in that sense.

Glad you're enjoying them! Ikuhara shows are about as rewarding "active viewing" experiences as you could ask for. Almost every frame has a story to tell, so my general policy of "assume everything is purposeful until proven otherwise" works really well.

Current thoughts on fullmetal alchemist?

A show with some really nice ideas that's too much of a classic shounen with classic shounen pacing/humor/action problems for me to really feel engaged in.

It seems to me that you were formally trained in literary criticism in college. Do you have any kind of similar training in cinema?

Nope. All my film training is self-taught. It's a big hole, but I've been working to improve at it over time.

Do you ever feel anime makes you read novels less, that is, you are less inclined to read?

Not really. It just takes up time I might otherwise spend reading.
Liked by: Eelz


Yeah, that's the impression I'm getting. Didn't realize so many people cared about his reputation.

I really enjoy your Yuri Kuma Arashi write-ups. I know you're busy with other shows and ANN work, but I'd love to see more of those in the coming weeks.

I'll try. I can't make a bunch of writeups the size of that episode 2 one, but I can hopefully make more reasonable ones on a regular basis.

TB has mentioned himself that his SA post from 2007 is dumb as hell. TB - just like anyone else - says dumb stuff from time to time. What's the point in mocking him for it?

Total Biscuit is essentially the biggest voice lending his support to a modern hate group, and his current statements on GG are very consistent with the attitude reflected in that SA piece. I don't feel too bad about letting some of the air out of his tires.
Liked by: Proxy Mel

I don't really follow these shenanigans , but TB seems perfectly reasonable here: http://imgur.com/eD5gP8w Feel free to correct me.

It starts out okay, but the first paragraph veers into "let's misinterpret that one study about online celebrities to ignore the reality of harassment's gendered nature," the second paragraph is all nonsense about how social critique is bad, the third is a jab against both the "gamers are over" articles (which were perfectly reasonable) and the absolutely necessary blocklist, and it ends with the telling "people unlike me can play games, they just have to leave their identity/politics behind" (which was always how environments like 4chan worked anyway).

besides Utena and YBS is there more ikuhara to watch?

Sailor Moon! Not the crappy new one, but he directed a bunch of episodes of the 90s version, and that's supposed to be pretty great.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Is film critic hulk an influence on your writing?

Yes, though not as much as he used to be. I think I've got a better handle on my own critic voice at this point.
Liked by: Mel

How do you deal with loneliness?

My general answer is "distracting myself with work I have to do." But right now, I feel like I'm too busy to be lonely.

what other shows would you say necessitate close readings on the level of ikuhara?

Monogatari tends to reward it. The Tatami Galaxy is also very rich.


Language: English