

Ask @B0bduh

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will you making an essay on Tsukimonogatari? Just watched it, and im still very conflicted on what it was all about. I get the sense its about Araragi's purpose in life and future and how he needs to cope with the loss of his adolescence, but its a jumble mess in my brain , and I need your help!

I haven't watched it yet, so I'll have to do that and see if I've got something to say. All my other watches got put on hold by preview week, but I should be back on that and Haibane next weekend.

Loving the preview guide so far. I really appreciate you being part of it and all the hard work you put into it! Still quite a few to go so good luck and don't overwork yourself <3

Thank you! I'm feeling pretty alive at the moment, don't worry.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

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Do you think its necessary to watch any or all of the other iDOLM@STER series to watch Cinderella?

Nope. I just started with this and didn't have a problem.

Do you ever plan on doing a full writeup on Penguindrum?

Probably not. There's plenty of good writing on it out there.

If the last scene of Saekano was indicative of the mood of the rest of the show, do you think it would be a good show?

Possibly! It's not like OreGairu's OVA episode was something to be proud of, either. I'll be giving it another episode to see if it actually uses its writing for good instead of evil.

How much time it usually takes for you to write an episode review / a full review?

An episode + episode review is generally between an hour-hour and a half. A full review is maybe three-four hours, show essay maybe seven-eight. Some can take longer or shorter.
I'm trying to work on writing faster. It's the Ema problem - right now I'm only barely writing fast enough to keep up with my current workload, and I need to increase my workload.

Bob-sama, what shows from this season would you recommend? I've only been watching Yuri Bear Storm and Death Parade because IKUHARA AND MADHOUSE HYPE.

There's still a good number of shows coming out, but so far, aside from those I recommend trying Cinderella Girls and Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE! The first one is beautiful and endearing, the second one I found actually funny.

Did you stop to think about those things before posting the "bestofnasu" links?

I'd actually kind of forgotten how hysterical some Fate fans can get. Wouldn't have changed anything, though - there's a huge difference between making jokes about some property and being personally insulting to someone. You can't help that megafans will take jokes about/criticism of their favorite thing as a personal attack.

Bobduh senpai coworkers and friends keep recommending me Tokyo Ghoul , but I've seen half of it and dropped it last season. What should I tell them when I think their favorite current anime is shiiiiit?

Just say you're not a fan, I guess?

I've seen a lot of people criticize Katanagatari because they believe the show espouses nihilistic beliefs which end up undoing the entire series in the last two episodes. Do you have any thoughts on the matter? ps: I ask because it seems to be a common complaint in reviews other than your own.

Really? The point of the show is "you have to choose your own path." Characters being undone by their fatal flaw doesn't make a show nihilistic - that happens in basically all tragedies.

I'm quiet and act nice to people in real life but online I impulsively become a pretentious and condescending ass that regrets almost everything he writes after it is done. What would you say I should take away from that?

That after you write something and before you post it, you should step away from the keyboard. Like, literally stand up, walk around for a bit. Then look at what you wrote again. What will it do for you? What will it mean to the person you're talking to? How will future you feel about having written that?
I can't tell you how many pages of response I'm happy to have deleted without ever posting. Yeah, it felt righteous at the time, writing them, but it always feels better to delete the mean stuff. It's good for the soul.

So I went to go find out what all the hubbub about Utena is, and found out that it came it in '97. Am I missing something? From the way I've been hearing it talked about, I was sure it was a recent release. Might be a dumb question, but whatever.

It's the most famous work of Kunihiko Ikuhara, the director of this season's Yuri Kuma Arashi. He is extremely famous for making rich, pointed, beautiful works of the type us bloggers tend to really, really like. It's also a very influential work, especially relative to its visibility in western fandom - Utena is basically one of those Velvet Underground-style shows, where many of the people who were involved in or influenced by it went on to make other great works that reference or build off it.

I just got out of bootcamp today, did GamerGate die during the two months I was gone?

It's... well, you know how it is. The attitudes underlying GamerGate were always present in a subset of the gaming community, and now that subset has finally connected with their natural allies in stuff like the men's rights community and right-wing bloggers. The good news is, it's definitely been reduced to just those core members who are perfectly happy to admit it's all about opposing progressive values. The bad news is, those core members aren't going away anytime soon. So it's still there and still awful, but it's shed basically all its "moderates" and lost any power/credibility it might once have had. Hell, Intel just announced they're donating $300 million to help promote diversity in tech fields. GG has definitely succeeded in shedding serious light on all the issues it wishes people would stop talking about.

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Do you plan on watching Zetsuen no Tempest at some point in the distant future?

Yep. That and Aku no Hana were the two big shows I missed in 2013.


I've known Guy for close to two years now. We're good friends. Calm down.

How many episodes do it take to hook up to Mushishi?

Mushishi doesn't really build over time. The first few episodes are fairly reflective of what the overall show is - rich, atmospheric fables in a beautiful world.

How is Saekano's self-awareness different from Cute High Defense Love's?

Cute High Defense having actual jokes helps. As does the fact that it's parodying/embracing something that's endearing (magical girl shows) as opposed to fanservice dreck.

Do you think you'll give the proper first episode of Saekano a watch or was today's episode enough to put you off it entirely?

I actually might. If the writing were less interested in hyuking about how anime is dumb and more interested in actually saying something, it could be okay. And I assume "pointless fanservice episode" is the show at its absolute worst.

You promised episodic NGE posts did you lie to us Nick?

Committing to a project like that would require each week having an additional day. We'll see if Patreon or something can get me there.


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