

Ask @B0bduh

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Anonymity brings out the worst in people, but can it also bring out the best in people?

The promise of anonymity is that it lets marginalized people have an equal voice, and charged topics be covered frankly. The reality of anonymity is that it promotes the worst culture either moderators or (in the absence of moderators) the worst members of a given community will tolerate. Anonymity has prompted a net loss in empathy - it's a villain who possesses certain powers we need, and better restraining it while still retaining use of those powers will be one of the big challenges of the internet going forward.

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What is your favourite book that was required reading in high school/college?

The Sound and the Fury is one of my favorite books period, so that's kind of cheating. There were a bunch I loved, though - Lolita, The Remains of the Day, tons of Shakespeare plays, Pride and Prejudice, Emma, As I Lay Dying, For Whom the Bell Tolls.

I've seen a lot of hate recently for Hanamonogatari which I don't understand. When I watched it, it was like it demanded my respect and told me that if I didn't place it in my top 4 arcs then I'm somehow a bad person. Why would so many people not find it as beautiful?

There are people out there who think Mayoi is a good character.

What do you think of Super Bunnyhop's take on GG? Starts around 9:30 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5Y1ArOTEqE

He starts by fudging the chronology by months in order to tie the GTA V/Hatred Greenlight things into GG's motives, but then I realize he's a youtube game personality, and they pretty much have to pander to the worst audience in the universe. By the end it seems like he's aiming for the most productive message he can impart on the audience most likely to be defensive and hysterical about gamergate.

Why do people like the character Kanade Tachibana so much? She's like an emotionless Rei doll.

She's cute and helpless, the Maeda special.

Ok really, Tsukimonogatari is not that bad about the fanservice. Those were a handful of screenshots cut out from 1h40m worth of content, and you know how reddit loves to blow things out of proportion. Good on you for going to ANN btw, you deserve better than /r/anime.

Yeah, that's what I'm hearing - I really want to get to it, I've just been busy with other review stuff. And thank you!

Can you think of a few examples that apply to the situation?

Global warming, for one. "Gamergate moderates." Anti-vaxxers. Etc. Basically any issue where all the actual evidence only supports one side, and thus the other side thrives off the kind of legitimacy equal framing brings to a position that's fundamentally based in emotion and empty ideology.

What's wrong with the intellectual 'both sides are partly right, but...' argument that is predominant today? Could you give some examples illustrating its flaws?

It lends false legitimacy to perspectives that are just flatly ignorant or wrong by framing all debates as if they're being held between two equally valid sides. It also just avoids the actual work of legitimately engaging with/researching issues.

On musicals: While you did say that you don't like them overall, are there any specific moments you've seen where the narrative being set to song was beneficial to the work?

I'd say that's true of most of my favorite songs - I really like songs that tell stories, musicals aside. And albums like Protomen's The Father of Death might as well be musicals already - actually, the first time I saw them live, they performed that album in-character from start to finish.

If someone were to buy you planetarian on Steam, would you read it?

Maybe, if it's short? The fact that it's by Key makes me think I probably wouldn't get very far.

Have you seen the OreGairu 2 long PV? Man, it looks like Feel has seriously improved upon where Brains Base did adequately. If Suga is still around we could be in for something really great!

Just watched it. Jeez, that DOES look like an improvement. Pretty excited!

Sort of confused about your opinion of TB to be honest. I've heard a lot less from him about GG and a lot more about pre-ordering, the role the media plays in hyping bad games, and what he thinks about that. Then again, I haven't been following it closely. It's too ugly to look at for long.

I don't follow TB, so I only hear about him when he's opining on stuff that affects my circles. Recently, that's been a whole lot of defending GG, along with threads of the anti-progressivism and resentment towards traditional criticism that often prompt it.

Would Shirobako be better if the cute girls were replaced with realistic looking people?

Definitely. It's not the biggest problem with the main five, but it's kind of distracting that their middle-aged coworkers all look the same age.

That guy who kept insisting that Shinji is a bad character because he doesn't prove his inner strength, you implied his argument was stupid with those gifs. But might you explain why you thought they were stupid?

Shinji's a rich character who shifts in a variety of ways across the course of Evangelion while providing a sharp look into depression and isolation, ultimately facilitating a resounding argument in favor of human connection. The argument against him is "Shinji should man up, I don't like protagonists that don't make me feel powerful."

Do you like musicals?

I like the idea of musicals more than I like almost any musical I've actually seen. Normally their inherent camp sort of kills my investment, but I love the idea of narrative set to song.


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