

Ask @B0bduh

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All this about Slaine's suffering has intrigued me. Is Aldnoah.Zero worth watching just for that?

Not really. Some other stuff it does is fun, though. I wouldn't say I regret watching it, it just failed to meet my expectations after the first few episodes.

Favorite line/quote in any medium, ever?

Probably the one my blog is named after, actually. Or maybe the Kaiki one about personal truths.

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"When a show is overly transparent in using some given character as a constant punching bag"...KimiUso much?

KimiUso's central character conflict is about someone overcoming a history of abuse to regain their passion. If you can't tell the difference between that and what Aldnoah does with Slaine, I don't know what to tell you.

Do you have rough notes on every season of Monogatari? I have been watching the series but, most of the time, I feel like I'm losing some important information, mainly because I can't "decipher" most of the dialogue's messages.

Sadly no. I've got these two episodics for Nadeko's Bakemonogatari arc, which I rewatched after the fact in light of Nise:
But I don't start real episodic notes until Monogatari Season Two, at which point I start doing in-depth episodics on the series. Other than that, I have individual essays on Nise, Neko Black, the series overall, and Hanamonogatari.

Why does everyone hate Slaine?

Because it's fun, mainly. When a show is overly transparent in using some given character as a constant punching bag, it generally becomes more funny than sad when bad things happen to them. The character exists to be punished by god for some inscrutable reason, so you can't really see them as a person. See: Shirley in Code Geass.

In case you didn't know, Urobuchi has a new project announced, and it's a game adaptation http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2014-12-09/square-enix-game-gunslinger-stratos-gets-tv-anime-in-2015/.81955

See, I'd previously have been excited, but now my immediate reaction is "what does 'providing the original scenario' actually mean?" Urobuchi seems to be making a name for himself in creating interesting premises for other writers to fuck up.

Not even reddit seems to tolerate ThatAnimeSnob, he gets downvoted into oblivion almost every time he posts.

Yeah, so I see. That makes sense - reddit is generally a positivity-focused loop, and Snob is definitely not that.

Do you think Aku no Hana s2 has any chance of ever seeing the light of day? This show is a complete economical suicide

Nooope. Or at least, not before all the actors age out of their parts.

Oh, I forgot you also posted your episodic notes for Aku no Hana. Thanks a ton for those; they were infinitely helpful while I watched Utena.

No problem!

Can I read your Aku no Hana article before watching or should I watch Aku no Hana first?

I don't directly spoil anything, but I'd say watching the show first would probably be best if you're going to anyway.

My roommates have become a part of the gamergate sexist/racist hivemind. What do I do? Is there some book I can make them read? A movie they should watch? What cures this stuff? My method of listening quietly, and then trying to explain the other side doesn't work on this for some reason. :(

Honestly, at this point, I don't know. Gamergate has now been reduced to a very core, dogmatic group that are deeply against progressive values. I had a two hour conversation with a Gamergater a couple weeks ago where I got him to basically concede every point he raised individually, and admit that his cause was basically just about hating feminism and an irrational fear of losing what "gamer" means, and then he went away for fifteen minutes, presumably watched another propaganda video, and came back starting with the same arguments at the top. The GGers I've run into are far beyond reason now, and running on tribal fear.
That said, people are hopefully more willing to listen to those they actually respect and listen to in other areas, and it helps that all their beliefs are either right-wing propaganda or demonstrably untrue "evidence." But I dunno. It's not something worth ruining your living situation over if you think they might just grow out of it - I'm guessing most of these people will feel pretty embarrassed about their current actions in a few years time.

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Liked by: Sophia

Did you know that Aku no Hana only made 314 DVD/BD sales over the whole year of 2013 compared to Attack on Titan's, 51171... http://www.someanithing.com/151 ? What are your thoughts on that?

"Yeah, that makes sense," I guess? Attack on Titan was the action blockbuster of 2013, whereas Aku no Hana is a weird little arthouse show with an unusual art style and very slow pacing. Even Aku no Hana's themes run counter to what most people want in anime, as demonstrated by that ANN thread.

Why are you watching something like Occult Academy when you literally have dozens of better, more interesting and more critically acclaimed shows to watch on your hands? Is this related to your work with ANN?

Because I felt like watching Occult Academy.

How does shirobako rank (assuming the series continues and concludes the way it is, which it should) in this season's anime for you?

In this season's? #1.

If you knew with absolute certainty that you were going to die (from a non-debilitating illness) in six months, what would you do?

Travel and write.

You said that you moved up Utena to #3 on your list. Where was it before, why was it there, and why did you move it?

It was at #5 I think, where I put it directly after finishing it. But it's a show I keep thinking about and appreciating more in retrospect.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

Just you wait with Shinji.

So I'm hearing. Just responding to this so I don't get more "guess what Shinji does" asks overnight.

Shinji from FSN is basically the same character as... every single villain in SAO. Is he more tolerable because he's never portrayed as a real threat?

The show never portrays him as a credible threat, he's just a side character, and he's not obsessed with sexually assaulting people. I'd say those all put him in a good place relative to SAO villains.
Liked by: zackadavis

Have you gotten any comments or asks complaining about how you like Shirobako? Considering that you seem to get plenty of "but SAO is actually good you suck!!!" I was wondering if the inverse might happen as well.

It's more rare that you get comments from people being Mad That You Like Thing. It does happen though - I've certainly got a number of them about KimiUso, at least. And of course the top shows list has gotten plenty of Eva sucks, Madoka sucks, you suck, etc.

So did you end up dropping Inou Battle?

Nah, I'm just busy and watching other stuff. I'll probably catch up this week, I've only got a couple episodes left in Occult Academy now.

Would you punch an important painting if there were no legal repercussions? Plus I could pay you a coffee after if you do it I guess, not the fancy kind though.

No. Why would I want to do that?

Do you ever have a problem getting distracted while writing? How do you keep yourself focused?

I get that a lot, and don't really have a trick to it. I try to limit immediate distractions, take care of any small things I have to do beforehand so I'm not thinking about them while I'm writing, and refuse to let myself alt-tab. I generally get either a couple lines or a paragraph out, have to fight the immediate instinct to alt-tab, get another few lines out, have to fight the instinct again, etc.
Liked by: Adam Wednesdays


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