

Ask @B0bduh

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do you still read your top 30 comments?

Yeah. I get a notification when anyone comments on anything, and scan all of them.

Oh sorry, do you want me to call them "Feminist supporters"? I don't like to mix up "civil-rights activists" with "the thought police", considering what's being called feminism now-a-days is something of a cult itself, who think they're allowed to slit people's throats; hence the ironic term "SJW".

Yes, this rant about killer feminists and the thought police was definitely not written by someone in a cult. Alright, back to pointing and laughing at you.

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So you laugh at the woman who helped build schools in impoverished countries for little girls, while her life is under threat, but is scared to use the GG hashtag because of how aggressive Anti-GG is with their Doxxing?

You're fighting a personal war against an imaginary enemy. "Anti-GG" isn't a real thing - there's just GG, which is essentially an insular modern cult, and the rest of the world, which has either examined GG and seen it's a cult, or simply doesn't know it exists.

Sorry if you've been asked this before, but since your real name isn't Bob, how did you become Bobduh?

It's a meaningless handle I thought up when I was maybe twelve years old. I think I created it for Starcraft: Brood War.

I have heard from people that dislike Aku no Hana, that the only reason the reviewers at ANN love it so much and constantly give it good reviews is because Zac Bertschy pays you all to like it. How massively untrue is this?

Sadly untrue, but if you know of anyone out there who /is/ paying people to like things, please let me know.

Has your day job been affected by your employment by ANN? I'm just curious because you were taking about reading manga all day for ANN, but most people usually work in the middle of the day on Mondays.

I have a weird schedule. I don't work Mondays for my other job, but I'll be working for twelve hours tomorrow.

I have adblock turned off for your website, but I'm not seeing any ads. Are they not up yet or is something wrong?

They're not up yet. Thank you, though!

What do you think a first paragraph /should/ accomplish?

I guess "hook the reader and give them some indication of where the piece is going," but it really depends on the piece and the audience.

Hey Bob, I can't seem to get started on this essay assignment for my class. Are there any tricks that can help me get words down on the paper?

Is there any part of it you /know/ you'll eventually be writing your way to, even if it's just a general idea of a later point? Write that down. Jot down any of the points you'll be moving towards, try to sort them in order. It can seem like a waste of time to just plot out the vague ideas you already have in your head on the page, but creating even a rough outline makes it substantially easier to just bounce from point to point once you're in the essay. And hopefully outlining the essay will give you some sort of idea of where you can start. That first paragraph is always the toughest for me too.

Have you thought about writing a piece comparing how Log Horizon and SAO approach gaming and the "trapped in the game" adventure subgenre after LH2 and SAOII finish?

Not really. I don't really feel that invested in either of them.

In Flowers of Evil, is it heightened or does Kasuga just have a really bad case of chuuni?

Aren't those kind of the same thing? The show's aesthetics are relaying his personal reality.

After the Evangelion question I wonder if you ever prefer a dub over the sub?

Occasionally. Cowboy Bebop, Gurren Lagann, Space Dandy...

Looks like a nice book, would it help with understanding anime too?

Maybe in a general art-theory sense, but it's pretty specific to comics/sequential art.

Is there a particular reason why Steins;Gate isn't higher on your list (apart from liking the other shows better)? Basically, what are your main complaints with the show, or what could it have done better?

I don't really have any. That's basically about as high as a show like that could go without either being a bit more incisive in its character writing or having something more to say.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

How exactly is Amagi funny-bad enough for you when it is arguably one of the worst shows of this season? The more I watch the less I understand how KyoAni picks its source materials. My guess is by applying some random game of choices like dice rolling et similia.

Amagi was chosen because its original creator and the director have a strong relationship, I believe - the creator also wrote FMP and the adapted script of Hyouka. And I don't find Amagi funny-bad, I just find it actually funny.

What do you think of Guilty Crown?

It's pretty funny-bad, but not funny-bad or competent enough to sustain my interest.


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