

Ask @B0bduh

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Which Grisaia route did you play through?

The Makina route, which I was told was one of the better-written ones. It did not compel me to continue.

Have you checked out the new overwatch short featuring genji and hanzo?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJ09xdxzIJQ

Hahah oh man, they are really embracing the hell out of that cheesy ninja aesthetic, huh.
I like how much purpose they're getting out of these videos - each one introduces you to all of the relevant moves of two characters in relation to each other, while also offering some backstory and worldbuilding and very professional filmic storytelling. The fact that this one was about "Cliche Ninja A" and "Cliche Ninja B" made it a bit weaker than the Winston one, but I mean, that's kinda what I'd expect given Genji and Hanzo's designs. Now if only Blizzard would just release the damn game this exact second.

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How would one go about joining anitwitter?

By creating a twitter account and talking to other people. There's no real initiation ritual - if you're nice and not confrontational, you'll find people who enjoy talking to you. If you have interesting things to say or retweet stuff people like to see, you'll find people who want to follow you. Pretty much all there is to it.

can you start watching jojos at diamond is unbreakable?

There'll be a couple awkward moments here and there, but it should be doable. But the first season of JoJo is actually really good, so I might start there and just skip Stardust Crusaders. That's the only poor segment of the show so far.
Liked by: Tiago Coutinho

"Light novels tend to be very poorly written". Is this an opinion you came to from experience? Are there any gems in there, or is it a lost cause?

It's a combination of reading a decent number myself, reading thoughts from others who've read more, watching way too many shows that have been adapted from them, and reading the comments by the fans of those shows' source material. But it's not like it's an inherently poisoned medium or anything, and I really enjoyed Kizumonogatari. I'm sure there are more great light novels, but just like with manga, we don't necessarily see adaptations of the best the medium has to offer.

Recently, a friend volunteered to go over the fan translation of a light novel and turn it into something resembling what a native English speaker might have written. He was told that the changes to "readable" removed that particular light novel charm that the readers come for. Comments?

This doesn't surprise me. Light novels tend to be very poorly written relative to conventional fiction, but they are poorly written in a variety of ways that fans have come to embrace as their "style." You can compare it to how light novel protagonists tend to be badly constructed characters, but they are badly constructed in ways that appeal to a specific audience. These choices severely limit the universality of these works' appeal, but also make them seem more familiar/appealing to a very specific established audience.
A friend of mine wrote an article that goes into some of this stuff a while back:

Are you going to do a writeup on dead [...] demon's [...] destruction? I was absolutely amazed by that story, not having read anything by its author before.

Yep! A writeup on the first volume will be out in not too long.
Liked by: Sunshine Marmot Eelz

Where would you put the current JoJo OP in the JoJo OP rankings?

Probably third, after Battle Tendency and Phantom Blood. It's very strong, but those two are transcendent. I'd put Battle Tendency among my all-time favorites.
The less said about Stardust Crusaders' two atonal yell-fests, the better.
Liked by: Eelz

How did you feel about the Uraraka vs Bakugou fight?

Haven't seen it yet. The fourth volume of the manga ends right before that, because life isn't fair.

With how you've been liking Lost Village, have you considered re-watching Another?

Nope. I've got way too much other stuff to watch.

D.Va is pretty fun but I find it hard to enjoy playing her because of how stupid every one of her lines is

Eh, camp archetypes are basically all I expect from AAA videogame writing. You have to go to the indie stuff to find anything better than that.

D.VA is great as a backline disruption hero rather than a typical tank. It's just so much fun zooming in and out and ruining every sniper's day.

I'll have to play her more to figure out her style. I tend to really enjoy disruption-style characters - blocking paths with Mei is too much fun.

I know you like Miki a lot but is it in a "this is a great character" way or a "damn I wish she were real so we could hang out" way

Miki's one of those characters that I really like in an aspirational sense. She's very talented and extremely ambitious, and she's not ashamed of either of those things. She's a good person, but she also really wants to win. It's nice to see a character like that being honestly celebrated.

I'm curious as to what level you managed to play at in Starcraft, since you just mentioned being quite good :D

I'm not sure how the game currently gauges play level online, but I was in diamond league solo queue back when it first came out. I mostly played team games with friends, though, and if I recall correctly was also diamond in 3v3s and 4v4s.

So what are your top 5 Souls games bosses ? (including BB)

Oh man, tough question. I can't compare them straight up, so I'm just gonna go with "how much I appreciated them at the time"/"how much they exemplify what is great about these games."
1. Ornstein and Smough
2. The Flamelurker
3. Sir Alonne
4. The Princes
5. Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower
I may have fudged that a bit to get in a boss from each game, but they all have at least a few great ones. Father Gascoigne also might be a better pick than Maria, since Gascoigne is the clear "alright, but are you /really/ ready to play this game?" moment of Bloodborne.

Are you going to buy Overwatch? It's a great game, but online multiplayer scares me in that you /have/ to catch up with the metagame that takes a lot of time commitment.

Yeah, definitely. Blizzard actually seem to be working very hard to make sure Overwatch has a very low commitment floor - the short game times, ease of switching characters, lack of specialization, etc all lend it to very enjoyable "pick up and play" situations regardless of your skill level. I actually have committed to far more investment-hungry multiplayer games in the past (I was quite good at Left 4 Dead, Starcraft II, and League of Legends, all of which have an outrageous commitment floor), and in comparison, I think Overwatch is specifically designed to be as inclusive as possible. Which is great!
Liked by: Aluido

Though I haven't seen him credited it yet, apparently Urobuchi is guest writing for Concrete Revolutio. Do you think his usual skills and style of writing will suit that show?

For sure. I feel like the show's last episode could easily have been written by him. Conrevo is very much his kind of thing.

Have you played D.VA yet? Her kit is amazing once you figure it out.

I definitely haven't played her enough to figure her out. Right now it's mostly just annoying how she seems to combine solid damage, high speed, high defense, and a top-tier ultimate, along with that getaway mechanism that makes it hard to secure a kill. She's a tough one to deal with.

I didnt know you played magic bobman! Do you only play commander?

I do some occasional drafting too, but yeah, mostly commander. I used to play vintage way back in the day, but now I just play with friends.

Favorite DS3 Boss?

Hmm. Probably the princes - that fight was really satisfying in a "I can feel myself improving at this encounter as I play" kind of way. Dark Souls often uses the first half of a boss fight to train you to handle the second half, and that fight was a particularly compelling version of that concept.

What characters are you having the most fun playing in Overwatch?

I'm currently having a lot of fun with McCree, Mei, and Roadhog. McCree is an incredibly satisfying distillation of the appeal of weapons like the Desert Eagle - like with much else in Overwatch, it's basically the most fundamentally reduced version of a distinct type of fun to be found in shooting games. On the other hand, both Mei and Roadhog have extremely satisfying toolkits that make you feel very in control of the battlefield. They both have strong space control abilities and a very powerful heal, making you feel like some kind of unkillable tank-wizard.


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