

Ask @B0bduh

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What's "your genre"?

Grounded dramas like Shirobako or Eccentric Family. Psychological, character-focused shows like Bokurano. Romances like Spice and Wolf. Thematically rich question shows like Gatchaman or Conrevo. Fist-pumping human spirit shows like Madoka. Shows by anime's standout directors/animators. Shows with good energy and positivity that don't fall into standard anime traps (bad humor, fanservice, grimdark affectation, etc).

How long does it usually take for you to solidify your opinion on a series after you complete it? And has having to write streaming reviews for ANN changed this at all?

It depends on the show. Sometimes I'll have such a firm impression of a show that I'll be impatient to actually finish the thing and write about it, and sometimes I need to wander around with my thoughts for a few days to get my overall feelings sorted out.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

Could you list some of your favorite slice of life anime's you'd recommend?

I'm probably not the person to ask, unfortunately. Slice of lifes aren't really naturally my genre, so I only seek them out when they're just super-exemplary, like K-On!

Do you think people's investment in Rakugo might be because of different personal or cultural experience? I've been hearing people relating to Kiku or Miyokichi, especially Miyokichi.

That is certainly true to an extent. I've actually discussed before how when a character isn't characterized in a universally tangible way, that won't end up being an issue for people who are likely to relate to that character anyway for their own reasons. Every character is relatable to some subset of people, it's the task of making their struggles universally relatable that's hard.

Will you watch the currently airing Gundam Unicorn remake?

Nope. I've seen several fans of Unicorn already complaining about how it screws up the series, so I'd rather just wait and watch the original version eventually.
Liked by: Caramichael

Your stance on Psycho-Pass 2 is intriguing. I don't know if you already did it before, but could you elaborate on how it fails in its writing, especially in regard to season 1?

I'll be writing about this at more length later, so in short, the writing fails to understand that Sibyl and the world's overall justice system was supposed to represent an actual ideological pole, and instead treats it as a series of arbitrary rules to be broken for cheap dramatic effect. This both makes the show not able to say anything and also makes the story inherently weightless and ridiculous.

Regarding that previous ask about prose vs story, what would your opinion be of something like Wasteland by T.S. Elliot, where the knowledge of its references seem to be less interesting than the mood and feeling the words give you

I'm frankly not a fan of works like The Wasteland - I think works that are pretty much wholly dependent on a very specific nexus of professional references are much less compelling than those that tap into more universal modes of thematic/emotional inference. But this is obviously a kind of spectrum - referential touchstones and even general language choices offer specificity and built-in understandings that expand your creative palette, meaning works can become more powerful the more they assume a communal vocabulary between creator and audience. I think The Wasteland falls far too heavily into a specific assumed communal vocabulary to be a generally powerful work, but this is all obviously a matter of shared language and perspective.

Would you forgive a book for having a threadbare story but extremely well-done prose? Or a movie with little story but good at using cinematic language?

It's weird to say, but plot kinda gets less and less important the further you get into arthouse stuff. At that point, it's generally more important how beautifully/effectively you're conveying whatever it is you actually have to say.

Who the heck is Shigeyasu Yamauchi? Google just gives me DBZ credits.

Director of Casshern Sins and two of Shinsekai Yori's best episodes, among other things (he did the Ami/Mami detectives episode of Idolmaster, as well).

What's your dream Director/Writer/Source Material combination for an anime adaptation? What's your nightmare scenario?

If we're absolutely dreaming, I'd love to see Masaki Yuasa take on something like One Hundred Years of Solitude, or Shigeyasu Yamauchi take on The Dispossessed.
The nightmare scenario would be those books somehow ending up in the hands of Araki.

Who are some non-Urobuchi writers in anime that tend to make your ears perk up when they're involved with a project?

Yoji Enokido. Shoutarou Suga. Michiko Yokote. Dai Sato.
Liked by: Robert Hopper Proxy

How/when did you start blogging?

I was just writing stuff on reddit for a while, and then decided to make a blog to catalog my longer thoughts back in 2013.

At least we get Rakugo season 2!!!

I'm very happy about that! I was really worried Rakugo would just remain unfinished, and knowing it'll be able to tell its own complete story makes me feel a lot more confident about the overall work.

Boooooob :'( https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/4curn1/pa_works_ceo_kenji_horikawa_on_shirobako/

I mean, it's clearly true, though. I've discussed right here how the broadest anime-watching western audience just wants action shows with a western stylistic veneer and a hint of self-seriousness. Still sad to hear the CEO actually articulate it, though... and kinda depressing to think this might dictate what gets greenlit in the future.
But hey, the current big anime trend is "terrible magic high school light novel adaptations," so if it shifts from that to Attack on Titan clones, it won't really matter much to me! Just gotta support the shows you care about.

But does Bokurano pass the love live test

Very easily. Bokurano is one of those shows that isn't particularly well-served by a series of discreet grades - sure the animation's crap, but I haven't enjoyed a non-sequel that much since Euphonium.

What's your favourite Monogatari arc and what's your least favourite?

Favorite is Hitagi End or Suruga Devil, least favorite is probably Mayoi Snail.


Language: English