

Ask @B0bduh

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I was just mulling over Grimgar's delightful portrayal of a fantasy world when I stumbled upon a Lord of the Rings clip and remembered why I've never actually been able to get invested in other fantasy. What are your thoughts on LotR, and do you think there are other comparable fantasy franchises?

My favorite parts of LotR were the parts where they're just kinda wandering through the woods. Tolkien has a great way of capturing the wonder of everyday outdoor adventures, even when there aren't any orcs and elves. Aside from that, LotR kinda laid the blueprint for a lot of what fantasy would become, and why it's not generally my scene - story and character and theme end up being far, far, faaaar secondary to just creating a whole dang world. I enjoyed the books because they are good at what they do, but they are not at all what I naturally find interesting or meaningful in fiction.
I think there are tons of comparable fantasy franchises - perhaps not in terms of cohesive achievements, but certainly in terms of attempting similar things to what LotR attempts. I actually think it's a little tougher to find fantasy franchises that /aren't/ comparable.

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Underneath its stupid veneer, Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere is one of the /smartest/ anime shows out there.

Yep, that is a tweet Guy made.
I understand the psychology underlining these people who try to start critic fights, but I guess I just find the commitment kind of unbelievable. Do people actually read the feeds of people they dislike for /months/ in order to try and find some way to dig at them?

Have you ever read any of the more critically acclaimed graphic novels like Watchmen or Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns?

Yep! Watchmen is great (and Alan Moore's other work is varying degrees of interesting), Dark Knight Returns is... something (I strongly prefer his Year One), Sandman is great, Black Hole is great, Bryan Lee O'Malley's work is great, Blankets and Powers are alright, Fun Home is great, etc. I was pretty big into prestige comics in general a while back, so I've read most of the big names.
Liked by: Aluido Robert Hopper

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Do you listen to any Paul Simon? I feel like you'd appreciate his lyrics.

He's cool, though I prefer his work with Simon & Garfunkel (though obviously he was the main creative voice there anyway). I think America is my favorite song of theirs - there is an incredible sense of place and insecurity in that song, and the lyrics offer the perfect tiny details necessary to set the scene.

So a lot of people whose opinions I pretend to respect are telling people that Deadpool is good and I was wondering what you thought about it (if you have seen it)

Haven't seen it. It seems like the exact opposite of my kind of thing - broad toilet humor, winking self-awareness, and western action/superhero nonsense. Basically every moment of the trailer annoyed me.

I like Grimgar but the light novel bullshit is execrable. How do you put up with it senpai? It hurts...

Very little media is good (or good /for us/) in every single respect. Just something ya gotta live with.

Since you are apparently 56 episodes into Legend of Galactic Heroes, do you find it to be pro-authoritarian? It does seem to worship it's Great Man Theory leads, Reinhard and Yang a bit too much for comfort.

I actually haven't watched any of it - someone just funded that specific episode and assured me it's self-contained. I've heard from others that it's still weaker without the context of prior episodes, though, so that may be a writeup I get to when I actually take the plunge on the show overall.

Bob, help, all my friends are going to see deadpool and they want to take me with them! Save me, bob!

I'll be right there, just gotta... do this... thing...

Why is strike Witches not in series that need love?

Because it doesn't deserve any.
(the actual answer is "because I have no desire to watch any more of it, and thus don't consider it a series that should be advertised as needing support")
Liked by: Another Bystander

Are you planning on a twitch stream anytime soon, I wanna hear more of that awful background noise and your voice when you express your anger towards that broken mouse.

The background noise should be better now, since I actually got a real microphone! I also have a huge ethernet cable to hopefully cut down on lag, but in order to make use of that, I need to drill a hole in my floor and run it from one corner of my apartment across three rooms and through one ceiling to another one. I'll try to get on that as soon as possible!

https://ask.fm/B0bduh/answers/134513773610 || Makes me wonder if you could convince someone that Speedwagon was a Downton Abbey or Doctor Who character.

Would it actually be more respectable for me to have a character from either of those shows as an avatar? Not that I'm assuming you specifically are thinking that, but it strikes me as requiring some dramatic cognitive dissonance to distrust anime but not Doctor Who.
Liked by: Eelz Rose Bridges

What anime do you think used its soundtrack the most effectively? (Note: Saying a music-themed anime is cheating)

FLCL, easily. Most of that show's iconic scenes are lifted by their accompanying songs, and it's basically the only show where I still listen to its songs frequently, fifteen years out from first watching it.
Liked by: Amin Fozi

Seen any Samurai Champloo?

Yep. I've seen most of it in scattered episodes over the years. It's a well-made work, but it doesn't really thrill me.

What's the deal on the Hibiki animal episode of Im@s? It felt really weird in a show that tries really hard to create human characters dealing with real issues... and then extend that to animals-as-humans. Did you write anything on it?

Im@s also has an episode where Makoto fights yakuza and Azusa almost marries an oil baron. It can be a pretty silly show.
Liked by: FrostyP Proxy

Read your Tamako Market review, and I wondered why you didn't make a review of the movie? Are you not allowed if it's not officialy released out here in the west? Btw, r/anime are doing a rewatch of it *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*

That review was a review of the physical bluray release. I'm planning to review the movie when it comes out here as well.

Seeing how they are reacting to Scalia's death do you think there's a general leaning towards right wing conservatism in the gaming media?

I think in this case it's more a reflection of gaming-centric myopia than conservativism - real-world issues only matter insofar as they interact with gaming. But I do think there's a strong conservative streak in the gamer community as well.

Will you remove Suga Shoutarou from your favorites after Dimension W?

No. Why would I? It's not his fault if he's adapting bad material for a specific audience.

What made this week's KonoSuba better than the other episodes?

Better jokes and a premise that was actually somewhat poignant/relatable.

This week's konosuba is good. Don't drop it again pls.

Yeah, this was a strong one! I guess it's got another chance.

In your upcoming One Piece reviews, when you talk about the art, will you spend time on the important point of whether you think Oda can draw horses properly?

Yes, of course. It would be a betrayal of my readers if I didn't continue to report on the relative horse-drawing abilities of all mangaka.


Language: English