

Ask @B0bduh

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What anime would give an A+ in animation?

I actually gave one to The Idolm@ster:
What kept One Punch Man off the A+ was not that its animation was technically lacking, but that I felt it wasn't put to best use - it didn't tend to result in strong visual storytelling. In contrast, other shows might have more limited animation, but they'll use it to very strongly imply a specific character emotion or highlight an important action, thus "saying more" through the use of animation. The narrative parallel would be that a show with "more story" isn't always as noteworthy as a story that uses fewer variables extremely well.
Liked by: Aluido Mr. Watson's

Do you "like" superhero shows because they easily facilitate the characters to act in a more outright way in displaying/acting on their beliefs on a grand scale, or have superhero shows in general grown on you?

The superhero shows that I do like, I tend to like for a number of reasons. Shows like Gatchaman Crowds and Concrete Revolutio are very rich with ideas about society and the nature of people, and I tend to like shows like that in general. And I also like shows about individuals having faith in and pursuing a better world in spite of existing in a well-constructed inhumane one - that's also one of the big things I like about most Urobuchi shows.

You've mentioned your general preference for subs -- are there any things for which you would specifically recommend the dub over the sub, or at least like the dub more than the sub?

Cowboy Bebop. I also like the FLCL dub, but nostalgia certainly plays at least some part there.

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So I take it you don't agree with people who say idol anime is bad because it promotes the creepy/exploitive idol industry?

If someone is put off by all idol anime by that connection, that's perfectly fine for them! Personally, I can see the point, but think the real-world issues don't invalidate the many merits of various idol shows. If you swore off any media if its real-world parallels had some negative connotations, you'd be swearing off a whole dang lot of media.

I just finished watching Concrete Revolutio. One thing I've been wondering about is why Jiro left the Bureau. Part of it seemed to be the promise with Emi, but I feel there's more to it than just agreeing to not see Kikko anymore

Yep. By the end of the series, what Jiro sees as his duty would no longer be doable within the confines of the Bureau.

Who do you think writes good dialogue? I've seen many people critic writers for how badly the write dialogue but not any who talk about ones that get it right.

My most recent Monogatari essay has a section on why I think Isin writes strong dialogue:
You could also probably find sections talking about the dialogue specifically in some of my Oregairu writing. The tricky thing about critiquing dialogue in anime is that you're critiquing both the text and that text's translation, so both of those need to be excellent for you to really trust in the poetry of the language. It can be done, but that's one reason why many anime critics stick to critiquing the intent of the writing, and not its exact form.

Which was your fav ConRevo character and why was it Earth-chan?

Earth-chan's up there. I also like Detective Shiba, who's actually pretty similar to Earth-chan philosophy-wise - he protects the government's peace, whereas she acts in service of individuals who call for help, but both of them believe in a very local ideal of justice. I don't think this makes them more "right" than someone like Jiro or Claude, but I see something simultaneously tragic and endearing in their beliefs. The one I might relate to most is Judas - he wants to believe in something as pure and unwavering as Earth-chan's justice, but he's stuck down here with the rest of us, bargaining with violence for the sake of a better world.

i was watching SamuMenco yesterday and the line about justice and stupidity came out, i spilled my drink laughin like nuts because Masayoshi of all peopl was the one who said it. was i not supposed to laugh?

Nah, that line's hilarious, and also perfect for Masayoshi. Samumenco is full of great moments like that.
Liked by: Pablo Romero

Can you name a few anime comedies that you *did* think were funny (sorry, I feel like you get asked this a lot)?

Humanity Has Declined. Shirobako. Steins;Gate. Samurai Flamenco. Most non-Key KyoAni shows.
Those aren't all strict comedies, but they're a good sampling of shows I thought had consistently strong humor - generally ones that have legitimately clever/sharp jokes, solid character-based banter, or an actual understanding of comedic timing.

I've heard that Rick and Morty is very funny but mixed things when it comes to its characters and subsequent character writing. How does is fair on that front?

It's a pretty pure black comedy. I would not look to it for meaningful character writing.
Liked by: Robert Hopper

mabye Im not following closely enough but Ive noticed a lack of dragon ball in the top shows comments. Why do you think that is too old?

It does show up pretty regularly, but it also is a bit before the time of many of the people commenting.

Thoughts on Rick and Morty?

Very funny! Not every episode is equally strong, but the best combine the awesome structural comedy/intelligence of Community's best episodes with an even sharper wit, and every episode has at least some clever highlights. I've cooled a bit on the show's elaboration of Rick's melancholy specifically since I've realized that Harmon is himself roughly as bad of a person as Rick, but it can still pull off some great gut-punch moments, too.

Is your MAL a reliable list of all the anime you've watched? I don't want to donate towards an anime you've already watched so I was wondering if I could use that list as a reference.

I believe so! Though you can always ask if I've seen a specific thing along with your donation, and reassign it somewhere else if you want.

Why do you think news channels are basically ignoring the Oregon situation while it seems to be all the political part of twitter is talking about?

Because news channels cater to 60-something white people, whereas younger people all get their news online.

Considering putting money towards a Patreon episodic review — would you prefer G Gundam or Arakawa Under the Bridge? (I'd be well interested in either.)

G Gundam. I actually watched the first season of Arakawa a few years ago, and wasn't really hot on it, but G Gundam is probably something I should get to eventually.

spent 5mn feeling bad for hisoka before i got that you weren't talking about -that- clown

As far as creepy clowns go, Hisoka could definitely be a lot worse!
Liked by: Robert Hopper

I'd love to say you're right about Trump, but I actually think he has a chance at the nomination. In the election? IDK. But so far as my conservative family/friends are concerned, he's awesome. And I see that mimicked across multiple regions, age groups, etc. It's scary.

Oh yeah, it's certainly conceivable he could win the nomination. He has an iron grip on a very substantial portion of conservative voters.

Since you seem to enjoy anime with stories about storytelling, i'm wondering if you've seen The Woman Called Fujiko Mine yet?

Nope, not yet. It's on the list, but not an immediate priority.

Can you share your short opinion/general comment on FMA:Brotherhood?

Haven't seen it. I'm not really sure I'd want to watch a whole other Fullmetal Alchemist - the first one already felt kinda like work to get through.


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