

Ask @B0bduh

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"I wouldn't recommend monogatari to anyone who is experienced in anime. It is a very terribly overrated show made popular by "waifu-fans" and die hard otaku's." I'm crying tears of blood Bobduh

You might want to read fewer forum posts. Wherever you go, the comment section will be the comment section.

What anime shows from the last 5 or so years do you consider to be the most influential? Not necessarily good, but the ones that changed the industry considerably for better or worse and are more or less obligatory to watch if you thrive to better understand the current state of the medium.

Five years is kind of a short time frame to talk about influence, and there isn't really any one show that's seriously shifted the industry in the way Evangelion once did. You could consider Sword Art Online influential, I suppose, since it seems likely its great success led to a fair number of other trapped-in-a-game-world light novels being adapted. But that's also part of a larger trend of the anime industry using light novels as a kind of multimedia feeder promotional system, something that started before SAO. Madoka was popular, but actually didn't really inspire much shift - original productions still seem like they're riskier than adaptations, and the only copycats I can think of are YuYuYu and Daybreak Illusion. We've also recently seen a rise in shows aimed at a female audience like UtaPri and whatnot, but I'm not sure what you'd call the beginning of that trend. I don't think analyzing current shifts in terms of single influential shows is that effective.

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A good scene focused around the interaction between Araragi and Ononoki, did that really happen?or have i just accepted the nonsense?

A really good scene! One that was both good on its own and a perfect capstone of a lot of stuff this season was covering! It's crazy!

On the subject of Attack on Titan, a lot of your issue with the show seems to be Araki's direction. So would you be interested in reading the manga?

Not really. The show's writing also didn't thrill me.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

what did you think of the most recent star wars??

It was very good! I liked it a lot. I might talk about it in my week in review, but I don't want to spoil anyone, so I won't say more here yet.

Why do you always talk about Attack on Titan like it's something critics generally dislike? Several of your ANN colleagues gave it rave reviews.

In the context of that last question, my intended implication was that One Punch Man is more favored among anime critics/bloggers than Attack on Titan was, which I don't think is an unreasonable assumption to make based on my own experience. There are certainly plenty of critics who like Attack on Titan, though.
If you want my own thoughts on it, I did review it back when it came out:

Which Gatchaman would you most prefer to hang out with for a day,and which for a roommate?

Hanging out with Hajime for a day sounds like both a fun time and very good therapy. I wouldn't want to live with her, though - I'm guessing Sugane would probably be the most conscientious housemate.

Do you have any interest in giving Yu Yu Hakusho a shot since it's by the same mangaka who wrote Hunter x Hunter, and because it seems to be well liked even among people who don't usually enjoy battle shonen? Or does it catering to a more conventional battle shonen formula lose your interest?

I actually do want to watch it, but committing to a long-running show like that isn't the most feasible right now. But it is a show I am fairly certain I will eventually watch.

Hey Nick! i was just re-watching SAO because some friends pushed me to it, but i was reading your episode posts all allong you certainly make the show 10x more enjoyable, i keep laughin like a crazy person from your comments, you should do this kind of posts more often man. god! my sides hurt

I'm glad you enjoy them! I'm not sure I'd do that for more shows, though - those writeups are both a huge amount of work and also not necessarily the kind of stuff I want to be doing at this moment. I don't have anything against it, but snark-watching kinda lost its appeal to me after a while.

What about Tokyo Ghoul that doesn't strike your fancy? I figured you would talk it about more since one of its defining themes seems to be about people having the ability to understand and empathize with one another.

That's definitely one of my favorite themes, but Tokyo Ghoul's execution just didn't really do it for me. From the writing to the Deadman Wonderland aesthetic to the shounen battle frame, very little it was doing worked for me, and I ended up dropping it around 4-5 episodes into the first season.
The first episode had a really nice horror movie look to it, though! But after that I felt it went into violence/action for their own sake, which coupled with the very iffy dialogue kinda lost me.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

Bob, there was a twitter vote sometime ago voting for One Punch Man/Attack on Titan and surprisingly, One Punch Man got the higher vote. Honestly, I'm not sure why I'm telling you this, just thought it's interesting, I guess...

If this is from the dedicated anime polls account, that doesn't really surprise me. I think it's safe to assume the followers of that account lean heavily towards anime bloggers and other people pretty invested in anime specifically, as opposed to the more general audience that made Attack on Titan on a phenomenon. OPM definitely has some crossover hit potential (pretty much any big action show without a particularly "Japanese" aesthetic does), but it can't really compare to Titan in general popularity.

A while ago you implied that, if you could start over, you would double major in English and CS. As a confused college student, that made a big impression on me. Do you still stand by that, now that you seem to be in a more stable place financially with your writing?

I still stand by it. And to tell the truth, I'm probably in a much /less/ stable place financially than I was when I originally said that.
Liked by: Another Bystander

Is a top list update incoming? also will Keion be on there?

Yes, it is. I've basically written the show blurbs, I just need to take the time to do all the formatting crap and get them integrated into the list. K-On! will probably be in the addendum.

Is the 10royal gmz minecraft server closed?

I'm not sure! I'll have to check with Dan, he's the one who was running that.

would you recommend the perfect insider in retrospect or did it turn out as one of those only-just-interesting-enough-to-watch-airing shows

Yeah, I wouldn't recommend it. It's got some interesting stuff in it, but it's overall not a good show.

I see people often say "I can't identify with the characters in Madoka" or "the characters in Madoka are flat/boring/unrelateable". what are your thoughts on this critique?

That I can understand where it's generally coming from. Kyouko's entire character basically has to be inferred from other elements of the text, Sayaka isn't conventionally likable, Homura's context isn't revealed until two-thirds of the way through the story, and Madoka is more of a symbol than a conventional arc-driven character. Madoka employs all sorts of weird character writing tricks, so it's not a surprise to me that some people don't relate to its cast.

is it okay if i still have Maki as my waifu? or is this a "your taste is bad and so are you" situation

You can have whoever you want as your waifu.


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