

Ask @B0bduh

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Do you think the lack of swearing in anime subs can take away from immersion? Not meant in a 'everything has to swear' way, but in a 'these specific shows or scenes would make a lot more sense' way.

Not really. Adding swearing by itself almost never makes something more realistic - plenty of people just don't swear, and adding swears to a script tends to more often imply striving for seriousness than actual seriousness.

So how tiresome did you find the constant "blah blah justice and morality are a sham and everyone is corrupt" speechs of Black Lagoon?

Pretty tiresome! That show had some consistently egregious writing.

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When you realized Zoe and Sean were like Nozomi and Nico what did you do.

Zoe and Sean weren't the two I was referring to. Those two are unfortunately a bit too complex to map to Love Live (though I guess Sean makes for an okay Umi).
Liked by: Another Bystander

How many world leaders, celebrities, activists, and generally influential people around the world have to get together and say "climate change is real" before people start realizing that /maybe/ it's not a conspiracy after all?

The people who refuse to acknowledge climate change will not be swayed by a greater density of opposing opinions. To them it's either a willful economic choice or a worldview belief similar to faith.
The American right wing has essentially politicized the very idea of scientific inquiry resulting in greater knowledge. Science and education in general are subjects of mistrust in the American right.

What was your plan for Zoe, Chloe and Steph in Proof of Life? Zoe and Steph brought family and balance to Chloe's life, and the weight of circumstances at the end of Proof of Life threaten to upset that.

Yep, things were definitely going to change! I'll try not to get too specific, but theoretical spoilers from here on out for PoL/the followups I've plotted but can't commercially justify.
Zoe and Sean essentially switched roles by the end of Proof of Life, through a combination of shifting life positions and psychology. While Zoe is learning to embrace and take pride in what only she can do, Sean is realizing he only clung to his work because he had nothing else to cling to. In the followup to Proof of Life, both of these shifts would begin to dictate their future choices. Zoe would embrace her abilities, and with her mother's condition not looking likely to improve, she'd throw herself into the non-Agency organizations hinted at at the ending of PoL. Larger stuff is afoot regarding the Ether and how those aware of it engage with society at large, and Zoe would start getting seriously involved with all of that. In contrast, Sean would move away from relying on his (frankly not that significant) abilities as an identity crutch, and would begin to find more satisfaction in normal everyday life. They'd each distance themselves from the Agency in opposite directions.
Chloe's position in the life of her friends would definitely be shifted a bit, but with the local Agency gone and the more central branches staying silent, there'd be some time for a new neutral, with Kath begrudgingly joining their larger social group. And Kath herself wouldn't have too much time to sulk about lost love, because as it turns out, Stephanie finds her whole confident hothead routine pretty darn cute. I was really, really looking forward to writing some future scenes between those two...
There are other strict plot-bullet notes I've got about the direction of the second and potentially third books, but hopefully that gives an idea of where the main characters would be going relationship-wise. Chloe definitely would become a bit more of an outsider over time in at least an emotional sense, but I felt that was kind of important - like in how Zoe and Sean were going to grow apart from each other in certain ways, I think it's good to explore how life inevitably shifts the context of our relationships, and how we learn to roll with that. Growing up is hard to do!

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My friend nagged me into watching RWBY episode 1 tonight. I actually liked it. Did you watch it? I think it's cool that it was made in NA, even if it's not a perfect match for other animation.

I watch some of the first episode, but wasn't really a fan.

http://ask.fm/B0bduh/answer/133024755498 Does OPM get disgusting politically as Mahouka does?

No, I was just describing what would lead to that comparison being made. They're very different shows, with the most key thematic difference being that while Mahouka actually embraces its meritocratic underpinnings, One Punch Man is rightfully disgusted with its own society.

in what ways is one punch man's political philosophy similar to mahouka's?

"Incredibly talented man is held down by theoretically meritocratic society that just can't appreciate how great he is."
It's more complicated than that, but that's where the comparison would start.
Liked by: Another Bystander

Have you actually seen GG hate Undertale or are you basing your answer on what you think it'd their reaction?

I've seen it. It falls into the same category as stuff like Gone Home, things that aren't "real games," or at least shouldn't be compared favorably to big-budget AAA games or whatnot. It's basically the same as the Sad Puppies thing in fantasy/scifi fiction - people who dislike "politics in their fiction" claim that these things are being praised just because reviewers agree with their theoretical politics, and not because they're actually good according to some more correct general metric.

I wonder what GG thinks of Undertale, given that's the whole message behind it is "people are just people, and all people have their own feelings and stories"

GG hate it. It's one of those touchy-feely SJW/tumblr games with all those icky emotions in them. Also there's a gay couple, and GG hates stuff like that in their videogames even though they're definitely not a reactionary conservative movement.

What is your opinion on KLK right now? Looking back through some of your reviews when it was airing, you gave it some glowing praise, but based on incidental comments more recently, that seems to have changed. To whom would you recommend it now? Is it worth watching?

I'd say it's a fun but really fanservice-heavy action show that falls apart in the second half both in terms of entertainment and coherent/engaging storytelling, similar to UBW or Parasyte. I'd recommend it to people who really like Imaishi's style or fanservice in general, but not really beyond that.
My last few KLK episodic reviews are honestly pretty misleading. I stopped enjoying the show entirely in its second half, and it was a struggle to feign any enthusiasm through the last set of episodes.
Liked by: Another Bystander

Regarding Utawarerumono: is there a point during a show by which you think "I've watched this many episodes already, I might as well see how it ends", instead of dropping said show?

T Yang
I've tried to get better about not doing that - if I'm not enjoying a show, I'm not enjoying a show, adding one more "complete" number to my MAL isn't going to validate my time wasted. But with airing shows I tend to be a bit more lenient, especially if it's a sparse season.

How do you keep up with everything in twitter and what are some of the tools/apps you use to do so?

I go to twitter.com and I check my notifications and sometimes I tweet things. I don't really use any tools or apps.
Liked by: Another Bystander

Hey Bob, I'm getting mixed signals on Utawarerumono. I got 4 episodes in before abandoning ship because I didn't think it gave me enough Haku/Kuon time to make up for the /zany/ antics. Has it given them more time together lately, or should i just watch Spice and Wolf for something similar?

If you haven't watched Spice and Wolf and are deciding between that and Utawarerumono, watch Spice and Wolf. They're not even in the same ballpark.

Who are your favorite characters from the anime you're watching in the current season?

Blake Schwartz
If you discount Monogatari characters, it'd be Kuon from Utawarerumono and Orga and Mikazuki from Iron-Blooded Orphans.

Before you actually rewatch Hyouka, can you tell us what your thoughts were on it at a glance? I remember it being pretty-looking, but the mysteries they were solving were boring and the characters were dull. "Oh no, where's my pen! Oh, I dropped it in this class!" or whatever.

I've currently written about Hyouka in two spots - my Want and Need article and my Top 30 list. Here are links to both of those:
If you're looking to be entertained specifically by mysteries, I'd say Hyouka is probably not the show to watch. But as far as KyoAni's extremely precise character articulation and development goes (and how that plays out visually), I'd say it's their best work so far.

Bob I'm catching up on Owari and I'm having a hard time with the chronology. I think Shinobu Mail is supposed to be what Kanbaru & Araragi were up to during Tsubasa Tiger, but am I wrong in aligning the first ep of Shinobu Mail with the climax of Tsubasa Tiger? The scenes don't match up at all.

Based on what's happened in the episodes so far, I'm fairly sure the climax to Tsubasa Tiger will directly follow the climax to Shinobu Mail. Currently Araragi is wearing the ripped hoodie, but hasn't yet gone to help Hanekawa.


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