

Ask @B0bduh

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Have you played Cave Story?

Yep! It's one of my favorite games. I even beat the ridiculous hell-dungeon you can unlock after the main game.
Liked by: Proxy

if someone payed you to do a full write about OreImo would it cost extra?

No, but it'd probably get pretty repetitive. "This episode was garbage for these reasons. This next episode was garbage for similar reasons. This arc was garbage for reasons that strongly resemble the last arc."
SAO kinda worked as a snarky watch because the show's actually perfectly enjoyable in a variety of ways. Stuff like OreImo is just total garbage, so it'd probably be less fun for everyone.

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Do you prefer treadmills or running outside?

I would prefer treadmills during winter and outside during the summer, but I don't have a treadmill or gym membership, so I basically just suck it up during the cold months. Running outside during winter sure does suck, though.

Why is it taking you so long to write about The Room?

I established the Current Projects page just over a week ago. In that time, I've released articles on three commissioned projects. Don't worry, I'll get there.

Didn't see it in your preview, but are you thinking of checking out Dimension W next season?

I'll be checking out basically everything. I just don't have any reason to look forward to that show in particular.

Is writing submissions less pleasant/satisfying than writing those essays you write because you actually want to?

I greatly enjoy pretty much every element of my current work. I wouldn't do it if I didn't.
Liked by: Wei-Ning Chen

What do you answer when IRL people ask what you do for a living?

I say what I do. I'm a writer, one who mostly does criticism and editorials, with a focus on anime.
Liked by: Eelz ShadowZael

Why do you think you identify with Hanekawa so much?

This is sort of a self-answering question. I identify with Hanekawa because I identify with Hanekawa - from her externally driven, self-distancing expectations to her compartmentalized stress and emotions to her brittle, self-conscious intellectual confidence, basically all her emotional/psychological issues are things that have defined big parts of my life. And her ultimate path to accepting all the uneven parts of herself, and embracing the humility of curiosity and a desire to bring about greater and more compassionate connections with others, is something I'd like to live up to.

Sodachi's still so low?

Monogatari contains around a half dozen of my top thirty characters in anime. Sitting at the halfway point of that crowd is not too bad.

Rate every Monogatari girl out of 10.

I won't do that, but I guess I can rank the characters that get arcs.
There's a pretty steep drop after Nadeko, and another after Sodachi.

do you ever find yourself thinking literature could be so much more interesting if more writers prioritized writing to impress/amuse themselves over writing to satisfy a particular demographic?

Are you talking about literature as a general artistic discipline? Because there are a whole bunch of great books out there, so I'm not particularly worried about any missed opportunities represented by some specific authors.

did you go on 4chan much as a teenager?

I didn't really go on 4chan at all until I was in college, and I'm pretty thankful for that. Validation by 4chan probably would have made me a lot slower in escaping my ugly teenage attitudes.

To what degree do you think one can "learn to like" media? Would you say you've learned to like shows like K-on which you probably wouldn't have liked many years ago when you didn't like Moe? Or is 'learning' even the right word? Is it just a 'change' in taste?

With something like K-On!, I'd say it's a combination of a few things.
First, taste just naturally changes and sometimes broadens over time. This has probably been facilitated by the fact that my work at ANN exposes me to a much broader spectrum of shows/genres than I'd naturally engage with, meaning I've learned to see/appreciate the appeal in a wide variety of shows. I don't have an immediate negative reaction to stuff that falls outside my initial genre wheelhouse.
Somewhat related to this, growing up can also lead you to shedding a bunch of your initial biases. It's a weird quirk of human nature that things often seem more simple the less you actually know about them - the more dismissive you are of something, the less likely you are to actually engage with or understand it. So in the same way teenagers can sometimes think they know everything, someone who's walled themselves off from a specific style of storytelling or whatnot will have a much more binary (but very confident!) reaction to it than someone who's opened themselves to that experience.
And finally, I've also just become much better at appreciating many elements of artistic craft over time. The first time I watched K-On!, I was basically at "not many overt plot things or big thematic threads are happening in this show, therefore it's bad. These characters aren't humanized through traditional dramatic arcs, therefore they're bad. Etc." At this point I'm much better able to see the brilliant work that goes into humanizing characters wholly through timing and animation, or how an effective evocation of tone can actually bring about its own emotions and messages. The more I look at, the more there is to see.

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How was your Thanksgiving, Bob?

It was nice! It was held at my parents' place, which was convenient, because it meant I could get two articles written while I was there. I suppose that's probably not how I should describe my Thanksgiving.

Will you and the others play through Bloodborne's DLC? That seems like it would be a fun watch, and faster to go through than the main game.

I've already started playing through it on my main account, but I'm thinking about starting a new 10 Royal Games-specific Bloodborne campaign just to rush to the DLC and play through it at a fairly low level. It's accessible pretty early in the game, and that'll make for a nice challenge.

Have you read Fun Home? What did you think?

It's a very solid read. It's pretty remarkable how gracefully it works as both narrative and biography.
Liked by: Proxy

My wrist is hurting badly. I feel like I probably can't game anymore. Like the question about friendship, its a big part of my identity. :/ Not sure what to do.

That sounds like an issue you should take to a doctor.
Liked by: Eelz Robert Hopper

You spoke before of how one can choose their circles on Twitter, but do you feel you still have relationships of convenience you'd rather not have on it?

There are a few people I'm friends with on twitter who sometimes engage in activity that makes me uncomfortable on a "how we treat each other" level, but that's about the extent of my discomfort.
I'm pretty selective about who I follow at this point, and if you're someone who starts fights or targets people for mockery or whatnot, there's pretty much no chance I'll engage with you. There are enough toxic people in the world we can't really avoid dealing with, there's no way I'm letting that bleed into the company I choose - having interesting ideas about anime or lots of cool news is a lot less important to me than being a good person. Because of that, I'm at a place where I enjoy the relationships I share with basically everyone I talk to on twitter.

Pretty please answer the Steven Universe question. Really curious about the show and if I should invest the time into it

It's good. Give it a try.


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