

Ask @B0bduh

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What character did you use in your run of Champion's Road?

Peach. Peach is crazy powerful, I don't know how I would have done it with any other character. The switching platforms are far and away the hardest part, and it was hard enough to plot a route through those with Peach's hover ability.
Actually, the switching platforms were pretty much the whole challenge. I died once on the piranha rise, maybe three times on the spike goomba wall-jump challenge, and twice on the water gauntlet - meanwhile, I'm pretty sure I lost eighty or so lives on the switching platforms. That was some murderous timing.

On the subject of your Monogatari and the Monster Inside essay (which btw I really love as it basically perfectly captures my own feelings on the core themes of the franchise as well), did you write it before having seen Hana? Since it felt to me that while Koyomi was still trying to "help" (1/2)

Here it is!

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Kanbaru, he provides it in a much healthier way than he'd of surely done previously. With him giving her his own thoughts on the matter, but leaving the issue in her hands to be the judge of. Which actually makes me rather interested in how the upcoming arcs lead into this development. (2/2)

Yep! I wrote it during and just after the airing of Hitagi End. Hanamonogatari does indeed demonstrate a much healthier Araragi.
Liked by: CYioRet DIGITAL@MUGI

Is a write up of Idolm@ster coming soon? (would love to hear your thoughts on that)

I am very excited to get more thoughts on Idolmaster out there. SOON.

With your lack of Tsukimonogatari review, i take it that you didn't watch it yet?

I should be watching it over the next few days. I am extremely excited to get to it - this was the first Monogatari arc I actually waited on the physical release to watch, so it's been almost exactly a year since I've seen any new arcs.
It's actually pretty remarkable. I'll have trouble thinking of one strong topic to cover for some new show I've just watched, but at this point I've written over half a dozen articles on Monogatari and twenty-some episodic posts besides, and I still feel like I could talk about new aspects of the series forever. I don't think any show captures my worldview and passions as well as Monogatari. Even in its bizarre and embarrassing ambiguities, I can deeply, deeply relate to that show. It's a really nice feeling.
Incidentally, I know new people keep running into me through ask.fm, so here's a link to the article that I think most encapsulates my feelings on Monogatari. I was very happy with this one:

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I'm curious after reading your take on Batman, do you find any similar political messages or ideology in the Superman story?

I have basically no experience with Superman, so I can't really say.
Liked by: Erin

What are your top shows of the year so far?

Shirobako, Death Parade, Sound! Euphonium, Oregairu S2, Gatchaman Crowds insight.
Runner-ups: Yurikuma Arashi, Maria the Virgin Witch, Blood Blockade Battlefront.
Liked by: Erin

Can pornography skew a person's view of reality? Not really a regular topic of yours, but I would like to hear your opinion on the subject.

Everything we consume skews our view of reality, because everything we consume /is/ our reality. We are the summation of a million disparate influences, all of which affect our assumptions of reality and normalcy in ways that can be massive or tiny, conscious beliefs or subconscious shifts. That doesn't mean we should ban things that we think will lead to a "bad" view of reality, but it is something we should try to be conscious of.

Hello Mr Creamer! I want to know your view on Owari's decision to introduce a new character as the series ends, since it seemed like a rather poor decision especially since Araragi, Ougi are both really in need of more development and adding another 'key character' doesn't seem to help with that.

It seems like you've already come to an opinion on this one. Personally I'm going to wait to watch the actual show and see what they do with it.
Liked by: dav

What movie can you watch over and over again?

I don't really see the appeal of watching things over and over again. I occasionally feel the urge to rewatch one particular thing, but there are a lot of things I want to watch that I haven't seen even once!
Liked by: Tiago Coutinho

Have you listened to any Cursive before?

Yeah, Cursive are great! Actually, didn't The Good Life just put out a new album? I should check that out.

Have you played/watched any of MGS5 apart from the 10 Royal Games playthrough? I was reading a review yesterday that had me feeling pretty invested and then they threw in some of the Quiet stuff at the end — first time in a while I actually felt vicariously ashamed for a game creator.

I've played a whole bunch of it! The Quiet stuff seems ridiculous, but it's not a game I'm playing for the thoughtful storytelling. The open-world stealth gameplay is extremely fun, so I'm having a great time with it.

Do you like Solid Snake or Big Boss more? And how does Raiden fare next to them? And will you play Rising, or is it too ridiculous/not for you to bother with?

I don't really have any individual feelings on any of the Metal Gear characters - the games have such a consistent camp tone that I basically parse all of them as one combined "Metal Gear Voice."
I haven't played Rising, and also haven't played MGS3, which I've heard could be the best of them. May have to get to that at some point.

How often are the 10 royal games videos going to come out?

Hopefully several times a week. We're still working to manage three schedules so we can get regular sessions, but there will definitely be more shortly!

Why do so many light novel main characters are Hachiman glorified?

Because the readers of these light novels like to imagine themselves as that person.


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