
Morgan (:

Ask @EliteMg

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On snapchat, snap everybody an emoji and see their response (asking everyone I follow)

Come off anon and sure (((((:
Liked by: Sarah

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he said i will regret being a stripper LOOOL love him

ScreamMaker15’s Profile PhotoKarli bItch
You would tho 😂
Hey you can always ya know be a stripper at your house and then get another job and strip for him in your own time (((((:

ffs i fall for people quickly and hard ALSO and aw aha well she missin out then

ScreamMaker15’s Profile PhotoKarli bItch
Haha nah she's happy, plus we talk everyday so 😂
But Fr it sucks so much falling for people hard Bc you get your hopes up and then when they don't like you it's like you dated and they broke up with you😩😩😩
Liked by: Karli bItch

YES, YES IT IS HAHAHH but really who is it ? :ooo awww

ScreamMaker15’s Profile PhotoKarli bItch
Well she doesn't have an ask, and is taken so 😂
But she wasn't talking to him while we were and waited til we stopped so I can respect that. Plus were kinda close so Idc as long as she's happy 😄
Liked by: Karli bItch


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