
Morgan (:

Ask @EliteMg

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Whats the craziest thing you ever done!!!!

Me and a few friends went to the beach and on the way back in the rain we were going like 90mph and the driver was throwing firecrackers out the window while the passenger side was holding the steering wheel lmao
Liked by: Charlie Emily Gordo

What 2018 is going to bring you this year.

I wouldn't mind a few things tbh like a gf that's actually near me or people who aren't fake or just happiness that lasts but I doubt I'll get any of that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Hi Morgan!How was your New Year Day on Monday January 1st,Morgan?

Could be better, tired of wasting my time on others ♀️

Any cute boys near?

Anyone wanna tell me why the fuck everyone I'm remotely interested in just disappears even if they think I'm a cool and good person 😤😤😤😤😤 I'm tired of it bruh fuck thisss

did anyone ever fell in love with someone thats taken ? it’s super complicated if you did how did that workout?

Bruh nobody likes me that's not possible

have u ever been heart broken?

Yeah when I was younger only been in one 'relationship' and it wasn't even irl so I haven't really had the chance


Language: English