

Ask @Hoshikuzu

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What is one thing your parents allowed you to do that you would never let your kids do?

they allowed me to stay ignorant of soooo many things for faaaar too long

On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you sing?

if i could go, lets say, 1299434567 less than 1, then yeah, you would be in the ball park of my singing

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why are you ignoring me? ;A;

asdfghjkl I've never been good with keeping up with friends in the 1st place, so idk why people even befriend me in the first place, but honestly i just have too much on my plate and it's too hard for me to remember who to PM and what to PM and when to PM so yeah, if i've been ignoring you, then just shoot /me/ a PM and I'll try to keep up. ; v ;

Would you leave your home country for the one you love?

yeah, because I can always visit and call and stuff to my bros back home

Hey bro. Hoshi, love your art and jbds B) remember way back when someone suggested your jbd with xen? Yeah that was totally me and I'm too boss to be anon. :U

winkatuck’s Profile PhotoWink
Heyo! Pfft, right back at you! I've lvoed your art since like forever. xD
asdfghjkl you are THE matchmaker, indeed.

Have you converted any of your real life friends into anime addicts yet? -cough- Oh whut? Nuuu I totally didn't show my friend to watch yaoi so we could sould like squirrels while we fangirl! Pshhh.

pffft, yes, I actually have. xD

Can you sing? Or do you play any instruments?

DarkLadyMiko’s Profile PhotoLᴀᴅʏ 美夜子
I USED to play violin but completely failed, so no instruments for me anymore. xD
As for singing, I'm not good at it (dYInG ELephANTs yO) but yeah, I can.

if you had to live on an island with 5 others who would it be and why?

um... Cry, Cho Chocolatestripe, you, Nansi, aaaand Papyrus. I'd choose all of the above because I treasure you all dearly, and would love to suffer with yOU AHAHA

[I'm on a joinme, and gave Skippy control and he will type the rest, I have no responsibnilty for what he types. Oh and I'm sure you know who this is buttt... ] I heard you like sausgaes, raw or cooked? Sorry lady made me ask [did not]

um, yeah, i guess i like sausages depending on what i feel like eating

hmm... Favorite cookie? [If you even eat any you cookie monster. x3]

Um, I really like whoopie-pies i guess, if those count? Other than those, if they /don't/ count, I love snickerdoodles~

☁ --- So... You want to know me better? -jumps down from a rainbow- I'm not so sure you'd want to x3 No jkjk

y must u be anonymous

What was the funniest thing that ever happened at school, to you or otherwise?

We were in my History class and then my friends started talking about how Spanish is like the hardest language ever. Then we got into this argument about how there were so many effing languages and why there couldn't just be one, but then my other friend, who's Spanish, mind you, was just like "SHUT UP" but in Spanish, so we all starting yelling and then our teacher walks in like "wtf is wrong with you children"


Language: English