

Ask @Hoshikuzu

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you can't burn water, silly! *looks at hoshi's cooking* wait..oh no.. You totally can burn water.. uh..

What can I say? I'm curs- gifted. I'm gifted. Was totally gonna say gifted.

How many times per day do you shower?

How many times per month do you shower?*
Like every other day totally -sweats-

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How did you feel when you woke up?

Pissed but also majorly surprised 'cause like, my mom comes in telling me that breakfast is ready, and when I look at the clock, it's only 9am. I didn't understand why anyone was awake period, let alone woke up early enough to make breakfast. I live with lunatics, I swear.
Liked by: Null and Lumi 42

Who did you inspire?

Like everyone who ever gets to know the real me.
What? You think I inspire them because I'm perfect?
-chuckles richly while slowly shading head-
No, I inspire them because they never want to turn out like me

This is a dumb question from an anon but seriously: are you, or are you not a narutard (my preferred Naruto slang) and if you are, where are you on the Richter scale, like you feel light tremors sometimes or you were ready to destroy buildings when you saw that Naruto ending. Cause I know I did.

I've been waiting centuries for someone to finally approach me about Naruto so I can just vent about the ending to someone w/o seeming like a douche, so tHank yOu. (And while I'm technically a member of the cs fanclub, I like never post because I didn't even rlly finish the series oops)
Anyway, yes, I'm a narutard. And not even in an otaku, "omg I love naruto" way, but in an "I literally adore this character and all s/he stands for" way. On the Richter scale, I would give myself a solid 10.9.
Now onto the Naruto ending - I'm assuming you're talking about the pairings? That seems to be what everyone is most unsatisfied with, and to be honest, I can agree. This show went on like fifteen fucking years with Naruto growing stronger and maturing and becoming just a damn better person, all the while chasing his rival and best friend, Sasuke, who also changes and grows. Fifteen years of this shit, and then when they finally have the final battle, their bond so clear and evident, it ends off with some half-assed pairings.
Okay, I'll admit, that's not fair. Sakura and Sasuke have definitely also been through some shit, and with their pasts as not only Team 7, but also friends, yeah, I guess I can see them happening eventually. But Hinata and Naruto? Really? I dunno about you, but they just sort of seemed dumped together because, of course, the protagonist needs to get the girl in the end, and Hinata has been his admirer since forever.
Like, I'm not trying to hate or anything, because I honestly really like Hinata's character and the strength she shows. Same goes for Sakura. But for Hinata, I just never really saw her and Naruto form the strong bond Naruto and Sakura, or even Naruto and Sasuke have. I'm sure some NaruHina moments happened towards the end of the show (she confesses her love in a battle, right?), but it's that fact that it took so long for her character to even really hold any importance that really upsets me.
No, that's not completely it, either. What really bothers me about the Naruto ending is the fact that if Naruto was a girl and Sasuke a boy, or Sasuke a girl and Naruto a boy, then they would have no-doubt been THE pairing of the entire show. I mean, fuck, an entire show representing strong friendships, the importance of bonds, and to follow your damn heart no matter what other people say, think, or believe, and then Naruto and Sasuke are just grouped off with the girls who deserve them most, because, of course, they need perfectly normal, heterosexual relationships.
-sighs- While I don't think I'll ever really agree with the relationships chosen, that doesn't mean I think Hinata and Naruto, or Sakura and Sasuke would /never/ work. No, I'm sure they could. But did the show really have to go and make the pairings official? I actually think I'd prefer if they'd simply left off after the final battle, either leaving the rest up to our imagination, or maybe having a short prologue with our two favorite ninja in the hospital, actual

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Liked by: Th@rrot

What's the most efficient way to wake someone up in the morning?

That depends on how deeply they sleep? Like, I wake up as soon as someone opens my door because dO NOT ENTER MY DOMAIN, but others may require a little shake?
However, a very inefficient/unappreciated way to wake someone up would be screaming at them or touching them or knocking on the fucking door and expecting them to get up and open it for you or oPENING THEIR WINDOW BLINDS LIKE WTF ARE YOU A DEMON
Liked by: 42

What was the last movie you watched?

Fargo, the one movie where 2/3 of the "main characters" die
And they have awesome accents so yes that's a definite plus

Do you sleep in the dark or with some light on?

Complete darkness. I am a creature of the night. I only bump into anything and everything when leaving my totally memorized room layout to scare others in the house with the thumps and cracks of my bones, not because I need to see or anything. This is all intentional, I assure you.
Liked by: 42 Null and Lumi

If you were city mayor, what changes would you make to your city?

Is this allowed to be a made-up city? Yes? Great.
- All streets would be yummy names.
- Snow days over like any amount of snow. (Please, like students /actually/ agree with that, "but then they'll take it off our summer vacation!" crap. A snow day is 4 times better than a measly vacation day, because snow days are considered procrastination days while vacation days are often spent sleeping in until 9 and then proceeding to do an impressive amount of nothing for the remaining hours)
- Tons of city-wise clubs for the stupidest of things, so binge-TV-show-watchers an anime fans and artists and musicians and everything can all get together and be nerds together.
- An animal shelter where one or two days every month is dedicated to people of the community just going in (but maybe have to pay a small entrance fee of like $5) and playing with the animals. This would not only make the cute pets feel aMAZING, and the people of the community feel aMAZING (therefor also boosting the chances of adoption), but also just remind the world that fuck it, life is short, stop stressing and start enjoying.

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How do you get in the pool?

Motherfricking jump, son. Aint none of that dip-yer-toe-in or slide-in-slowly shit goin down ova heya. You jump, you die inside, you adjust. Evolution. The Survivors. Next Generation.
Liked by: 42 Null and Lumi

What are your New Year's resolutions?

• keep those grades up
• seriously practice some different art styles
• lose some weight dammit
• go to bed earlier and wake up earlier
• finish what I start

What would your dying words be?

Dying words are usually your regrets, right? Well I have a ton of those.
Or are when you tell the people you love that you love them? Well, I have even more of those.
But, in all honesty, my dying words would probably be to remind my friends that it nEEDS to rain at my funeral. See, I love umbrellas, especially colorful and cute and weirdly shaped ones. So yeah, colorful umbrellas would be a requirement. But it needs to rain for that to happen, so I'd basically be reminding them to schedule accordingly, or for one to bring a hose so they can sprinkle. And maybe squirt my siblings "accidentally".

Would you rather have white hair or no hair?

You ask as if white hair is a bad thing?? White hair is hella cool ok

Do you sing in the shower? What kind of songs?

mostly screamos
tho that could be soap getting in my eyes
who knows, 'cause I naturally sing like i'm dying
#trustory #sobs #showergamestrong #nvmnope

How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?

like -3 i've been riding my bike since my legs learned to function goddamn


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