

Ask @Hoshikuzu

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Why do you talk in third peron? :B

"Because sometimes it makes me feel better, thinking that I'm important enough to have my life narrated," Hoshi explains vaguely. You're not convinced, but nod slowly nonetheless. "And I don't always do so, but sometimes."

What would you do if i poked you then hit you with a broom? c:

It depends on who 'you' are~
If you were a friend I'd probably say something awkward like "hurr, kinky" but if it was some random guy... I dunno, I'd probably like either "wtf?" or "STAHP BROOMS CREEP ME THE HELL OUT OH MY GAWD NO"

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What gift would you like to receive on the upcoming holidays?

a kiss from my lover <3333
no, i kid
id rather have a peppermint bark cookie or something

Would you date yourself if you were someone else?

uhm, it mattered what day, or in what state I was in.
like, I'd either be all 'omg love me, hot stuff <333' if I was out in public, looking normal;
or all 'omg get away from me you weirdo wtf is wrong with you' if we were alone and I tried to start up a casual conversation with [myself] on [my] favorite shows (obviouslygaypornomgthatssexy) and such
so, I dunno. It depends on what day, or what state I'm in.

If you had to live the rest of your life in a movie which one would you pick?

Naruto, definitely [thought that's kind of a series, but I think it still counts]

comfort food?

"Well, you know, I'd do the MANLY thing by filling up on /mac and cheese/ instead of ice cream and all that sweet stuff. Obviously." Hoshi's sweating with very shifty eyes.

What do you think was the best movie of the year?

"Gawd I haven't seen any movies lately, but i'm hella excited to go see Catching Fire which my entire grade's gonna check out on Thursday." Hoshi begins squealing like a girl, but for some reason it doesn't scare you as much as you would assume it would. It oddly suits him.
Okay, now /that/ thought was scary.

What would you do if you woke up as a girl? c:

"Jesus it's been like a week, lol." Yes, he just said lol out loud. "But if I woke up as a girl..." He pauses, stroking is nonexistent beard. "I'd probably check out how panties feel, notice how it feels to have breasts, maybe try on some cosmetics, attempt and fail at wearing high heels, call my friends all like 'omgomgomg guess who~' and totally scare the frick out of them- You know, normal stuff. <3" Yes, he just said <3 out loud.

What are some of the first things you do in the morning?

brush my teeth, have breakfast, get changed--the usual.
then I usually have like 20 extra minutes so i hop on my laptop to watch some anime (y'know, since I obviously have time)
then end up running to school late because I thought I had 5 minutes when I actual had 5 seconds. ;v;

Do you have posters on your wall?

Hoshi pauses in his 124592346738121981 twirl on the computer chair in thought. "There's only posters- What wall?"

hello ; v ;

icseal’s Profile Photoℐḉṧεαʟ
Hoshi pauses, pointing to himself in confusion for a moment. "Me?" he asks. You nod politely. "Holy-" he mutters before WHOOSH suddenly he's all up in your face with hugs and heavy breaths and wide eyes and is really creeping you the hell out. "Hi" He pants, pupils enlarged to such a degree that you swear you can see the universe.
You can tell Hoshi doesn't talk to people much.

What are the things you always take with you?

Money, gum/mints, tissues, keys, pen, and sometimes a small notepad if I'mw earing a jacked/sweatshirt that I can fit it in.

What type of people are you afraid of?

-cool people
-attractive people
-people who are too nice to me
-people who seem to want to get close to me
-... people

What is in your fridge?

"mostly useless shit," Hoshi shrugs. "But I'll go check anyway," he leans in, eyes twinkling as he gives you a sexy smirk "just~for~you" he whispers so huskily it could pull a bobsled. You blink in confusion, and within a second he's back in his computer chair, slouched like a bum and being normal again. Well... that was creepy. "Okay," he begins. "I had a few pickle jars, cheese, rancid milk, noodles/hair/something curly, and a few (7) tubs of ice cream."

Do you like being alone?

I get lonely pretty easily
o wait
unless I have something to do
then maybe i wouldn't mind


Language: English