
Nana Zaidi

Ask @NaaZydi

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I'm totally in despair right now until I have no will to live. What should I do?

Ask why you are still alive until now? What reason it is, always remember why you are still alive

Macam mana nak istiqomah dalam mencari Tuhan?

Tinggalkan benda yang awak rasa buat awak lupakan Tuhan :) even benda tu buat awak happy

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Macam mana nak bagi semangat dekat org yang tgh broken,dalam masa yang sama kau suka sbb dia dah tak couple and dah tak buat dosa tapi kau takut dia terasa kalau kau terus terang yg kau mmg suka dia dah break?

Berkata benar walaupun pahit tu lebih baik :)

Would you rather be with the crush of your dreams or have an infinite amount of your favourite food?


why do people have to care. cant they just mind their own business?

If no one care about you, and you die in your home, no one knows.. your corpse will be left alone, you will be forgotten.

Apa reaksi dan tindakan korang kalau best friend korang jatuh cinta dekat bf/gf org ?

Be rasional. Kalau dah jodoh dieorg nak buat mcm mana. Tapi who knows their jodoh kan. So pertahankan dulu but if she/he really ur jodoh, then in the end she/he is yours.


Language: English