
Nana Zaidi

Ask @NaaZydi

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lets go to Narnia. i'll pick u up in a mins. lol

woww. really? I would love to live there :D Animals can talk there. I want to be their friend!

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Do you think there is life on other planets?

Maybe.. creature at the other planets that live in different temperature.

Which is the place that you have always wanted to visit?

Something that would be beautiful and people doesnt know that place. A hidden place.

Are you the kind of person who wants to be the big fish in a little pond or the little fish in the big pond?

the little fish in the big pond. Little fish is cute and even it is small but still can survive.

If you had to pick one place in your town to bring a tourist, where would you go?

Waterfall. I like waterfall. And i'm sure the tourist will gonna like it too.

Where is the funniest place you have ever fallen asleep?

Uhmm.. I think in school. I fallen asleep when I was walking. HAHAHA that sounds weird.

If you could interview anyone, who would you pick?

Someone who had really messed life. Like uhm.. A person who is wanna kill himself cuz of something that he feels really uncomfortable. Idk how to say.


Aku tidur lepas subuh. Burst tgk drama korea tu lagi. Tepat kul 12 aku bangun sbb mak aku jerit suruh kejutkan aku. Muahahahha. Ohh, mkin tak mangat nk chat lah mcm ni

If you could have any car you wanted, what kind of car would you get?

Mr bean car. hahaha jk. Solar car is kinda good one.

so like i like this one guy but he likes my own best friend and what should i do?

Hmm. do you have a boyfriend? If me, I would let him to be happy with the bestfriend and just make him happy as a friend. Maybe there's a guy likes you. So better be with the guy that likes you.

cik nana xde pun .

Datuk Seri
awat tak bagi tahu awal2. haish. esok aku suruh ibu aku gi tempat post tu. okayyyyyy. text aku lah guna siapa2 punya phone. Senang sikit bagi tahu.

Would you choose money or fame?

I choose fame. A good fame. And that for sure i got a good carier in my life. So I got money too. Hahaha. but if i choose money, i got a fame too. Well both are kinda same.

If you had one wish, what would you wish for?

I want to have many wish. that's my wish. If you found a gennie try to ask that wish.


Language: English